
Zodiac Sign Weekly Fortune: A Week of Pleasure 2022.1.3-1.9

Zodiac Sign Weekly Fortune: A Week of Pleasure 2022.1.3-1.9

Monday's New Moon tends to bring a rapid new beginning, and suddenly we are all pushed into a new year and need to take new action.

In the second half of the retrograde, Venus and Neptune will join forces to create a strong romantic atmosphere.

Spirit Rhinoceros Tree-12 Constellation Weekly Horoscope




Ascending/Sun Aries

This week in the workplace is prone to sudden new changes, your position may be promoted, or salary has been improved, but the workplace is also prone to ambiguous atmosphere, you need to grasp the heat.

Rising/Sun Taurus

This week you may suddenly set a new goal or ambition, you may have a walk-and-go trip, and in the second half of the week you may have enjoyed the blessings and praise from the people around you, but beware of being too optimistic and inappropriate to say that you are caught in the vortex of right and wrong.

Ascending/Sun Gemini

At the beginning of the week, you are prone to have an income outside of work, maybe someone else secretly gives you a benefit, or maybe you get some compensation... The second half of the week is prone to waste, even if you spend money on expanding your business, it is a very irrational investment.

Ascending/Sun Cancer

At the beginning of the week, you are easy to enter a new team, or maybe your team has new members, if you attend a meeting or a party outside of work, you are also easy to make new friends; or each other intentional opposite sex accidentally confess to you... Romantic interactions increased in the second half of the week, but if it is a resurgence of old feelings, you need to be calm and calm.

Rising/Sun Leo

At the beginning of the week, you are prone to new work tasks or your work content has been adjusted, accept it and quickly adapt to it, which is conducive to your future promotion. In the second half of the week, you are prone to be overly optimistic, invest a lot of energy and material resources in advance in your work, or be confident to enjoy yourself before you see results.

Rising/Sun Virgo

At the beginning of the week, there is a sudden invitation to play, or a chance encounter with someone you like, or maybe a friend brings you an exciting message... The second half of your life will focus on having fun, falling in love, making new friends... But beware of the dishonesty of the new love.

Rising/Solar Libra

At the beginning of the week, if you have a new beginning in the family, you may get more resources or gifts from relatives and friends. You may also move to a new place of residence, where the environment is better. For the second half of the week, you'll be enjoying a new environment or family gathering, or maybe you'll be busy decorating your home.

Rising/Sun Scorpio

At the beginning of the week, there is a sudden invitation to exchange or travel in a different place, or maybe you will buy a new car on a whim, or there is cooperation from a different place... The second half of the week is spent enjoying the joys of travel or love, remember to stay away from the gambling game Oh, beware of the love trap in the new relationship.

Rising/Sun Sagittarius

At the beginning of the week, the work is prone to new adjustments or new customers who are different from the past, whether it is the adjustment of work content or the arrival of new customers, your income will increase, and the future career direction will also be adjusted. In the second half of the week, you may want to spend money on shopping to improve your home facilities.

Rising/Sun Capricorn

At the beginning of the week, even if you are still busy with work in a serious way, the people around you will help you with lively activities. Maybe celebrating your birthday surprises you, maybe someone suddenly invites you out to play, or someone may confess their love to you. The second half of the week is a pleasant exchange, and even revisiting the same place, or meeting old friends to reminisce...

Rising/Sun Aquarius

At the beginning of the week, one of your secrets is easy to reveal, or you find a long-lost lost property, or there is information about an inheritance, loan or compensation, etc., and you may have given up or didn't care at all, and now the result is unexpected. The second half of the week you may be buying, buying, or thinking of giving all kinds of gifts to all kinds of people, the second half of the week is only suitable for spending money, not investing.

Ascending/Sun Pisces

At the beginning of the week, your team or industry is prone to unexpected new news, or perhaps you receive a job offer from a different place, and your personal influence is enhanced. The second half of the week is your happy hour, and it is easy to get people's welcome and praise everywhere you go.

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