
This life has gone around, still can not be together, even if the end has long been predicted, or regret

author:Lots of pears

 Jing Hui was eleven years old, I was six years old, the empress dowager called me and my eldest sister to the Cining Palace and asked me if I wanted to have beautiful clothes to wear all the time, I nodded, and the empress dowager smiled.

  I laugh too.

  Turning my head to see the eldest sister's red eyes, I think she should be sad that she didn't eat the osmanthus crisp, but I can't give it to her, because Ah Niang said that the eldest sister ate the long hemp.

  My sister is so good-looking, better looking than a fairy, that can't grow hemp.

  The next day, someone from the palace picked me up, and I was very happy.

  Because my little skirt is so beautiful.

  The empress dowager said that there are endless small skirts and inexhaustible osmanthus crisps in the palace, as long as I like them, I can wear new dresses every day to eat osmanthus crisps.

  I have been living with the empress dowager since I entered the palace, and she got up very early every morning and led her son to the court, and I would always be hungry and wait for them to come back to eat together, and sometimes when they came back late, I would be hungry for a long time.

  I kind of don't like it here anymore.

  After a few days in the palace, the empress dowager came back one morning, and after having dinner with me, said to take me out for a walk.

  This palace is really big, I am very strange, here is all the same, the empress dowager they will not get lost?

  The two of us stood together at the door of a palace, and the empress dowager said that this was the Fengqi Palace, a place where I might want to live in the future, and asked me if I liked it.

  I shook my head and said there were too few people here and it wasn't happy to be inside.

  The empress dowager smiled and said that many people would come here to play with me in the future, saying that I would be very happy.

  In fact, I didn't quite agree with the empress's words, but I didn't dare to say, the eldest sister told me that I must not talk back to the empress, saying too many times, I was annoyed, so I yelled at her and said I knew.

  Then I saw the eldest sister with red eyes, how did I not find the eldest sister so able to cry before, I was afraid that Ah Niang would scold me when she saw it, and quickly comforted the eldest sister and said that I wrote it down, but I didn't expect the eldest sister to cry even harder.

  I... I'm probably going to get beaten up again.

  I have been staying in the palace, accompanying the empress dowager to practice reading and reading, in fact, most of the time I am reading and practicing, the empress always sits in front of the small table full of books and writes with her son.

  Oh yes, I still have to accompany the empress's son to lunch every day, his son is really too stuffy, eat without saying a word, although it is said that the food is not spoken, but how can a person eat without sound at all?

  I was not happy to eat this meal, I ate less, and after so many days, I felt that I had lost weight.

  I ran to the empress dowager to say if I could not eat with him, I felt that I was thin, and the empress smiled and said that I was obviously round.

  Then I didn't know which tendon Zhang Jingxing was wrong, and he even told me a story every time he ate!

  He told boring and boring historical stories, sometimes mixed with scary places, making it even more difficult for me to eat well.

  Takayama O'id, keiyo-do stop.

  Zhang Jingxing is the name of the empress dowager's son, and his people are just like his name, giving people a feeling that they are floating in the sky and are not in the same stream as us laymen.

  I just wanted to pull him down, secretly tore up the emperor's homework, put a lot of salt in his teapot, or secretly took advantage of his lack of attention to scare him by the window in the middle of the night, every time I watched him jump his feet angrily, scolding "Zhao Wan'er, you have grounded your feet!" "When I was there, I thought that this palace was actually quite interesting."

  Of course I will not be grounded, I have the support of the empress dowager, and I am not afraid of anything.

  I stayed in the palace for a long time, from the trees or green leaves occasionally fell down all the time the caterpillars frightened me, until the snow fell in the sky, so cold that people did not dare to go out, the eldest sister came to see me.

  The day the eldest sister came, the palace was celebrating the New Year, oh no, it should be the whole Qiguo celebrating the New Year.

  I was crouching to the side looking at Zhi Rong's skillful baked sweet potatoes, admiring Zhi Rong's craftsmanship of secretly opening a small stove for me at night, the fragrance wafted out so quickly, or the sweet potatoes with the taste of chicken legs, I have to say that in the end, it is the yakuza brought into the palace from the house, and this chicken leg flavor even has a bit of the taste of the eldest sister.

  I kind of missed the eldest sister, it should be smoked, I wiped my tears and saw that Zhi Rong was also smoked and cried.

  "Little Wan'er" This smoke I can hear the voice of the eldest sister, I don't want to eat baked sweet potatoes.

  Then as soon as I turned around, I saw a person standing in the doorway, she looked so good, as good as my eldest sister, with the snow outside the house, like coming out of the painting.

