
Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

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China every year tens of millions of people in the purchase of electric vehicles, according to 2020 data, China's electric vehicle sales exceeded 40 million, and in the next 3 years, there are nearly 100 million over-standard electric vehicles will be about to end the transition period, electric vehicle sales will usher in a peak, as such a large consumer market, the middle of the service will inevitably have uneven situations, especially some businesses, will "tell the truth not all", or directly "tell lies" to sell electric vehicles.

Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

This is what we call, some sales routines, it exists in all walks of life, electric vehicles are also very common, then, electric vehicle sales process will be what routines? What are the "cats" of merchants, small connoisseurs share these things in the industry, reminding car owners who are ready to buy and replace.

Common First Routine: High-priced "Trade-in"

Because most of the electric vehicles are lead-acid batteries, therefore, it has a high reuse value, manufacturers will be lead-acid batteries for recycling, and the merchant is an important participant in the owner and manufacturers, in the streets and alleys of electric vehicle stores, basically can see the battery, electric vehicle "old for new" signboard, which itself is a "win-win" model, but in fact, it is also full of business "cat grease".

Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

Some electric vehicle merchants will carry out high-priced "old for new", and even give a third of the depreciation price of a new electric vehicle, which is very attractive, but as everyone knows, this is actually likely to be a routine, the depreciation price is all used in the price of the new car, so that you feel that you have earned, but in fact, "the wool is out of the sheep".

How to avoid: There is nothing wrong with participating in the choice of "old for new", but in order not to enter the routine, the car owner has an understanding of the basic depreciation price of the old electric vehicle, so as to avoid giving the price too low or too high, can avoid the routine, the following small connoisseur to introduce I am in Hefei, Anhui, the depreciation market of the old electric vehicle;

(1) 48-volt electric vehicle: If equipped with 12AH and 20AH batteries, the depreciation price of the whole vehicle is about 300 yuan-350 yuan;

(2), 60 volt electric vehicle: if equipped with 20AH, 32AH battery, the depreciation price of the whole vehicle is about 400 yuan-500 yuan;

(3), 72-volt electric vehicle: If equipped with 20AH, 32AH batteries, the depreciation price of the whole vehicle is about 600 yuan -800 yuan.

Common Second Routine: Promise "Lost Car Cover"

Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

Many merchants will play the "lost car package compensation" selling point, for the owner, after all, a few thousand yuan of vehicles, although lost will not cause unbearable losses, but also enough pain for a period of time, such a way of sales, indeed very attractive, but such a situation, in fact, it is difficult to cash, some netizens said that they encountered this situation, the result of the merchant ignored, then, why say this model, it is difficult to cash, there are mainly 2 reasons.

Reason 1: Now electric vehicles basically will not be lost in the whole vehicle, according to my understanding, this generally happens, most of them are the loss of batteries, rather than the loss of the whole vehicle, this situation is not in line with the merchant's "lost car compensation".

Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

Reason 2: In fact, the "lost car package compensation" is only the merchant in the sale of vehicles, after the electric vehicle price increase, for the owner of the insurance, and once the need to take insurance, the need for a variety of invoices, certificates of conformity, report records and other materials, very cumbersome and troublesome, often will only fail.

How to avoid: Relatively speaking, some first-line big brands will pay more attention to customer service, if you want to better get the "lost car deductible", try to choose an electric car store or a direct store, so that they will be more responsible after-sales.

Common Third Routine: Quality "Shoddy"

Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

This is the small connoisseur believes that the most "unethical" sales behavior, electric vehicles actually do not belong to the "profiteering" industry, the sale of a regular vehicle, there are only a few hundred yuan or so of profits, there are a small number of businesses, in order to maximize the interests, the use of "shoddy" to sell cars.

How to avoid: The common "shoddy charge" mainly has 2 ways, the first is to use a refurbished battery to replace the original new battery, the second is to use a low-quality, inferior or counterfeit brand of electric vehicles, small connoisseurs tell the identification of these defective tips.

(1), for the battery to identify, the owner can see whether there are sanding marks through the appearance of the battery, whether the battery wiring has wear marks, and can also query the authenticity and production date through the anti-counterfeiting code of the battery to quickly identify.

(2), for the identification of electric vehicles, brand electric vehicles in the whole vehicle can see the parts, will have a brand logo, this point is not counterfeit, in addition, if it is a refurbished vehicle, it is possible to see its production date through the frame number, see if it can be on the number, to achieve the purpose of rapid identification.

Common 4th routine: electric vehicle "free to send"

Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

The pie in the world is generally a routine, which many people understand, and some merchants, will indeed launch a "free delivery" method, common including charging charges "send electric vehicles", financial services "send electric vehicles", but actually take the computer to calculate carefully, these contract models, than direct car purchase, will be a lot more expensive, live a business "routine".

How to avoid: In fact, electric vehicles are not too expensive means of transportation, try not to covet cheap, feel that there is a "free" beautiful thing, do not choose their own unfamiliar "financial services", can do these, will not be in the merchant's "free to send" routine.

Common 5th Routine: Endurance "Exaggerates the Facts"

Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

Have you found one thing, now electric vehicles can run more and more, the previous electric vehicles are generally only 30-50 kilometers, now electric vehicle publicity, less than 100 kilometers are embarrassed to advertise, this situation, the first is due to the current electric vehicle technology in progress, the second is due to the current business more and more dare to "say".

When the merchant says how much battery life, it will generally use a very small explanation below, which is the theoretical data on what temperature conditions and how much uniform speed is achieved, and in fact, the data that the owner buys back and measures, compared with these theoretical data, there will be a "serious shrinkage".

In addition, some merchants deliberately use "inside" to mark when they are promoting, and when they are accustomed to "kilometers", it is easy to subconsciously think that it is "kilometers", which are the exaggerated endurance routines used by merchants.

Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

How to avoid: For some exaggerated situations, as long as you keep questioning, then, how to distinguish whether the vehicle's endurance is exaggerated, in fact, you can judge the theoretical endurance according to the battery voltage and capacity, and then discount the theoretical endurance in the case of theoretical endurance, basically the real endurance of the vehicle, if the business claims that the endurance is far greater than this value, then there is no credibility.

(1) 48-volt electric vehicle, if the vehicle is equipped with a 12AH battery, the theoretical endurance is about 36 kilometers, and the theoretical endurance is about 60 kilometers.

(2), 60 volt electric vehicle, if equipped with a 20AH battery, the theoretical endurance is about 65 kilometers, equipped with a 32AH capacity battery, the theoretical endurance is about 90 kilometers.

(3), 72-volt electric vehicle, if equipped with a 20AH battery, the theoretical endurance is about 75 kilometers, and the theoretical endurance of 32AH batteries is about 100 kilometers.

Attention owners! Buy an electric car to avoid 5 kinds of business routines, some exaggerated, some difficult to cash

Small connoisseur summary: The above is about the sale of electric vehicles, the merchants will exist in the 5 routines, some are exaggerated facts or deliberately conceal the fact of the situation, such as battery life, old for new, free delivery, some are difficult to cash, such as lost car compensation, and even there is a very bad "shoddy" behavior, of course, although most dealers are honest and trustworthy in the operation, but inevitably there will be a small number of merchants have these behaviors, small connoisseurs remind everyone, in the car selection to polish the eyes, do not enter the business ready" Routine".

Have you ever encountered the routines of these merchants? Welcome to comment and exchange, pay attention to electric vehicle experts, and share electric vehicle related information and views every day.

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