
The founding major general traveled to save money, only staying in 6 rooms, and the county armed forces minister slept in a single room upstairs

Among the founding generals, it is difficult to say who ranks first, but if you say who is the most "cutting the door", there is a recognized founding major general, who is known for his diligence and thrift, and many comrades-in-arms joke that he "cuts the door" and breaks a penny into two halves.

The founding major general traveled to save money, only staying in 6 rooms, and the county armed forces minister slept in a single room upstairs

The founding major general of this "door-slamming" was Zhu Jiasheng, a native of Lianhua County, Jiangxi, who was promoted to major general in 1961 when General Zhu Jiasheng conferred the title of colonel in 1955, and until 1965, a total of 562 major generals were promoted.

These generals were all promoted after the first implementation of the rank system, so they were called "founding major generals", and Major General Zhu Jiasheng was also one of them, he had experienced the Long March, and almost died in the middle of the road, that is, when crossing the snowy mountains, the weather was cold, he also had altitude sickness.

At that time, he was the technical secretary of the Political Department of the Model Division, and altitude sickness made him eager to take a break, but the superiors had strict military orders, strictly forbidding soldiers to sit down and rest, and Zhu Jiasheng, who was very uncomfortable physically, was a little unhappy, and when he saw a soldier next to him resting with a sheet, he asked, "Why can he sleep?" ”

But when he opened the single look at the quilt, he knew that the lying warrior had been sacrificed, and he must not sit down when walking on the snowy mountain, because it was difficult to get up again after sitting down, and in the difficult march, one of the warriors next to him suddenly fainted and fell into a snow nest, and he rushed to pull.

As a result, he himself fell into it, thanks to a porter who saved them, it was very difficult not to die, and the number of life and death experienced was more, and he did not care about life and death, nor did he care about the level of the rank and position, and only wanted to be able to make a little more contribution to the people.

The founding major general traveled to save money, only staying in 6 rooms, and the county armed forces minister slept in a single room upstairs

After the founding of New China, he worked in the troops stationed in Xinjiang for more than 30 years, no matter how difficult the conditions, he was willing to eat, in order to save money, he reclaimed the open space around his house, planted vegetables, Zhu Jiasheng especially loved to eat pumpkins, for this he has a saying.

He said that in Jinggangshan, he loved to eat pumpkins, pumpkins are all treasures, pumpkins can be eaten as rice, pumpkin leaves and pumpkin vines can be fried as vegetables, not wasted at all, over the years Zhu Jiasheng has developed a good habit of thrift and thrift, even if the conditions are good, he is not willing to waste at all.

Once he went on a business trip to Hunan, when his daughter was in Guangzhou, Guangzhou, the guangzhou military region, the leader of the same colleague advised him to go to see his daughter by the way, after all, it was not easy to come out of the frontier to see his daughter hugging his grandson, but he did not expect Zhu Jiasheng to refuse, he said: "I am not here to visit relatives, and I cannot waste the money of the organization." ”

Another time he went to a county in Yunnan to do business, and it was already late at night in the county, so he found the guest house of the county people's armed forces department and opened a room for 6 people, and everyone could squeeze together, in fact, according to Zhu Jiasheng's level treatment, he could sleep in a single room.

In order to save money, he chose to live in 6 people's rooms, and the next day the county armed forces department learned that there was a big leader from the guest house, and the county armed minister lived in the single room upstairs, the minister was a little ashamed, and rushed to find General Zhu Jiasheng, but the general had already left early in the morning.

The founding major general traveled to save money, only staying in 6 rooms, and the county armed forces minister slept in a single room upstairs

Zhu Jiasheng was diligent and thrifty all his life, he donated part of the money he saved together with his salary to his hometown to support construction, and part of it to the Hope Project, and he was very generous in terms of donations, General Zhu Jiasheng died of illness on August 3, 2007, at the age of 93.

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