
Cantonese cooking knowledge

author:Xiangxi small bean bun

Cantonese cuisine is composed of Guangzhou cuisine, Chaozhou cuisine and Dongjiang cuisine, and its basic characteristics are exquisite seasoning, fine knife workmanship, light taste, fresh, sweet and rich in ingredients. Summer and autumn: light, spring and winter: rich.

Cantonese cooking knowledge

The basic cooking methods of Cantonese cuisine can generally be divided into: stir-frying, frying, frying, stewing, buckle, fire bending, baking, soaking, burning, grilling, dipping, braising, Sichuan, rolling, stewing, potting, steaming, fire leaning, frying, boiling, boiling, brine and mixing in cold dishes.

Where the need for hot food dishes must be hot, only hot to eat, its aroma can play, the pot gas does not disappear, if it is cold, not only is it not delicious, and the color, shape have faded, due to the strength of the fire of various cooking methods, how much oil is used, feeding successively, the operation speed is also different, the change is larger, but no matter how it changes, it is inseparable from the basic cooking method, with basic cooking knowledge, you can operate freely in production.

Cantonese cooking knowledge

1. Stir-fry

Stir-frying is to first heat the pan under the oil, when the oil temperature is appropriate, only under the raw materials, the frying time can not be too long, only cooked (this depends on a variety of different fire resistance and heat degree), and it is advisable to use the bowl (the head should be accurate) in order to make a dish with excellent aroma and good taste.

For example: "celery fried tape", first of all, the celery with salt to fry, pour up the filter water, and then the submerged tape with large hot water soaked to about eight mature, filter out the water, and then burn the oil under the pot, when the oil temperature is appropriate, the tape will be soaked to nine ripe, fish up the filter oil, the feeding head, the celery tape fried to moderate, and finally process the bowl and stir-fry well, you can serve.

Soft stir-fry: fresh and soft and smooth Raw stir-fry: no need to wave water, crisp

Cooked stir-fry: The raw material is hot soaked in oil: the vegetable is fried after oil.

2. Fry

Frying is to transfer heat in oil, so that the thing from raw to cooked, therefore, frying with more oil than frying, but there are the highest points, can not be on the noodles, frying has dry frying, wet frying, frying sealed, semi-fried points.

Dry frying: For example, "chestnut fried fish cake", wet first use a martial fire, cook the pot to moderate, pour in the appropriate amount of oil, when the oil temperature is suitable, put in the pre-made fish cake, fry over low heat until both sides are golden brown and cooked thoroughly. Highlight the burnt aroma.

Wet frying: For example, "eggplant sauce fried pork chop", is to use a samurai fire to fry the oil, put the pork chop in the pot, fry until both sides are golden brown, pour up, and then add the head, add two soups, eggplant juice, flavor, and then pour in the pork chop, add the mustard powder, and evenly put on the plate. Require fragrance and keep the raw materials.

Frying seal: For example, "frying and sealing warehouse fish", is to first use a martial fire to start the pot, the warehouse fish (first marinated with soy sauce), fry over low heat until both sides are golden brown and cooked thoroughly, pour up, then add the head, praise the wine, and then put in the fried warehouse fish, pour in the prepared frying seal juice, cook slightly, put in sesame oil on the plate. Let it taste with seasoning and fry again.

Frying: More oil, mainly frying.

3. Fry

The amount of oil fried must be more, when the pan is cooked, the oil is more than many times the raw materials, most of the fried food, the oil temperature is higher when the pan is lower, so that the fried food is crisp. There are several kinds of fried, crispy, crispy and so on.

Crispy frying: For example, "crispy fried oysters" are first used to burn the oil with a martial fire, mix the "flying" water and pickled oysters with egg powder, and fry them in a frying pan until golden brown.

Crispy frying: For example, "fried crispy milk", when the oil is boiled to the appropriate time, the crispy milk with crispy ginger powder is put into the oil pan and fried until golden brown.

Crispy fried: For example, "crispy fried pigeon", is to use a fire to burn the oil, the skin of the pigeon that has been mixed with maltose and Zhejiang vinegar on the skin water, carried with a fence, with a low fire to burn the oil, first poured into the inner cavity of the pigeon several times, and then with boiling oil to pour the pigeon skin, until the big red is ready.