  She opened her arms to me, and I hurried over, the smoke here is really too smoky, and I must let Zhi Rong improve the technology.

  The eldest sister still likes to nag as before, even if I eat a meal, she has been saying in my ear that I should protect myself in the palace, don't listen to other people's words, go out with a few more people, don't allow myself to go out alone, see Zhang Jingxing to perform rituals, and so on.

  I said that my head was bigger, I asked her, when can I go home, before entering the palace, I promised Ah Qing to accompany her to a snowball fight when it snows again, I don't go back this time she should secretly tie the villain to scold me.

  Before I could finish speaking, I saw the eldest sister's eyes that were a little red again, and I quickly closed my mouth with interest.

  If you don't go back, don't go back, anyway, I am in the palace and at home are eating and sleeping, as long as the eldest sister and Ah Niang come to see me more, the meat bun at the door of the house I have not eaten for a year, I don't know if he listened to me to remove the carrots inside, it simply affected the taste.

  I played with my eldest sister for an afternoon, and told her that the things in the palace were delicious, the skirts were beautiful, and the empress dowager treated me very well and never punished me, and everyone was very kind to me, except for that Zhang Jingxing.

  Zhang Jingxing didn't treat me badly, he just ignored me, and it should be said that he ignored someone, as if he would die if he said one more word.

  The eldest sister immediately covered my mouth, my osmanthus crisp had not yet had time to swallow, I think the eldest sister must have meant it, because she could not eat the osmanthus crisp and could not see me eating.

  The eldest sister said that as long as I was obedient in the palace and did not run into trouble, she would often come to see me, I asked her if she would bring me meat buns at the door, she looked at me and did not speak, probably thinking that I was too out of the ordinary.

  But no way, that meat bun is really delicious.

  So, for the sake of meat buns, I have to be obedient.

  I learned to write and read more diligently, the empress dowager asked me in surprise how I worked so hard, I said that because of the meat bun, the empress dowager did not speak Zhang Jingxing on the side of the scorn of me, scolded me stupid.

  So many palace people, I don't want face?

  Can I bear it?

  I looked at him angrily and wanted to see two big holes in him, but I hadn't practiced this skill yet, so I forgot about it for the time being.

  Take out my little book to take revenge, and when I practice killing people with my eyes, I will calculate the old and new accounts together!

  I am only seven years old, and when I am seventeen, I will make Zhang Jing pay the price for what he has done!

  Three years passed like this, and when I was ten years old, my eldest sister said that my eldest brother had returned, and I vaguely remembered that I still had a big brother coming.

  I glanced at my eldest brother from a distance at the clan banquet, and he was also good-looking, but he was a little dark, especially compared to my eldest sister.

  But it seems that everyone likes him a lot, and takes turns to toast him, saying that he is young and promising, brave and good at war.

  I don't want him to drink so much wine, the empress said that wine is not a good thing, drinking too much is not good for the body, he is always my brother, if the body is drunk and broken, it will cost money to cure, in case my family does not have so much money.

  I asked Zhi Rong to go over and let him drink less, and when I saw him looking at me, I waved at him, wanting to tell him that I was his sister, and he reacted really slowly, and it took a long time before he waved at me.

  He probably didn't know me, because I don't remember having a brother.

  My words don't seem to work, he still drinks, it must be that Zhi Rong's little girl did not take the harm of drinking and said to him, I plan to go back and write a love letter to him, move it with affection, let him make plans for our Zhao family treasury early.

  I think I'm really smart, I learned a few days ago, I can use it today, Zhang Jingxing still always said that I'm stupid, he's stupid, stupid.

  Zhang Jingxing you idiot!

  However, I only dare to say these words in my heart, and the eldest sister wants me to speak carefully, I am really afraid to say them when I dream.

  My love letter has not yet been written, the empress said that my brother has gone to the border again, he must like a certain girl there, otherwise how can he always go, and he has not come back for so long, in fact, he can marry the girl back, oh no, then the girl will also leave her hometown.

  Alas, this is really a distressing thing, and I have not been able to eat for a day.

  The empress dowager has recently become obsessed with buddhist scriptures, and you say that she likes it, so why do you still want to pull me along, saying that the words on people's scriptures look unaccustomed, and insist that I copy them down and show them to her.

  Such a big book, I copied it every day until very late before I could go to bed.

  Because I always fell asleep while copying, every evening I would carry the scriptures to Zhang Jingxing with Zhi Rong and I told him that if he saw me sleeping, he would knock me hard.

