
The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

Mentioning "Ultraman" will give people a feeling of "childishness", but watching "Ultraman" in one episode, especially today's "Ultraman", the plot seems to be not so childish, but why does it still give people a taste of works that are not seen by adults? And listen to the contemptible analysis.

First of all, it should be emphasized that "childish" and "children's works" are not synonymous, and works for children can be less childish, such as "Gundam G Restoration" in the mouth of Yuki Tomino.

Speaking of the plot of "Ultraman", now, the contempt is divided into two parts.

Part of it is the human drama of the MAIN TV line, that is, mainly human stories, such as "Zeta Ultraman", Ultraman is responsible for the combat part, human growth is the real main line, of course, occasionally involving the story of Ultraman itself.

There is also a main line, that is, simply telling the story of Ultraman in the land of light, this main line probably began to unfold from "Cyro Ultraman", no, farther can be said to be "Ultra Story" such an ancient work, to describe Ultraman's society, life as the main line.

The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

The two routes have very different styles.

In the case of human dramas, it can actually be said to be "Japanese dramas with special shooting elements". In ancient times, the taste of special shooting was very strong, emphasizing the "monster retreat", and then humans could not repel the monster, Ultraman appeared to defeat the monster, Ultraman was like a savior, unable to surpass.

The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

And by the time of "Ob Ultraman", the whole story style has not been so biased towards close-up, not paying attention to the method of monster retreat, nor paying attention to the setting, it does look more like an ordinary Japanese drama, but adding ultraman and close-up elements. And Obu Ultraman is also a more pure messenger of justice, with a stronger taste of heroism.

The problem is not with these kinds of works.

The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

The problem lies in the earlier "Ultraman", that is, the plot of "Monster Retreat". Retreating monsters, to be precise, is a matter related to the fate of mankind, and the defense organization of the earth picks out the elite of the human elite, but the tactics and tactics of the retreat monsters are often not strictly handled, like "Ace Ultraman", the premise of dealing with the super beasts is that the ordinary defense army is completely destroyed, the TAC team appears as an elite unit, but for the treatment of monsters, there are often low-level contradictions between the members of the team, often "I see" and "I don't believe", such a quarrel dispute. And see or not to see, how can this kind of verbal discourse be used as a standard for performing tasks or not, at least a meeting should be held to make a resolution, or 2 countermeasures to deal with different situations, this kind of plot that even primary school students can understand, but use a more simple and rude way to cover the past, advance the plot, so that the protagonist Beidou appears simple and rude, which is indeed very clumsy compared with the script of the next generation of "Ultraman". Adults will indeed evaluate it as "childish" when they see it.

The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

The other line, in itself, allows me to see the completely different plot development direction of the "Ultraman" series, that is, the protagonist only depicts Ultraman, without human participation, similar to the theatrical versions of "Cyro Ultraman", telling the feud between Beria and the Land of Light, expanding and supplementing a lot of settings and worldviews about "Ultraman", such as how Ultraman came from, where to obtain superhuman-like powers, and so on. The plot that complements the worldview and setting in this way is very interesting, but the official is still not detailed enough.

The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

That is, the lack of political portrayal.

So far, it can be seen that the Ultraman worldview is very grand, there are different races (Red, Blue, Silver, etc.), there are different class divisions, and each appearance will appear to be huge, compared to the Showa era ultraman can be said to be a very detailed supplement.

And in the vast galaxy, Ultraman should also be a very famous, powerful, and ethnically large family, with such a large worldview, depicting Ultraman's internal contradictions (Beria), and then becoming Cyro's personal heroism, this more old-fashioned theme, so that it is easier to cater to the tastes of children. This in itself is no problem, but the new plot appears that there is no enemy of the Ultraman race at all, the ultimate life form, the Absolut clan

The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

The reason why this race is extremely powerful is actually very similar to the secret of Ultraman's strength, and it has evolved into a new race through the illumination of a special energy beam similar to the Spark Tower, so it is very powerful, but they have done the evil deeds of stealing Ultraman's princess...

If it was Beria who stole Julian, I think it would be okay, a person of another race to rob the princess of the Otter Star, it is said to be an international event, it should alarm the whole galaxy... Yes, yes, the plot depicts other races to help, such as the Galactic Rescue Team, but... Only 2 people were sent, and one of the 2 people was Ultraman... This is more shabby.

Logically, the Ultraman race is a superhuman race with extraordinary status and boundless mana in the galaxy, enough to easily bury all kinds of powerful monsters (fights are solved within 3 minutes, and all kinds of bosses have been abused), and it is not a terrible thing that the princess of such a country is robbed... As a result, Ao Father Zoffi and other leaders held a small meeting and were ready to solve this matter internally... And the absence of depictions of other races and political forces is a waste of ultraman's current huge worldview...

The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

In fact, as early as the era of "Tyro Ultraman", the "Otter Bell" was added to strengthen the historical setting of the Land of Light and make sufficient preparations for expanding the Ultraman world view, but the plot itself focuses on laughter and attracts children, which is actually not incomprehensible.

But since I have expanded my worldview, I think we should add more political descriptions to this aspect, as long as the writing is more superficial, I think that children will not resist. Again, "the content for the child" and "childish" are not equivalent, and the content for the child can be written in depth.

Or in other words, isn't it better to expand the complex worldview in order to make the plot easier and more in-depth, otherwise it is not good to write simpler?

The pattern of "Ultraman" is still small

Hideaki Anno is a full special cameraman, he is going to produce a self-made "Ultraman" in 2022, watching the trailer, there is a kind of depressing and full of conspiracy flavor. The style is clearly more adult, rather than the monster retreat route in the ancient "Ultraman", and it looks like "a movie, not a child-oriented TV series". I don't know if his "Ultraman" can change people's "childish" comments about "Ultraman".

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