4. Simmer

There are two methods of stewing, first fry and then stew and then directly stew. First fried and then stewed is more fragrant, direct stewing is to maintain the umami taste of raw materials, each has its own strengths, depending on the raw materials. Nowadays, it is popular in the market to take the former. The stew is made on the pot, and the sauce should be more, depending on the variety of materials. Stew is also divided into raw stew and red stew.

Raw stew: For example, "raw stewed spotted brisket", is to first use a martial fire to burn the pot under the oil, the marinated and thinly powdered panned belly soaked in oil, after removing the oil, use the fire to start the pot, put in the head, praise the wine, add two soups and seasonings (flavor powder, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, fine salt, sugar, pepper, oyster sauce, etc.), pour into the spotted brisket, simmer, and then hook the sauce to make it.

Red stew: For example, "red braised spotted belly", the preparation method is the same as raw stew, but the red stew on the powder should be thicker, and first use egg syrup and then powder, fry for a longer time, to fry until golden brown, pour up, and then the head and two soups and seasonings, and then pour into the fried head and stew, and finally hook the color to make it. (Red Mustard)

5. Buckle

Buckle is the raw material into half of the product by hand into a certain shape, arranged in the vessel according to the requirements, into the steamer stew, but pay attention to the nature of the material, size, degree of fire, to grasp the time of the heat, stew until enough, you can take out the raw materials, only placed on the nest or dish, pour out the original juice, beat the mustard on the surface to make.

For example, "raw buckle Mandarin Duck Chicken" is to arrange the flavored chicken pieces and ingredients in a large bowl in a layered manner, add the flavor ingredients and an appropriate amount of soup, put it in the steamer to steam until moderate, take out the poured soup, cover the dish, and use the original soup to pour on the noodles.

6. Fire bending

Fire bend has two kinds of tile fire bending and pot fire bending, tile, there is "" juice (without adding mustard powder) has the characteristics of fragrant and slippery, the pot on the fire bending work quickly, more juice, to add mustard powder.

For example, the "tile fire qu water fish", is to wash the water fish first, use boiling water to "fly" to remove the blood stain, add raw soy sauce to mix the meat, add starch, slightly fry the oil with boiling oil, put the ingredients and water fish into the pot to fry incense, add a soup, after the MSG is rolled up, switch to the tile to fire the fire, and finally add sesame oil. (There is no need to beat the mustard, because the fire has been bent for a long time, and the water fish has been thinly powdered, so there is a tapestry sauce).)

For example, the "Double Winter Fire Pigeon" is to smear the pigeon with raw soy sauce, use the fire to fry the pigeon until golden brown, fish it up, pour off the oil, fry the spice head and ingredients, add the second soup, flavor, put in the pigeon, heat it over low heat, pick up the chopping pieces, and then use the original juice, add the powder, and then push it well and drizzle it on the noodles. Fire braised mustard is roughly the same as red braised mustard.

7. Baking

Baking is to take the original taste of its material, the juice is small and fragrant, for example, "on the soup baked lobster" is first washed and chopped lobster with a little corn starch fishing, heated in a pot of fire, until the oil temperature is appropriate, pour in the lobster slightly fried, remove the oil, and then fry the spice head, pour in the lobster, praise the wine, add the soup, flavor, cover with Wenwu fire to bake, and then add the powder and a little tail wine to serve.

8. Bubbles

There are two kinds of bubbles, one is oil bubbles and the other is soup bubbles. The two methods of operation and seasoning are different, but they are both pure meat, and they are basically refreshing and crispy to eat.

For example, the oil bubble "oil bubble fresh tape", is first used to boil the pot under the oil, stir the pot, and then put in the clear oil, soak the tape in oil over low heat, remove the oil, and then use the fire to start the pot, add the material head to stir-fry, and then add the tape, beat the bowl and stir-fry.

For example, the "soup bubble belly tip" is to soak the changed belly tip with soup water until it is eight ripe. Then use the fire to boil the oil, put in the belly tip of the wine slightly flattened, pick up, put into the pot and bowl of coriander and green onion, then boil the soup, pour the soup into the pot or bowl and serve.

