
The writing style of the early Warring States period of half two coins

Before you shared how to judge by weight and text, the Warring States half two dollars early, medium and late three periods, today I want to talk to you about the two more popular varieties in the early Warring States half two dollars, but also the price of relatively high varieties.

The writing style of the early Warring States period of half two coins

The first category is the coarse enlarged word class, we look at the coin in the picture, the biggest feature of the coarse enlarged word class is that the pen body is relatively thick, and there is a high mouth, this kind of half two dollars gives people the intuitive feeling of being very rough and domineering.

The writing style of the early Warring States period of half two coins

The second category is the ancient clumsy text class, let's take a look at the picture of this half two, the biggest feature of the ancient humble text class is that the text is very arbitrary, simple and ethereal, and varied.

The writing style of the early Warring States period of half two coins

Through the sharing of these two types of half two dollar text characteristics, mainly so that everyone can intuitively understand, the style of writing on the early half two dollar value of an impact, later I will share with you several other influences, warring states early half two money value factors, if you have different views or opinions, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share, like my sharing remember to pay a little attention.

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