
6 kinds of beautiful flowers with "gold", high value and good maintenance, meaning auspicious blossoms and festive flowers

author:Let's pet the flowers

6 kinds of beautiful flowers with "gold", high value and good maintenance, meaning auspicious blossoms and festive flowers

Now many flower friends like to raise some flowers and grass to beautify the environment, of course, raising flowers is not only just for good looks, many flower friends also pay attention to a good omen, they like to mean beautiful flowers. Generally festive and auspicious flowers are more popular with everyone, today Xiaobian will share with you several kinds of good-looking and good-looking, and with their own "gold" flowers, suitable for novice flower friends, friends who like to raise flowers to take a look.

1. Golden Phoenix

6 kinds of beautiful flowers with "gold", high value and good maintenance, meaning auspicious blossoms and festive flowers

This kind of flower, some flower friends feel noble, meaning auspicious, but some flower friends feel a little rustic, in fact, the golden phoenix is very good-looking, the flower is also a bunch of strings, the flower bud is relatively long, it looks really like a phoenix, the golden phoenix likes a warm environment, the more sun blossoms will be the better.

2. Dry lotus

6 kinds of beautiful flowers with "gold", high value and good maintenance, meaning auspicious blossoms and festive flowers

Speaking of dry lotus, everyone should be very familiar, the leaves are oily green, or a kind of vine flower, can open a wall, the flower is like a small trumpet, the flower color is rich, Xiaobian's favorite is orange yellow, it looks very warm.

The flowering period of the dry golden lotus is very long, generally can bloom for half a year, like a warm environment, in addition to the hot summer needs proper shade, other times it is best to bask in the sun, there is sufficient light for the growth of the dry golden lotus is very helpful.

3. Kumquat

6 kinds of beautiful flowers with "gold", high value and good maintenance, meaning auspicious blossoms and festive flowers

In autumn and winter, many flower lovers like to raise a kumquat, the leaves are oily green, the fruit is very cute, and it looks festive. After growing fruit, it is also very good to use it to soak water and drink. There is no skill in maintaining kumquats, as long as you bask in the sun and supplement some compound fertilizer regularly, the plant growth will get better and better.

4. Hang the golden bell upside down

6 kinds of beautiful flowers with "gold", high value and good maintenance, meaning auspicious blossoms and festive flowers

The upside-down admiralty is also a popular flower, and the upside-down admiralty flowers are rich in varieties, and the flowers are like small lanterns. Taxable amount is rich, but also hanging up maintenance, very sun-resistant, vigorous growth, pay attention not to exposure, afraid of high temperatures, in the autumn more ventilation, flowering stubble after stubble.

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True heart flowers / potted four seasons flowering / upside down admiralty all varieties collection / hanging bell begonia seedlings / lantern seedlings ¥5 purchase

5. Snapdragon

6 kinds of beautiful flowers with "gold", high value and good maintenance, meaning auspicious blossoms and festive flowers

Snapdragon light listen to the name also think that it is a leaf plant, in fact, snapdragon flowering is very beautiful, the same is also a bunch of flowers, flowers are like small goldfish, very cute and lively, very hardy, in the winter can also be planted, but more afraid of heat, so in the summer you need to do a good job of shade cooling measures.

6. Golden dew flower

6 kinds of beautiful flowers with "gold", high value and good maintenance, meaning auspicious blossoms and festive flowers

This kind of flower does not know whether flower lovers have raised it? Very beautiful, the leaves are emerald green, a flower stem can bloom dozens of flowers, a bunch of bunches, looks very good- The flowers are velvet purple, and there is white lace lace, which looks really beautiful. After flowering, there is a faint fragrance that feels like chocolate.

Golden dew flowers like a warm environment, winter need to do a good job of warm measures, more sun, is conducive to the differentiation of flower buds, flowering will be better. After each flower fails, the flower arrow is cut off directly, and some compound fertilizer is added, and soon it can bloom again.

Lace Gold Dew Flower Potted Flowers Purple Gold Dew Taiwan Forsythia Evergreen Shrub Strong Fragrance Plant With Potted Good ¥23.6 Purchase

Today Xiaobian will share with you these kinds of good-looking and good-looking flowers, the ornamental value is extremely high, very suitable for novice flower friends to plant, the most important thing is that there is a beautiful meaning, friends who like to raise flowers can try, have you raised several?

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