9. Burning

Burning is to take the original taste of its material, no juice, no mustard, especially fresh and crisp, such as "white burning snail" is first put in the oil with a martial fire to start the pot, put in ginger, green onion stir-fry, praise wine and soup, roll after removing ginger and onion, and then put in the screw, burn until eight ripe to pick up, and then use the fire to put the screw, Zanshao wine mixed well. Where the "burning" of the fire, must be fierce, in order not to lose the original taste of the material (because only the fire is fierce, can shorten the burning time)

10. Grill

The cooking method of grilling is relatively simple, and the main ingredients are mostly fried first and then leaned on the fire, beaten with the original juice, and drizzled on the dishes. For example, "Yaozhu Grilled Melon Pu" is to first change the good melon pu pull oil, use two soups to season the fire, and then arrange it on the plate, use half of the original juice and half of the soup to add YaoZhu, and drizzle on the melon noodles.

11. Immersion

All soaked foods have the characteristics of smooth and fresh sweetness. The immersion method should use civil and military fire. It is divided into oil, water and soup.

Oil soaked such as "oil soaked bamboo shoot shell fish", first use a fire to burn the oil, when the oil temperature is appropriate, the fish is soaked in a low heat, take it up and put it in the dish, and then put it into the dish, and then put the shallots, coriander, drizzle a little hot oil, add the flavored fish soy sauce to make it.

Water immersion such as "salt water soaking vegetables far", that is, the dish is first soaked in boiling water and an appropriate amount of oil, and the seasoning can be served, that is, to maintain the original taste of the dish.

Soup soaking is like "elbow soup soaked in jinbai", that is, the jinbai is processed, placed in a container, poured into the flavorful elbow soup, and then boiled on the stove to serve.

Oil immersion can remove the peculiar smell of food; water immersion not only maintains the original taste of raw materials; soup immersion is salt and the aroma of food, each has its own advantages. The immersion method can be used for fresh fish processing, etc. Steamed fish preserves the umami taste of the fish. Water-soaked fish, that is, meat is smoother than steaming, each has its own advantages.

12、 Stew

Braised soup is a soup with red stew and 100 boils.

Red stew such as "Filipino duck silk soup", that is, the material "fly", and then add soup to taste, and then add the "fly" over the water material, color grading can be on the stage. Hook red mustard.

White braised soup such as "winter mushroom Yao pillar soup" that is, the pot is boiled soup, add the processed winter mushroom, Yao pillar, no color. white.

13. Chuan

Sichuan is a Sichuan soup, the Sichuan soup method and the Sichuan bubble method are basically the same, (but there is a Sichuan soup), the soup water of the Fanchuan soup should be clear and not turbid. For example, "Sichuan fish fillet" is to first boil the ingredients (such as CaiYuan) with water and a little raw oil, arrange them at the bottom of the bowl, and then mix the fish fillets with corn starch and flavor ingredients, and then take the soup "fly" and put it on the ingredients in the bowl, and then cook the soup under the pot, roll it to taste, and pour it into the bowl.

14. Roll

Boiling soup and boiling soup are more soup than material, but the time of boiling soup is long, the time of boiling soup is short, and there are two kinds of general boiling soup, one is fried (soup or milk white), and the other is clear rolling (soup style light)

For example, "fish head tofu soup" is first boiled over a low flame, fried thoroughly, praised wine, added salt, added soup and ingredients, seasoned, covered and rolled until milky white, and then added an appropriate amount of pepper.

For example, "Caiyuan Meat Slice Soup" is to first boil the soup over a low flame and add the ingredients, then add the marinated meat slices, roll, season, and remove the foam.

15. Simmer

"Simmering" is a cooking method that is consistent with "rolling", where "simmering" is first boiled with water, and then simmered with two soups, the role of rolling, when adding the aroma and umami of food.

For example, "simmered sea cucumber" is to first boil the soaked sea cucumber in water to remove the fishy smell and ash taste. Then use a martial fire to put the oil, add ginger and shallots, rice wine, stir-fry, add the second soup, season, add the sea cucumber and roll until appropriate.

