
The winners of the 2021 "Most Team" National Short Video Competition are announced!

The winners of the 2021 "Most Team" National Short Video Competition were announced yesterday, "This Road, We Have Always Been There", "Tiananmen Square Front Palm LampLighter", "Most "Grounded" Team: 39 Years Under the Anti-Japanese Mountain" won the first prize, 5 works such as "My Class Leader My Class" won the second prize, 15 works such as "Inheritance and Maintenance Not Stopping" won the third prize, and 20 works such as "Teacher and Apprentice" won the Excellence Award. In addition, 10 works won the most popular online award, and 5 units such as the Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions won the best organization award.

History flows endlessly, and the spirit is passed on from generation to generation. The theme of the 2021 "Most Team" competition is "Discovering the Power of Inheritance". The competition was launched on September 1 and lasted four months. The "Most Team" competition is a competition, but also a rare stage to show the style of the team staff, I hope that through these short videos, the story of steaming and dirt from the front-line team will be spread farther, and I hope that more people can feel the endless inheritance power among the grass-roots workers.

The specific list of winners is as follows:

First prize:

"This road, we have always been there"

"Tiananmen Square Front Palm Lamp Man"

"The Most "Grounded" Team: 39 Years of Party Flag Flying Under the Anti-Japanese Mountain"


"My Class Leader My Class"

"The Most "Measured" Team"

"The Ship" Undertaking

"The Lamp in My Heart"

"Father and Son Soldiers in the Steel Structure Workshop"


"Inheritance and Maintenance Do Not Stop"

"The Spirit of Ingenuity Passed on from Generation to Generation"

"The Most Cohesive" Team

"My Master My Class"

"Live up to Shaohua and pass on the torch"


"Driving a big country's heavy equipment, inheriting the spirit of craftsmanship"

"The Most "Tossed" Team"

"The Electric Pen"

The Fellowship

"The Most Committed Team"

"Beijing-Tianjin Intercity High-speed Railway "Night Walker""

"My Master"

"Fine Decoration and Inheritance"

"The Inheritance of Love in the Style of Little Train"

Award of Excellence :

"Ride the Wind and Waves "Pattern" Team"

"The Teacher and the Apprentice"

"When Lee Wants to Proceed"

"Vigorous development, cogeneration achieves good results"

"There is a power called inheritance"

"The Warmest Team, the Warmest You"

"Teacher Inherits Labor Model Research and Transmission of Ingenuity"

"The Most Ingenious Team"

Marathon without End

"Toughest Guy Team"

《Maintenance Cheats》

"The Light Chaser on the Fish Pond"

"The Most Relaxed" Team

"The Most Master-Apprentice Inheritance" Team

"Inheritance" on the Ten Meter Platform"

"The Growth of Electric Special Forces"

"Master and Apprentice"

"After the Wave"

《The Most Inherited Team》

Most Popular Internet Award:

"Passing on the Band"

"The Inheritance of the Fine Operation of One-Seventh Hair"

"The Flame Continues to Drive the Light- The "LampLighter" in Dazhao's Hometown"

"Inheriting Democratic Management"

"Guarding a Clear Spring and Passing on a Piece of Ingenuity"

"The most "inherited" unchanged team"

Best Organization Award :

Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions

Shijiazhuang Federation of Trade Unions

State Grid Corporation of China

PowerChina Group

Jinchuan Group

Source: Workers Daily

Editor: Zhang Qiuchen