
Internet celebrity Paul won the ESPN Best KO Award of the Year and was spurned by many boxing fans

Internet celebrity Paul won the ESPN Best KO Award of the Year and was spurned by many boxing fans

ESPN's 2021 "KO of the Year" award is freshly released, and the competition of internet celebrity boxer Jack Paul KO former UFC champion Woodley unexpectedly beat the "Fury VS Wilder III" Fury KO Wilder to win the annual award. This move was immediately spurned by many boxing fans.

ESPN offers boxers to vote for their favorite 2021 KO matches, including some crazy KO races that took place this year.

Internet celebrity Paul won the ESPN Best KO Award of the Year and was spurned by many boxing fans

In a survey of more than 68,000 votes, Paul won 56% of the votes in the match and overwhelmingly defeated the Fury vs Wilder triple match, which received only 37% of the votes in the match.

Other nominees include candidates for the oscar WaldesKO Miguel Burcourt and Gab Rosado KO Beckettmier Melikoziev.

For the election of the internet celebrity boxer Paul, some boxing fans of the sport are not happy with the outcome of this award, and their various comments indicate their anger.

Internet celebrity Paul won the ESPN Best KO Award of the Year and was spurned by many boxing fans

One fan said: "Now boxing is like this, they are not boxers but clowns performing circus". Another man who thinks Valdés' match should be won, said: "It's a brutal KO, but I feel a little sorry for the real boxer Valdés, who deserve more support from international organizations. ”

Another, who argued that Paul shouldn't even be in the game, said: "ESPN ignores professional boxers, they are the real boxers." Honestly, it's a shame for boxing, and you're even putting this on the shortlist, one who can't box and the other who isn't a boxer at all. Why don't you give the Lifetime Achievement Award to Stallone, who played Rocky? ”

Someone else wrote: "Really, ESPN? This will only make all the awards of the past and the future ridiculous at best. ”

Internet celebrity Paul won the ESPN Best KO Award of the Year and was spurned by many boxing fans

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