  He knocked on me so hard that every time I had my chicken leg dream, he woke me up, and then I took out my little book and continued to copy the Buddhist scriptures after I had finished my revenge.

  But sometimes his eyes are not good, I secretly fell asleep he did not know, woke up to see that he did not find and quickly began to write.

  A few times I fell asleep, and when I woke up it was already dawn, I ran to my desk in a panic, and I was dumbfounded when I saw the scriptures that had been copied.

  I asked Zhi Rong if I copied it, and Before Zhi Rong could answer, she was preemptively said by Zhang Jingxing, such an ugly word only I can write.

  I looked closely, and it was indeed my words, maybe I really didn't have a good brain, and I couldn't even remember what I had written.

  I think it should be because I sleep less, I am still a small child who is growing up, how can I only sleep so little every day.

  He slept very late, he seemed to have been busy with things from childhood to adulthood, it turned out that the emperor was so tired, the empress's heart was also fierce, if I had a child, I would not let him be the emperor.

  I suddenly had a feeling of pity for the same disease, and we should be comrades-in-arms in terms of sleeping, so I discussed with him whether to talk to the empress dowager, give us a more relaxed task, and let us sleep more.

  But he ignored me.

  It didn't matter, he ignored me anyway and it wasn't once or twice, I was used to it.

  The eldest sister came to see me in the winter when I was watching the baked sweet potatoes in Zhi Rong, and I seriously suspected that she coveted my sweet potatoes, so I came at this time of year, but I would not give her sweet potatoes, because she did not bring me meat buns every year.

  It was a great year, she didn't cry.

  Also, I've been in the palace for six years, and she can't cry for six years.

  This time she brought me the braised rabbit head made by Ah Niang's hand, and I wanted to ask her why Ah Niang did not enter the palace to see me, but between the previous few years when I asked a question every time she shed tears, this time I will obediently eat it.

  I have to say that my aunt will not do anything else, this hand of braised rabbit head is simply delicious in the world, I can't help but admire it is so delicious, and I can often eat it after saying it in passing.

  After saying this, I regretted it, and sure enough, I saw the bitter smile of the eldest sister and the reddened eyes.

  Alas, as far as I am concerned, I am mouthy.


  All winter I was curled up in the Queen's bedroom.

  Get up in the morning to read, wait for Zhang Jingxing to come back to eat together, he has not had a good temper recently, and every time he eats, he breaks the bowl, which frightens the palace eunuch into kneeling.

  I was a little distressed about this bowl, so I told my father-in-law that I would not change it into an iron bowl and not break it.

  I didn't say anything, and Quan Gonggong knelt down in front of me and said that Miss Zhao must not do it.

  I pulled him up, no, no, why do I have to kneel and say.

  Today he dropped the bowl again...

  I looked painfully at the white-flowered rice on the ground, and there was a piece of meat next to it.

  Don't eat it for me, why drop the bowl.

  The eldest sister wants me to be obedient, not to run into trouble, to be careful in my words and deeds, to want me....


  Dropped another teacup...

  It's not that Yu Xi likes to smell the sound of cracking, I think Zhang Jingxing should like the sound of broken bowls, so I will accompany him to fall together.

  So I flipped the table over.

  One of the embarrassing things was that I wanted to sit and flip over gracefully, but I couldn't push it, so I stood up and it took me a lot of effort.

  I clapped my hands with satisfaction and smiled triumphantly at Zhang Jingxing.

  I think he will be happy, and even reward me, I have been looking at his finger jade for a long time.

  But he ignored me, just looked at me silently for a while, then whisked his sleeves away.

  After he left, the palace people still did not dare to get up, it seems that they did not want to help me clean up the dishes, then I had to come by myself.

  As I crouched down to pick up the first fragment, Xiao Shengzi crawled over on her knees and said let him come, and there was crying in her voice.

  I wondered, he came, he came, what else was he crying?

  Then I took Zhi Rong back to the empress, and Grandma Zhang said that she would make me roses today, and I just didn't have enough to eat.

  In the process of waiting for the plum blossoms, the empress dowager came over, and she said that it was beautiful outside for me to see.

  I went, it was really nice outside, white, just a little cold, but the empress dowager wouldn't let me into the house, so she wanted me to stay outside and watch.

  The eldest sister said that she could not disobey the empress.

  She said that as long as I was obedient, she would bring me meat buns to eat.

  I watched the snow outside for a long time, I always thought the palace was beautiful, the snow was even more beautiful, it was a little cold.

