
Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

author:First cuisine

I am Ah Fei, and I have several home-cooked dishes to share with you every day, paying attention to taking you to appreciate the delicious food on the tip of the tongue.

【Dim sum that you can't forget when you are hungry - skin soufflé】

In the Chinese diet jianghu, and other dishes are different, dim sum always appears on the public table as a solution to the existence of hunger, the appearance of the explosive taste of sweet and greasy to eat into the mouth is to make the mood are good to explode, today Ah Fei and everyone to share with the skin egg made of skin egg soufflé, may be for the skin egg everyone can think of the most is the skin egg lean porridge, green pepper skin egg, cold mix skin egg and other delicacies, do dim sum may be more than heard of than eaten people, Ah Fei as a porter of food, of course, to its visual and taste double enjoyment to the extreme, The color of the golden taste is even more crisp to the layers of slag, there is no skill in operation, as long as there is an oven, everyone can learn oh ~ in minutes

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief


【Peeled soufflé】 Features - crisp to layers of slag super relief</h1>

Material preparation:

【Ingredients】150 g of flour

【Ingredients】Bean paste filling 100 g / peeled egg / egg / black sesame seeds

【Seasoning】Condensed milk 10 g / sugar 10 g / vegetable oil 20 g

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

--【How to make a tool system】--

Step 1: Prepare 150 grams of flour and noodles, add 10 grams of condensed milk to increase flavor, sugar 10 grams, vegetable oil 20 grams (vegetable oil can make the noodles softer), use 80 ml of water and noodles, first stir into flour, and then into a soft dough to spare, prepare 100 grams of flour, add 30 grams of vegetable oil, and into a piece of oil noodles, the softness and hardness of the oil surface should be consistent with the dough, so that it is easier to roll ~

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

Step 2: Prepare 100 grams of bean paste filling with bean paste filling, add a little flour, put the bean paste and make it a little harder, it is easier to operate ~

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

Step 3: Sprinkle dry flour on the packaging board, take out the dough, knead it smoothly, roll it into long strips, pull it into a uniform size of dough, sprinkle dry flour on the dough to prevent sticking, flatten the dough, wrap in a small piece of oil, put it at the tiger's mouth and rotate to tighten the opening, compact the excess noodles, and form a round dough blank for later use

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

Step 4: After rolling out the bread, we start rolling, sprinkle the bottom surface on the board to prevent sticking during rolling, flatten the round surface blank, roll it into a tongue shape, and then fold it up, roll out long strips, fold it into square blocks, and then roll out the squares a little larger, so as to facilitate filling

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

Ah Fei nagging: Repeated rolling, in order to roll out the puff pastry evenly, instant noodles are crispy and layered, but can not roll out the skin, which is not beautiful and affects the layering

Step 5: Prepare two peeled eggs, peel off the skin, cut into evenly small pieces, put the bean paste filling on the dough block first, and then put a small piece of the peeled egg, tighten the opening, and pull off the excess noodles for later

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

Step 6: After the shape is all wrapped, we start to do the modeling, the dough is flattened, then held up, then flattened, repeated back and forth several times, adjusted to oval, the raw blank of the skin soufflé is ready~

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

Step 7: Brush the oil evenly on the baking pan, convenient to bake and then take it out, put the finished raw blank in the baking pan, prepare an egg, we only use the egg yolk, stir the egg yolk evenly, brush on the raw blank, so that the baked skin egg pastry color is more golden, and then sprinkle a layer of black sesame seeds

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

Step 8: Out of the oven to 170 degrees, turn on the heat, first preheat for three minutes, after the oven is preheated, put in the skin soufflé raw blank, bake for 20 minutes, 20 minutes later, take out the skin soufflé, after a little cooling, place it on the plate ~ ~

Specializing in the treatment of gluttony, the pastry chef admits that as long as you learn this step, you can crisp to the slag [skin soufflé] characteristics - crisp to layers of slag super relief

Ah Fei recommended: layers of crisp to the slag of the skin soufflé, if you like it, welcome to forward the message ~

【The first delicacy, the "live" recipe on your table】

Article Editor: Qiqi drinks

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