16. Stew

Stew is mostly stewed or stewed with medicinal herbs, the main ingredient should first use boiling water to "fly" to remove the blood stains, and then wash and put into the stew cup, add the washed ingredients, adjust the taste, put into the steaming and frying, and stew at the right time with the fire.

For example, "Tianqi stewed bamboo silk chicken", is to first "fly" the bamboo chicken and ingredients "fly" water to remove blood stains, wash into the stew cup, add washed herbs, put soup, seasoning, on the stove to stew for about 4 hours. (Note: The stew is not time enough, that is, the aroma is not enough)

17. Pot

The time of boiling is longer than rolling, for example, "Bawang Flower Pot Pig", is to first "fly" the pig and ingredients to remove blood stains, wash, put into the pot, add the washed Bawang flower, add water, simmer over low heat until appropriate (generally 3-4 minutes) time, seasoning is ready. , but the pig tassel can be fished first, because the pig tassel will melt for too long.

18. Steam

Steaming is steam to steam to bring the material from raw to cooked, and restaurants generally use steaming cabinets.

There are three kinds of steaming, one is martial fire, the second is wenwu fire, and the third is wen fire, and what kind of food is suitable for what kind of fire should pay attention to the difference.

All steamed sea, river fresh, hundred flowers chicken and all the things stuffed with hundred flowers must be steamed with martial fire, so that the steamed food, the inner slip filling method is elastic, in line with the requirements of food quality, on the contrary, the use of fire, that is, there will be a decline in the quality of the sea, river fresh and hundred flowers filling.

Another example: steaming slippery chicken, steaming ribs, you need to use Wenwu fire, this kind of steaming method, can make the slippery chicken and ribs color fresh and smooth, the juice is clear, on the contrary, if you use the fire, there will be meat oil and meat contraction phenomenon.

19. Fire leaning

The fire is due to the lack of taste of the main ingredient, and it is necessary to use other meats to make it add meat flavor and umami taste.

For example: the fire depends on shark fin, because the shark fin itself is boring, so use old chicken, fin meat and other soup, put the shark fin inside, with a bamboo skewer to clip well, the fire to the shark fin is slippery, fragrant. This method is common in high-end restaurants or Teochew restaurants, after the fire is good, use a white towel to dry the water in the wings, and then use the top soup to push the sauce on the plate.

20. Burst

The fried dishes are more flavorful than stir-fried dishes, and the selection of ingredients and sauces is mostly strong. The requirements of the explosion mainly focus on incense, thickness, and dryness.

For example: "ginger and shallot fried sheep slices", ginger, green onions, garlic are fragrant and domineering materials, first of all, the lamb slices are seasoned to pull the oil, and then use the wu fire to raise the pot under the oil, the ginger, green onions, garlic are fried until the taste is tasted, the lamb slices are fried with the same explosion, seasoning, praising wine, martial fire, and can be served on the plate.

21: Cook

Boiled dishes, mostly semi-soup dishes, cooked dishes generally do not play with mustard powder, both food materials, there are also a little soup to drink, is an authentic Guangzhou people's cuisine.

For example, "garlic radish boiled red crab" is to put the red crab over the oil to remove the fishy taste, start the pot with a martial fire, fry the spice head in the oil, put the radish, praise the wine, put the soup, adjust the taste, cook slightly, and then add the red crab, cook until the radish barn, the crab is just cooked. Add the garlic and cook.

22. Burn

Most of the grills are made in the flavor part. The roasted dishes are rich and fragrant, and are a special kind of Cantonese cuisine.

For example, "open stove roast goose" is to first marinate the goose, put on the skin, dry, and then hang it on the stove that has been burned to the appropriate temperature, and bake until the skin is crisp and the meat is cooked.

There is also an open fire, such as "suckling pig", which is to be burned first and then burned, in order to make the skin crisp, and for example: to burn the multi-spring fish", that is, to put the multi-spring fish on the open stove and burn it until it is appropriate. A large part of these preparations are used in Cantonese snacks and Japanese snacks.

23. Halogen

Halogen is also a more special processing method, halogen is to "fly" the food "fly" water to remove blood stains, and then put into the herbs and meat boiled special brine to soak with a simmer until the material is suitable.