  I knew that I would be outside for so long, so I wore more clothes, and I vaguely remembered that when I was at home, every time it snowed, I would have a snowball fight with A Qing, and I was not afraid of the cold at all.

  I looked back at Zhi Rong, and she was covered in snow, like a snowman, and I giggled, and she cried all the way she froze.

  Then I was blindfolded by something, and I hadn't offended anyone before, so was someone going to beat me up with my head covered?

  It must be Zhang Jingxing, thanks to the fact that he is still an emperor, such a small belly chicken intestine!

  "Don't move."

  Hearing Zhang Jingxing's voice, I immediately stopped moving, I felt that if I wanted to be beaten, I would have to be beaten with dignity, I couldn't ask for forgiveness, I couldn't show weakness, so I straightened my back and closed my eyes tightly.


  How soft is it?

  I secretly opened one eye and saw Zhang Jingxing standing in front of me with an umbrella, his face was a little red, I looked up to see that he wanted to remind him that the umbrella was crooked, but I was not so stupid, his umbrella was crooked to me, just to shield me from the snow.

  I quietly moved toward him, looked down at the black fox fur on my body, and felt very disgusted with his aesthetic.

  Thinking about the future when the Shangyi Bureau made me clothes, I asked them to make a few pieces for Zhang Jingxing by the way, and not to wear black and black every day, like a crow.

  Thinking about it, I was unconscious, and before that I was wondering what the soft thing I had just felt on my mouth was.

  When I woke up, there was no one in the house, but I wanted to drink water, so I had to get out of bed and get it myself.

  I must have been sick, dizzy and uncomfortable, I wanted to tell the empress dowager that I was sick, and as soon as I walked to the door of the empress's bedchamber, I heard a voice talking inside.

  That's my eldest sister's voice!

  The eldest sister is coming to see me again!

  The eldest sister said that I should not disturb others when they were talking, so I obediently stood at the door and waited for them to finish speaking before I went in.

  The eldest sister said that General Zhao Xiao annihilated more than 100,000 enemy troops, took the head of the Western Barbarian Khan, and himself was martyred.

  The empress dowager said that he was a loyal and courageous marquis.

  They talked for a long time, I was tired of standing outside the door, I decided to go back first, the eldest sister will definitely find me when she enters the palace.

  I waited until dawn until dark, and I didn't see my eldest sister.

  When it got dark and came, I was asked why I didn't eat, I really wanted to eat the meat buns in front of my house, I hadn't eaten meat buns in seven years.

  I cried and said that my legs hurt, and the Empress gently took me in her arms and did not speak.

  When the leaves in the palace turned yellow, Zhang Jingxing was assassinated.

  I told him not to go hunting, he would not listen to me, he would take me with him!

  We rode into the woods, and I asked him to catch a rabbit for me, and we were looking for a rabbit.

  Then I found a group of men in black, and I found that everyone liked to wear black, a large group of crows!

  They were holding knives, and I said it was the emperor.

  They said it was the emperor who killed.


  Since it has nothing to do with me, I'll go first.

  I swear I was really going to run, but there were branches on the ground and I tripped.

  It just fell on Zhang Jingxing's body.

  It doesn't matter.

  But why did the black crow just come with a knife and slash it!

  I thought, since I have been cut, let's cut a few more knives, let Zhang Jingxing quickly escape and call Taihou to save us.

  But Zhang Jingxing didn't seem to think like that, he was going to fight with those people.

  Sure enough, the human brain circuits of being emperors are different from those of normal people like me.

  So I was caught.

  Don't ask me why I got caught, it just caught me.

  One of the men in black told Zhang Jingxing to put down his knife or kill me.

  I want to say, big brother, it is useless for you to threaten Zhang Jingxing with me, the plot on those words is really rotten, it is all fake.

  But I can't say it, because I've lost too much blood and I'm probably going to die.

  I'm going to die before I can eat the meat buns.

  I hate Zhang Jingxing, and I said don't come hunting!

  I saw that Zhang Jingxing seemed to have the intention of putting down the knife, so can I promise?!

  What do you do without a knife to fight with people?

  "Zhang Jingxing, are you brain sick?" After I finished shouting this sentence, I regretted it, after all, he was also an emperor, I scolded him in front of so many people, and the empress dowager wanted me to go out to see the scenery again.

  Alas, just my mouth!

  Originally, I was dizzy, the man in black who was grabbing me was still ringing in my ears, and my temper came up to make him shut up, but he didn't listen and said that he would exchange Zhang Jingxing's life for my life.

  I never knew my life was worth so much.

