
controversy! 7 crowns: The Bucks won't defend their title successfully, and they can win thanks to Durant's big toe

On January 2, Beijing time, the remarks of NBA seven-time champion Robert Holly caused controversy, he bluntly said that the Bucks will not defend the title successfully, they should not have won the championship in the first place, and the championship should be thanks to Durant's big toe.

controversy! 7 crowns: The Bucks won't defend their title successfully, and they can win thanks to Durant's big toe
controversy! 7 crowns: The Bucks won't defend their title successfully, and they can win thanks to Durant's big toe

Speaking about the three-game streak, Robert Horry said: "I don't think there will ever be a team that can win a triple; you may see a team with a two-game winning streak, but in terms of a triple title, I doubt it, maybe even any defending team, because think about what happened to the Lakers — they won the championship; the next year, they got a completely different team. We know the Milwaukee Bucks won't defend their title because they shouldn't have won the title in the first place, and they won because of his (Durant's) big toe.

controversy! 7 crowns: The Bucks won't defend their title successfully, and they can win thanks to Durant's big toe
controversy! 7 crowns: The Bucks won't defend their title successfully, and they can win thanks to Durant's big toe

Last season's Eastern Conference Finals to grab seven battles, the key moment Durant scored a key goal, but because Durant stepped on the line, he only equalized and did not kill the Bucks, and finally lost the series in overtime; Alphabet Brother led the team to eliminate the Nets to reach the Finals, the Finals 4-2 reverse the Sun to win the championship, Alphabet Brother won the championship and was crowned FMVP.

controversy! 7 crowns: The Bucks won't defend their title successfully, and they can win thanks to Durant's big toe

This season, the Bucks officially began to defend the title, currently 24-13 in third place in the East, temporarily behind the Second Place Nets in the East 1 win, the 27-year-old alphabet brother played dominance, averaging 27.6 points, 11.4 rebounds, 5.8 assists, 1.6 blocks and 1.1 steals per game, and became a strong contender for MVP; so what do you think about Horry's remarks?

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