
Right or wrong

author:Om Alabazarnati

Take the baby to Pizza Hut today. At the next table were two women with three children. After eating and leaving, there were two pieces of pizza left on the table. Just when we finished eating and were ready to leave, we saw the pizza left next door and felt sorry, so we asked the waiter to pack it and prepare to take it to a homeless man next to the community.

I went to the place where the tramp used to stay, and sure enough, I saw him and handed him the pizza. His eyes were pure, really pure, thoughtless. He didn't move the pizza, just looked at me, and I said, eat. He smiled and reached for the bag. I'm gone.

When I got home, I told the child's father about it. Who knew that he was so angry that he threw the pizza he was eating into the box and said, "Sounds disgusting!" How do others know if you are packing for the homeless? Everyone says this, either fight back and feed the dog, who knows if you eat it yourself!? Are you going to eat at Pizza Hut in the future? ”

I was dumbfounded, not understanding how he could react so much. I asked the child, do you think your dad is right? He said no. I said I think there is some truth in what he said, and it's not all wrong.

But why did he react so much?

Don't understand

Right or wrong
Right or wrong