  Although I don't want to die, qi guo needs an emperor, and the empress dowager is old and can't cultivate another emperor like Zhang Jingxing.

  Moreover, the eldest sister said that our Zhao family has been loyal for generations, and every descendant should guard the Qiguo Jiangshan Yonggu Guotai Min'an, if the emperor has no peace.

  If my heart is crossed, then I will die!

  So I gathered enough strength to crash the knife in front of me.

  The Man in Black didn't seem to expect me to do this either, and he was frightened to withdraw his hand, but the knife still stabbed into my body.


  It hurts.

  In a trance, I heard Zhang Jingxing call me, and he shouted too loudly, and all of them broke.

  I'm not deaf....

  I think that the year when I was thirteen years old was really a sad year, I fainted in the snow at the beginning of the year, my legs were not very good, I raised them for half a year, and I was stabbed by a knife again.

  When I first woke up, it was ten days after the assassination, and it was really not the right time for me to wake up, and zhang Jingxing, who was harmed, ran to see me before the end of the dynasty.

  I quickly asked Zhi Rong to call the empress dowager over, because I was afraid of Zhang Jingxing because I scolded him in front of so many people, and he killed me to kill me.

  But he didn't, and he grabbed my hand, very excited.

  It turned out that he wanted to pinch me to death.


  He said I couldn't do that again.

  I nodded and tried to pull my hand away, but I couldn't.

  It hurt me so much that he caught me.

  Oh, my heart is so tired.

  He kept saying it couldn't be like this anymore, and the first time I saw him shed tears, it frightened me.

  Didn't he just scold him in front of people, this is not forced by the situation to scold, when the emperor's soul is still so fragile.

  "Zhao Wan'er, you are not allowed to do such a thing in the future."

  "Yes Yes Yes"

  The arrival of the Empress rescued me.

  I moved my fingers a little, and it was okay, not broken.

  The empress dowager saw that I also had red eyes and asked me if I was still in pain, where I was uncomfortable, and what I wanted to eat.

  Butterfly roll ginger fish fillet spiced pigeon eight treasure wild duck bergamot gold roll hanging stove walk oil chicken shark fin crab soup mountain rare thorn dragon buds

  Of course, I wanted to eat it, but I couldn't eat anything.

  I said, I want to meet the eldest sister.

  The empress dowager said that she would see her eldest sister in a few days and a few days.

  I don't believe it, the longest time in the world is what people call a few days.

  So I said, I want to eat osmanthus crisp.

  I was sure I wasn't stabbed to death, but I've been lying in bed for three months, and my injuries are just getting better.

  Zhang Jingxing would come to see me every day, in fact, I wanted to say that I could eat by myself.

  But the thought of me scolding him made me dare not speak.

  He was punishing me in this way, knowing that I was full and did not dare to say it, and fed me every day.

  I gained a circle at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Worse, Zhi Rong was afraid that I was bored, thinking of the Fa to make me happy, telling me jokes, but her own memory is not very good, a joke can be told five or six times, see I don't laugh at myself is still in that weird sad.

  I had to laugh every time I laughed.

  After three months of such a hard day, I finally ushered in another year of the New Year of Qiguo.

  What does it mean that the New Year is here?

  It means that the ShangYi Bureau is coming to make me new clothes again!

  My joyful monk's dressing bureau chief said what style of clothes I wanted, and the empress dowager said, I can do as many pieces as I want this year.

  After saying part of it, I was a little tired and asked them to come back tomorrow.

  After lunch, the eldest sister came.

  Sure enough, as I expected, the eldest sister saw me crying again.

  Alas, she probably thought that her sister had only been a bad brain, and now she was a fat person with a bad brain.

  The eldest sister said that Ah Niang was sick and moved to the Taoist Temple for recuperation, and I nibbled on the chicken leg and nodded, regretting that I would not be able to eat the braised rabbit head in the future.

  I wanted to ask her why she hadn't come to see me when she came to the palace that day, but I was afraid that I would not dare to speak again as soon as I asked my eldest sister if I was going to cry again.

  I told my eldest sister that I wanted to go out to see the snow, but my eldest sister wouldn't let me, saying that my injury was not good, and I nodded my head and didn't make any other requests.

  The empress dowager allowed the eldest sister to stay in the palace for one night to accompany me, and I was very happy, thinking that the medicine was sweet.

  I drank the medicine with a smile and saw Zhang Jingxing looking at me with a complicated face, I think he may think that my action of drinking the medicine is indecent, but it doesn't matter, I am in a good mood today and I don't know him in general.

