
Sagittarius Horoscope 2022 Full Version

2022 Super With Love

Come and follow me

When thinking about Sagittarius's 2022 keywords, "Ann" and "Intruder" jumped out first, but the theme characteristics of the integrated constellation still felt that "home" was the most appropriate.

This is an important year about your family, your place of residence, your cohabitants, your house, your sense of security, your inner home.

May in 2022, you can find your favorite "home", comfortable, happy; never back down.

Note: The constellation horoscope is only a kind of cosmic astronomical analysis, which can understand some of our states, so that everyone can make some adjustments to the actual situation of the individual; but it will not correspond to the actual situation and events of the individual; the more specific personal horoscope is still to combine the personal life disk and a variety of horoscope disks

Refer to the Sun, ascending constellation

Or the constellation into which multiple individual planets fall

·Overall Horoscope·

1. Little stars

Although the year's horoscope of a constellation group cannot be directly judged by simple good and bad, some friends will want to know whether the basic cosmic weather is strong for Sagittarius, so the overall celestial phenomenon is scored

Overall Horoscope:

Career Horoscope:

Emotional Horoscope:

Fortune Horoscope:

Learning Horoscopes:

However, this does not mean that you are good or bad this year, the good and bad is how you develop and express yourself, as well as your mentality.

2. Important areas

Affected by the major planets, Scorpio's key areas of influence this year are the family palace, the communication palace, the husband and wife palace, the dating palace, etc., almost all of which are related to interpersonal relationships.

These areas include: house, family, life and inner needs; partners, partnerships; communication, expression, learning needs and performance; friends, teams, social relationships, etc.

Among them, good luck is related to the inner home; for example, you will find a more preferred lifestyle; you will be more determined to support yourself in your heart; you will see many opportunities for positive development in life; your life will be richer, and so on.

For example, there is a Sagittarius friend who has planned to buy a caravan in 2022 and travel in a motorhome; for example, a Sagittarius friend has completely cleaned up his home in the first two days of the new year and changed into his favorite decoration style.

I believe that in 2022, every Sagittarius can find their true inner needs and create the home and family life they want; or fall more in love with their private solitude time.

Especially after April, you will be more inspired and directional, to understand what your most desired state of life is like.

This year's "home" may be manifested as the relationship between the family or the harvest of the house, the improvement of life, the daily welfare and good fortune of life; but in the final analysis, it is you who are moving towards what you want, creating the "life" you want; and also influencing the people around you with your own positivity and optimism.

3. Important challenges and growth

A lot of Sagittarius may have started to learn something new in the past two years, involving some new areas, and if you find their practicality and apply it to practice, you will find that it is really effective and can bring you value.

This year is an important year for Sagittarius to apply theory to reality; some Sagittarius can see the results directly; but some Sagittarius still need to continue to learn solidly and explore expressible ways.

For example, there is a Sagittarius friend who has wanted to make short videos for the past two years, but has studied intermittently and has not yet grasped the actual way of expression; recently practiced more frequently, he feels that he is about to reach that "successful" point.

This is one of the manifestations of the challenge that Saturn has given Sagittarius this year; even if we know an answer, the process of groping for the answer must not be omitted; because it is a honing of self-awareness and ability.

Some Sagittarius is manifested as an adjustment of distant relatives and neighbors; some Sagittarius is showing that they have been discovering problems in their communication and expression; and slowly find a way to adjust.

Sagittarius, who has problems with his own communication expression, is also a good time to heal and adjust in this year.

Some Sagittarius may have problems with their siblings, and you may feel stressed, but you will feel that you have a responsibility to help them. Or, by looking at their problems, you also grow.

4. Interpersonal relationships

This year,500s may have new changes in their relationship with this kind of person.

Especially in January, May, September and November, these stages are the most likely to see interpersonal problems.

Some shooters may feel very depressed, why the relationship that used to look good has become a different look this year; or why some relationships are difficult to maintain; or why communication, getting along are prone to problems, and so on.