For example, "brine big goose paw", that is, the big goose paw is first "flying" water, and then put into the brine to brine, increase the fragrance, until it is enough, smooth, fragrant, and strong.

24. Mix

Mix mostly for cold vegetables, mix is processed food, seasoning after mixing well, mixing and raw mixing and cooked mixing.

Raw mix such as "cold cucumber" is to wash and cut the cucumber, put it in the container, add seasonings (soy sauce, salt, aged vinegar, sugar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, pepper powder, chili oil and garlic slices) and mix well before serving.

Cooked mixing such as "cold mix pig ears" is to wash the pig ears "fly" after washing, put in the brine to brine, fish dry, freeze, shredded, seasoning and mixing well can be on the plate.

The above multiple processing methods are only the most commonly used parts, with the continuous development of Cantonese cuisine, we will innovate and improve, and flexible dishes, we must be flexible use.


Martial fire

slow fire

Praise the wine


Tail wine

Sauce knowledge

1. Soy sauce

Fry with fresh garlic and stir-fry with tempeh to remove the odor of the raw materials, and the taste is fragrant.

2. Earth FishMeal (Fish)

It is a left-mouth dried fish powder, that is, it is ground into powder after roasting, and it is used more often in chaoshi vegetables, generally used for gozai vegetables, and its taste is fresh.

3. Foie gras

Western food ingredients, dry and fragrant, is made of specially cultivated goose foie gras, each foie gras weighs 2-3 kg, this material is low cholesterol, rich in nutrition, Western food ingredients three main ingredients for duck breast, foie gras sauce, red wine.

4. Chili sauce

Cantonese people also known as bean board sauce, its ingredients are chili, vinegar, garlic, paprika and roasted shrimp noodles, the taste is fresh and salty.

5. Black pepper juice

Absorbed from the West, its flavor is fragrant, spicy, and the ingredients are beautiful, minced garlic, and German black pepper

6. Thousand Island Juice

Sweet, fragrant, sour, a type of jam with tomato sauce, salad dressing (salad)

7. Black pepper

Stir-fry dishes

8. Crushed white pepper

It is used for pot vegetables, and more is used for chaoshi vegetables.

9. Caviar

It is made in the secret of the department of this product, and the ingredients are carp shreds, dried shallots, minced garlic, and fresh rice noodles.

10. Golden sauce (salted egg yolk)

Dried shallots boiled in oil, filtered oil and salted egg yolks are prepared, salted egg yolks are made of ten fresh duck eggs, which are fresh, fragrant and salty.

11. XO sauce

The raw materials of XO sauce are the same in each store, the proportion is different, the taste is fresh and salty, and the ingredients are Yaozhu, dried chili, ham, dried shrimp, dried shallots (shredded chicken)

XII. Curd milk

13. Column throat sauce

The ingredients are similar to soy sauce, and the five-spice powder is added, which is suitable for wild game.

Fourteen, satay sauce

Southeast Asian specialty sauces, seafood extracted juices, spicy, fresh sweet, salty.

Fifteen, pepper powder

Stir-fry the peppercorns and crush them.

Sixteen, shacha sauce

Teochew, seafood extracted juice, beef products, spicy, sweet. ]

17. Ketchup

Tomato beaten + vinegar, naturally fermented, sweet and sour.

18. Seafood sauce

Noodle sauce (yellow flour + starch after stir-frying) fermentation + seafood concentrate

19. Shrimp paste

Sweet and salty

20. Shrimp paste

Fresh, sweet, similar to mara sauce, slightly spicy, is a Specialty of Taidian, fresh shrimp crushed made, can be applied to mix soup, stir-fry, stir-fry, small stir-fry.

21. Curry sauce

Slightly spicy, the raw materials are not prominent (curry), but the ingredients are particularly numerous (dozens of plant spices)

22. Beef fillet juice

Tomato juice + plant spices, sweet, spicy

23. Fish sauce

Teochew is unique, the fish is reduced fermentation, and the steamed fish is filled with fish sauce

24. Tomato juice

Concentrated lemon juice

25. Olive cabbage - kimchi, mustard leaves + olive kernels

Olive sauce - black olives (fresh olives fermented and chopped) + various spices

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