  I pulled my eldest sister to lie on the bed and talked about things in the palace, from getting up in the morning to wait for Zhang Jingxing to eat, to copying Buddhist scriptures and learning etiquette every day, to asking Zhi Rong to secretly make me a supper when I was hungry at night.

  The eldest sister looked at me tenderly, the corners of her mouth smirked, the eldest sister was really good-looking, and there were two small pear swirls around her mouth when she laughed, and I felt that no one would look better than the eldest sister.

  When we both talked about the middle of the night, we finally couldn't hold back from sleeping, and when we got up the next day, the eldest sister had already left, leaving a table of dishes she had made herself.

  I accidentally burned my tongue while eating, took water and ripped open the wound, and the pain made me cry.

  I cried for a long time, and I was still crying after the doctor had finished giving me the medicine, and Zhi Rong took me in her arms and comforted me.

  I asked Zhi Rong what to do, and I was in so much pain.

  Zhi Rong said that it was almost good, let me bear with it any longer, it will be good soon.

  I endure, endure.

  I endured until JingHui for nineteen years, and my injuries healed.

  A lot of things happened this year, first of all, one day I was playing chess with the empress dowager in the empress dowager's palace, and when I was struggling with whether to abandon the dark and throw the light or make a desperate bet, someone broke into the palace.

  To be precise, there are a lot of people who break in.

  Frightened, I fell on the chessboard, and before I could see it, I quickly protected the empress dowager behind me.

  Then we were caught.

  The two of us were dragged outside, I think they don't know anything about respecting the old and loving the young, the empress dowager is an old man, can't they be lighter.

  I said the same thing, but no one paid any attention to me.

  Well, that's okay.

  When I went outside, I saw a man dressed in a white robe standing there, and I thought that if he was with Zhang Jingxing, it would be the black and white impermanence of the book.

  The man looked a little similar to Zhang Jingxing, and he asked the empress dowager where Zhang Jingxing was.

  The Empress ignored him, and he asked me again.

  don't know, can I know?

  I don't think this man has a good brain yet, so I don't want to talk to him.

  I ignored him, and he laughed, and sure enough, his brain was not good.

  He asked me how old I was, I knew this, and I said fourteen.

  He said just right and asked me if I wanted to marry him.

  What I said came, he really had a bad brain.

  We just met, why would I want to marry him?

  He said that the daughters of the Zhao family were better looking than one another.

  I think he not only has a bad brain now, but his eyes are not good either.

  From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever said that I am good-looking, and our Zhao family only has the eldest sister who looks good.

  I asked him if he wanted to marry me because I was good looking

  He said yes

  I suddenly felt that he was also very good, because Zhang Jingxing never said that I was good-looking.

  I wanted him to praise me, but before I could say anything, he was pierced by an arrow, spurting blood onto me and staining my new skirt.

  I thought he was a very powerful villain, and I didn't expect to die so hastily.

  The leader died, and the rest of the minions were leaderless and subdued in a moment.

  Later, I learned that the empress dowager and Zhang Jingxing had been fighting with him for so many years, and there were too many voices in the court to support him as king.

  But now that he was dead, and those who supported him were also dead, no one dared to say that Zhang Jingxing could not sit on the throne.

  Later, I asked the eldest sister what the name of the person was, I always want to know what the name of the first person who praised me for my good looks was, and the eldest sister said that his name was Zhang Jingqing.

  Zhang Jingqing, Zhang Jingqing.

  I always feel like I've heard it somewhere, but I can't remember it.

  The eldest sister said that what she couldn't think of was unimportant, and she didn't have to think about it anymore.

  I am convinced.

  After another month, my father returned, and my eldest sister accompanied him into the palace to see me.

  I don't know my father, and I can't remember that I didn't have my father around, but he cried when he saw me.

  He is also good-looking, and it seems that our family genes are really good

  He gently embraced me in his arms, his shoulders so mighty that they could wrap me all around, and the stubble on his face pricked me a little.

  He said, "Wan'er has grown so big." ”

  It turned out that this was my father's embrace, it should be that the atmosphere was too dull, and I cried.

  I suddenly remembered that when I was young, I envied others who had a father, and I could hold it high, but I didn't, I was crying at home, and my brother laughed and picked me up, saying, "Our little one also has a father, and my brother is not there these days when my father is not there."

  My brother hugged me around several times, and now my father is holding me.

  I was a little annoyed at how I remembered it now, if a few years earlier, that clan feast, I would have pounced into my brother's arms and said that I remembered him.

  Daddy sat with me for a while and then left, because the harem man could not stay long.