However, the emergence of problems will give you the opportunity to change some relationship patterns that you don't like, or to see some ways that were easy to ignore but destroy the relationship and make you or the other person uncomfortable.

Everything has a "metabolism" and has its cycle of life; therefore, observing these cycles, observing problems with relationships, actually gives Sagittarius an inner sense of security.

·Career Wealth Horoscope·

5. The momentum of the cause

This year's Sagittarius career will be strongly impacted, but there are still four stars with a high score, because the impact will make Sagittarius also have a strong creativity in his career.

You may move in the direction of a very different career; or you may change the original form of your career and seek other forms of development.

Other Sagittarius may change career cities, such as changing businesses, or traveling to a new city; or moving because of a career, and so on.

Some Sagittarius will find new career inspiration through concepts such as "home", "security", and "ideal life".

However, there are also some Sagittarius who may choose freelancing at this time; or have a free time in 2022, especially from May to July, and enjoy life mainly.

6. Part of the work content

On the whole, if you are a Sagittarius who is engaged in the work content of real estate, home, life, and inner healing, this year will be relatively lucky, with many opportunities and high wealth.

If you are engaged in Education, Information, Media, Advertising, Publishing, Transportation, Electronics, Computers/Programmers, Study Abroad, Tourism, transnational Business related Sagittarius, there are more challenges and are susceptible to some rules; however, through learning in these aspects, there is a great harvest and growth, improve personal value; rich experience, laying a good foundation for the next year's career development.

If the work content is related to interpersonal relationships, social networking or cooperation and competition, it is easier to encounter problems, you need to be cautious, serious, reflect and observe; especially from September, the problems may become more; this year is really very exercised your adaptability and flexibility, the problem is handled well, it is worth learning from everyone.

7. Money issues

Some Sagittarius will feel bound by money and uncomfortable in these years.

This year Pluto continues to affect your financial situation, and you may remove some unnecessary expenses according to the actual situation, or try new ways to make money.

However, whether it is to make money or save money, Sagittarius needs to face the part of their inner attachment to money.

Really "look away" at the money, you can really get the good fortune you want. (Sagittarius's fortune is so magical, posture, good at managing resources and money, money naturally comes)

And this year's financial strength can be five stars, but also because the planet that guards the wealth and your own guardian planet Jupiter are in a field where the power is better played, you can follow the development of your career, as well as the adjustment of your personal life, as well as the adjustment of internal needs such as a sense of value, to find a better way to make money.

8. Mindset change

Affected by the eclipse of the sun and moon, this year Sagittarius will reduce a lot of unnecessary work steps and processes, and has been learning to put down and put down.

It also allows you to adjust to the root cause of stress and physical problems.

Because of the impact of this year on your life and spiritual level, you will become relatively Buddhist; your mentality will also undergo a great change; especially for the daily trivial work, the behavior of those around you, or the relationship between colleagues, physical stress problems, etc., you will change your mind.

In addition, if you have insomnia problems, it will improve this year.

Emotional horoscope · ~

9, want to start a family with you

There are many peach blossoms in Sagittarius this year, and the source is likely to be family introduction, or acquaintances becoming partners; or acquaintances because of acquaintances.

It's also interesting that the other person likes you or wants to be with you because they feel like they feel at home with you or with you; or they think it's a very lucky thing to form a home with you.

Because the kind of "good life" and "comfort" that Sagittarius exudes this year is really too strong; if you find that you don't show this feeling, go back to the overall horoscope and develop your good luck this year Oh - start with your life, start with the life you like.

10. The improvement of relationships

As mentioned earlier, for Sagittarius this year, interpersonal relationships are prone to problems and need to be adjusted slowly.

Among them, love and partner problems are most likely to manifest themselves in September and December. For example, some shooters will suddenly find the other party's childishness and unreliability, or argue because of some immature ideas.

We all need to understand that it is normal for relationships to have problems, and it is important that we learn to face them in a mature way and learn to adjust flexibly.

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