
The "most team" inherits the story and wins the award!



"This road, we have always been there"

"Inheritance and Maintenance Do Not Stop"

Won the 2021 "Most Team" National Short Video Competition

First prize and third prize

History flows endlessly, and the spirit is passed on from generation to generation

2021 "Most Team" Competition

The theme is "Discovering the Power of Inheritance"

Guangzhou Bus Group is subordinate to the second branch and the third branch of the bus group

Focus on bus maintenance people

Record them with the lens

Adhere to the integrity and continuous innovation

With the spirit of the most daring, the most daring to fight, the most daring to try

In the midst of passing on the torch

Escort for Guangzhou buses

The "most team" inherits the story

The maintenance gas and electricity class of the third branch of the bus group under Guangzhou Bus Group was established in 1995, which is mainly responsible for the maintenance and troubleshooting of the engine electronic control system, fuel supply system and high and low voltage circuit electrical appliances of the bus vehicle. Over the past 26 years, the gas and electricity class has always been guided by the spirit of craftsmanship, adhered to the integrity of innovation, attached importance to the inheritance of skills, and independently developed projects such as "Engine Eddy Current Dynamometer" and "Vehicle Pneumatic Circuit Model" have won the municipal technological innovation achievements, economic innovation awards and qinggong five small achievement awards, and have created economic benefits of more than 15 million yuan in the past 3 years. The team has been awarded the National Youth Civilization Number.

Xiaogang Mechanical and Electrical Workshop of Maintenance Division is a modern professional workshop of the second branch of Guangzhou Bus Group, which mainly undertakes the maintenance and failure projects of new energy hybrid and pure electric bus vehicle circuits, air conditioners, engines and so on. The team has 54 members, including 3 senior technicians, 14 technicians and 23 senior technicians, which is the mainstay of the innovation of bus vehicle maintenance technology in the enterprise and even guangzhou transportation system, and has made remarkable achievements in the field of vehicle technology research and troubleshooting in Guangzhou.

Source: Guangzhou Bus Group

Pay attention to the top "Guangzhou Bus Group"

To give you excellent public transport services

The "most team" inherits the story and wins the award!

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