  A few days later, Zhang Jingxing was drafted, which was the first draft in his nineteenth year on the throne, which was particularly grand.

  The empress dowager asked me to go with him to help him choose, and I smiled and agreed.

  I want to choose the kind of ugly one for Zhang Jingxing, and the temper is not good, choose a lot of this, and toss him to death.

  Of course, I just secretly thought this in my heart and didn't dare to say it.

  I changed into my new dress and followed the empress dowager, and Zhang Jingxing seemed to have a cold face when he saw me.

  I think the little nine-nine in my heart may have been seen by him.

  I was wrong.

  Because there is no long ugly, and there is no bad temper. Everyone is very good-looking, the voice is also good, and it looks very gentle.

  I shook my head in disappointment, Zhang Jingxing was a little happy to see me, he asked me what was wrong.

  I said there doesn't seem to be a good fit for you, and he asked me what kind of woman was right for me.

  If there is no salt, it is ugly, with a big waist and thick waist, and a lot of dirty words.

  Of course, I certainly won't say these words, I thought about it for a long time, and I held out a sentence of "look good to the eye"

  Zhang Jingxing waved a big hand, and this group of women did not leave a single one.

  In the end, the empress dowager chose four, and I chose two.

  The Emperor's first draft ended with a dismal record of six.

  After a few more days, I was still playing chess in the empress dowager's palace, and the empress dowager asked me if I wanted to stay in the palace.

  I looked at the chessboard with Kuroko for a long time and said, I don't want to.

  She asked me why.

  I haven't been home for eight years, and I don't know if the meat buns at the door are still there, whether Ah Niang's illness is better, and whether Ah Qing is still waiting for me to go back to play snowball with him.

  I said, because I don't want to wear new clothes anymore.

  After speaking, I heard the palace maid's panicked greeting, and turned my head to see a touch of bright yellow disappear in the doorway.

  It was about August, when the osmanthus crisp was hot, and the eldest sister came.

  This time was different, the eldest sister finally stopped crying, she smiled and held out her hand to me, and gently said to me, "Xiao Wan'er, my sister has come to pick you up and take you home." ”

  I stood there dumbfounded, the jade bracelet in my hand falling in response.

  My eldest sister and I walked hand in hand to the palace gate, my father was waiting for us, I looked at the horse next to him in a novel way, and my father said that his name was Thunderstorm, and he was an old friend who was born and died with him.

  He also introduced to Thunderstorm that I was his youngest daughter.

  As soon as we wanted to leave, the Emperor's Honor Guard came, and Zhang Jingxing asked me if I really wanted to leave.

  Didn't I go back to my own home...

  I told him that I wanted him to be a good emperor in the future, and not to drop things without moving, otherwise he would also cause other people to suffer.

  He asked me if I would come back.

  I thought about it and said, look at it.

  He looked very sad.

  I knew, because he thought that after I got out of the palace, I would wet his bed when he was twelve, fart when he was thirteen, and peek into the book at night at fourteen.

  I sat on my father's thunderstorm and waved at him, and seeing that he had been staring at me, I said to him, I will not tell you about your troubles.

  He still looked at me.

  Emmmm, he probably didn't believe me.

  Am I such a dishonest person?

  The first thing I did when I got home was to buy meat buns to eat, I led Zhi Rong along the road when I was a child, looked for several laps and did not see any buns for sale, Zhi Rong said that there was probably something to do today.

  I nodded in agreement, not planning to look for it later.

  The two of us turned a corner and went to the dim sum shop in the south of the city to buy osmanthus crisps, passed a tea house, asked for a private room, and sat and listened to music.

  Zhi Rong and I said that the osmanthus crisp was not as delicious as in the palace, and Zhi Rong didn't know what she was thinking and ignored me.

  Downstairs is a storyteller, I lie on the railing to listen, he said that today's Saint Shang has been swaddled to the throne for nineteen years now, four years ago the empress dowager was hanging the curtain to listen to the government, and confronted a number of former emperors and heavy subjects, who elected Zhang Jingqing as emperor, and even more from the western barbarian rebellion, fortunately there were Zhao family troops who resisted to the death.

  It can be said that the holy rivers and mountains were saved by the Zhao family with the strength of the whole family, and the Zhao family lost their only concubine.

  It is also said that Zhao Ruowei, the daughter of the Zhao family, fell into the country, the man in the family was not there, and one of her daughters' family supported the Zhao family alone for more than ten years, which can be called a woman.

  In addition, Zhao Wan'er, the young daughter of the Zhao family, was raised into the deep palace for eight years and never left the palace, and the only family member she had seen was the eldest sister.

