
Zhu Yuanzhang was called empress, and the second brother Zhu Zhongliu, who had been dependent on him since childhood, what was the final outcome?

When a family involves imperial power, the kinship that blood is thicker than water seems to fade. People often say that "ruthlessness is the most imperial family", and those who fight for the throne feel that the palace is too cold and weak, and there is no emotion to speak of. The change of Xuanwumen in the Tang Dynasty, the seizure of the nine sons of the Qing Dynasty, and the tragedy caused by the influence of one power after another, many times people could not believe that it was a matter that existed between the family.

Zhu Yuanzhang was called empress, and the second brother Zhu Zhongliu, who had been dependent on him since childhood, what was the final outcome?

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang has always been a controversial emperor. Some people believe that he has courage and strategy, and after the establishment of the dynasty, he is even more guotai and min'an, which can be called the Ming Emperor. But others said that he was decisive in killing and fierce toward the founding heroes, so what feelings did such an emperor have?

This dispute is indeed reasonable, but it does not directly summarize the whole person's perception of feelings. Zhu Yuanzhang was born in 1328 in Zhongli, Haozhou (Fengyang, Anhui), and lived in extreme poverty since childhood. Although Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, was born in Shijing, he was far better off than this condition.

Zhu Yuanzhang was called empress, and the second brother Zhu Zhongliu, who had been dependent on him since childhood, what was the final outcome?

In that era, the tyranny of the late Yuan Dynasty had long plunged the people into water and fire, and coupled with the discrimination against the Han people, it was basically difficult to have a full meal. The young Zhu Yuanzhang grew up in this environment, had no money to enter the school, and could only herd cattle for others to barely subsidize the family. But life did not stop twisting and turning, and in 1343, a drought combined with a plague directly took away his family. Since then, only the second brother Zhu Zhongliu has taken care of him, and the two have relied on each other for their lives.

But even this kind of day Zhu Yuanzhang could not enjoy for too long, with the emergence of wars in various places, in the rush to survive, he and his second brother were separated. Desperate, he first left the family at Huangjue Temple, and by 1353 joined the Red Turban Army, embarking on a military career of uprising. Since then, she has slowly gained fame and improved her life by virtue of her exploits in the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, but his second brother has never been traced.

Zhu Yuanzhang was called empress, and the second brother Zhu Zhongliu, who had been dependent on him since childhood, what was the final outcome?

So what is the end of Zhu Zhongliu? To this end, Zhu Yuanzhang also returned to his hometown for a conscription, but he did not get any news from his brother. In desperation, he can only continue to work hard for his career, until one day he can take his family to enjoy the blessings and no longer endure the painful life.

And just when Zhu Yuanzhang led a large army to take Chuzhou, he unexpectedly met his brother-in-law Li Zhen and nephew Zhu Wenzheng who had come to defect. The joy of being reunited with his family in the midst of turmoil filled his heart, but before he could celebrate, another bad news came. It turned out that shortly before he returned to his hometown with the Red Turban Army to recruit soldiers, his second brother Zhu Zhongliu and his sister had already passed away. He himself yearns for family affection, and in this miss that can be called a passing shoulder, he instantly fell into sadness.

Zhu Yuanzhang was called empress, and the second brother Zhu Zhongliu, who had been dependent on him since childhood, what was the final outcome?

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang already had a good influence, and his fame and financial resources were no longer what they used to be. But at that time, he did not think too much about the world, but more of a desire to save his family from water and fire. After everything became empty, he also began his own great cause, breaking Chen Youyi in 1363, destroying Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen in 1367, and finally establishing his own Ming Dynasty in 1368.

Although zhu Yuanzhang became suspicious and fierce after the influence of imperial power, he still retained this love for his family in his heart. All his relatives were posthumously honored by him, and the second brother, King Xuyi, was given the name Zhu Xingsheng. Even when it came time for him to get rid of the heroes, he did not kill his nephew who might endanger the throne.

Zhu Yuanzhang was called empress, and the second brother Zhu Zhongliu, who had been dependent on him since childhood, what was the final outcome?

Indeed, under the influence of the power within the palace, it had long since become impure. Although the most sincere family affection is already difficult to find, it is real. It is said that "the companion is like a companion of the tiger", and the emperor is ruthless, but have you ever thought that he is a living person like us? Feelings can be suppressed, but they cannot be stifled, but the royal family may be doomed to tragedy.

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