
The only queen of a small Asian country, she fell prey to her at the age of 13 and was devastated in the streets

North Korea is a country of special significance to our country, in the Chinese Warring States to the Qin and Han Dynasties of the literature "Shan Hai Jing", "Shangshu Da biography", "Guan Zi" and other books, the word "Korea" has appeared one after another, indicating that the DPRK has long ago had their own history. In particular, according to the records in these three books, Korea is located in the sea east of the Central Plains, and is the seat of the Zhou Dynasty's divided Yin shang nobles Mizi, but this theory does not get the location of the native residents of the Korean Peninsula, who believe that the son of the Emperor Huan xiong and the bear who transformed into a woman gave birth to Wang Jian, and founded the state in Pyongyang in 2333 BC, with the name of Joseon.

The only queen of a small Asian country, she fell prey to her at the age of 13 and was devastated in the streets

Regardless of the origin of Korea, after Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty sent troops to conquer Weiman Korea and establish four counties, the Korean Peninsula was for a long time the territory or vassal state of the Central Plains regime, a phenomenon that lasted for more than a thousand years, knowing that the status of Korean vassal states after the Sino-Japanese War ended.

The only queen of a small Asian country, she fell prey to her at the age of 13 and was devastated in the streets

In 1895, the Qing Dynasty was forced to sign the Treaty of Maguan with Japan due to its defeat in the war, in which it clearly stipulated that the Qing Dynasty recognized Korea as a completely independent and autonomous country, and the reason why Japan wanted to make Korea independent was to invade the Korean Peninsula with its own troops in order to control the whole of Asia. After this treaty entered into force, the thousand-year-old feudal relationship between China and North Korea ended. In 1897, Emperor Gojong of Joseon proclaimed himself emperor and established the Korean Empire, posthumously honoring his wife as "Empress Myeongseong".

The only queen of a small Asian country, she fell prey to her at the age of 13 and was devastated in the streets

In 1907, Under threat from the Japanese government, Gojong was forced to cede his position to Crown Prince Lee Tsui, the last emperor of Korea in history, Chunjong. After Li Tu came to power, he only married two empresses, of which the former empress, like Empress Myeongseong, was posthumously honored, so Yin shi can be regarded as the only empress of the small Asian state of Korea.

The only queen of a small Asian country, she fell prey to her at the age of 13 and was devastated in the streets

It is said that the life of the Yin family is very tragic, their family has always been a courtier, so the Yin family, who was born into a rich family, is destined to become the object of political marriage. She was only 13 years old and fell victim to the then 33-year-old Emperor Chunzong, Li Tao. However, her life was like a prisoner, and even the opportunities to leave the palace were few and far between. During the Japanese invasion of Korea during World War II, the royal family was expelled from Gyeongbokgung Palace, and the nearly 50-year-old Yin clan had no living security, and finally was devastated in the streets, and could only survive by relying on the help of the widows.

The only queen of a small Asian country, she fell prey to her at the age of 13 and was devastated in the streets

It was not until Park Chung-hee came to power after the end of the war that the treatment of the Yoon clan and the remnants of the Joseon Dynasty improved. She eventually died at Changdeokgung Palace on 3 February 1966 and was posthumously honored as Empress Chunzhen.

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