
DeRozan: We've won some goals now, but we can't be complacent

DeRozan: We've won some goals now, but we can't be complacent

Live Bar Jan. 4 Bulls beat the Magic 102-98 today to get eight straight wins. After the game, DeRozan was interviewed.

Speaking about the team, DeRozan said: "We can't be complacent yet, it's something we've worked so hard to get, we can't take it for granted. We know our goal, which is to get stronger. ”

"Yes, we're winning some goals now, we're in a winning streak, but we can't be complacent."

In this campaign, DeRozan played 36 minutes, shooting 11 of 24 from the field, contributing 29 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 steal.

(Stride Meteor)

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