  I listened and felt that what he said was not right, I had obviously seen the eldest brother.

  This storyteller is unprofessional, and I don't care to listen to it, pulling Zhi Rong away, and Osmanthus crisp doesn't want it anymore.

  In the past, Ah Qing always came to play with me, and she told me that if I wanted to find her, I would go to the county palace in the south of the city.

  When I went, the door was closed, there were two pieces of paper on the door, and no one answered when I knocked on the door, and I thought Ah Qing must have been angry with me, because I had not done what I promised her for eight years.

  I asked the grandmother on the side of the road about the family.

  She said the family was long gone and asked me who I was looking for.

  I said looking for Ah Qing, a white and tender little girl.

  The grandmother shook her head and said that there had never been a girl in this family, but there was once a prince, whose name was also Qing, and was the emperor's brother, but a few months ago, he rebelled and was killed.

  His home was also raided.

  I told Zhi Rong that this was definitely not Ah Qing's home, and that Ah Qing, who had a snowball fight with me, was a girl.

  Zhi Rong still ignored me, and I was a little angry.

  I told her to look for it again, and she stopped me and said I was going home for dinner.

  I think I can find it again tomorrow.

  The next day, my father and eldest sister took me to the Taoist Temple to find Ah Niang, and Ah Niang's body was really not good, and she cried when she saw me.

  The eldest sister saw Ah Niang crying, and she also cried.

  The father saw that the eldest sister and Ah Niang were crying, and his eyes were red.

  I wondered if I couldn't cry alone, so I cried too.

  Everyone is crying together, and the family is going to be neat.

  After crying for a while, my father probably felt that the atmosphere of sadness could be over by now.

  So he told us about him at the border gate, and the eldest sister also talked about the family affairs, and I was afraid that what I said in the palace would make them cry again, so I simply did not speak.

  Ah Niang's illness was so bad that she didn't go home, and we don't know why.

  The eldest sister had no choice but to ask Mama He to take more care of her, and if something happened, she immediately sent Xiao Wei to zhao mansion.

  In the days that followed, I was still in the palace, copying Buddhist scriptures, practicing writing, reading books, and sometimes seeing books that were playful and wanted to tell Zhang Jingxing, and suddenly I realized that I was no longer in the palace.

  It's New Year's again, and this time I can finally spend it with my family.

  We took Ah Niang back from the Taoist Temple and set off a lot of firecrackers, and my father said to put more and flush out the obscurity of the family.

  I put on the dress that the eldest sister had made herself, and it looked as good as the palace.

  Ah Niang's body is better, and she has made the braised rabbit head that I have been looking forward to for a long time.

  When I saw my father drinking, I secretly took a small sip, and I drank a lot of water, which made them laugh.

  We sat in the yard watching the fireworks set off, and I leaned on my eldest sister, and she tickled me.

  The snow fell, the snow at home is really beautiful, slowly falling, not cold at all.

  I said that if Ah Qing was there, I would be able to have a snowball fight with her.

  The eldest sister's smile froze on her face, but only for a moment, and she continued to laugh and say that she would fight with me tomorrow.

  I nodded heavily, agreeing that the person who lost would not eat plum blossom cake for a day.

  Father and mother snuggled together and smiled at us, this is the real New Year.

  Ah Niang had not survived the winter of this year, there was no way, her body was too weak.

  The eldest sister cried and collapsed, lying on the edge of her bed, and I stood behind the eldest sister and looked at her, as if she didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

  I asked Ah Niang if we wouldn't see each other later.

  Ah Niang did not reply to me, just a tear in the corner of her eyes.

  Touched my hand with her thin hand and stopped breathing.

  The eldest sister cried so sadly, I had never seen the eldest sister look like this, and my father seemed to have aged ten years overnight.

  In fact, it is very normal to be born, old and sick, and some people in the palace die every day and some people get sick, and they are not so sad.

  I also saw that there were palace women who wanted to seduce Zhang Jingxing, but they were discovered by the empress dowager, and they were stripped of their clothes and canes at the gate of the Cining Palace, and all the palace women were there watching, and the blood stained her red, and the others were not sad.

  When I was dying, I wasn't so upset.

  I said to my eldest sister, it's okay, you and me and Daddy.

  I probably said the wrong thing again, because when I finished, my eldest sister fainted from crying.

  Alas, I have a lot to say.

  Ah Niang's funeral was quiet.

  On the day of Ah Niang's burial, her father drank all night of wine, and the eldest sister did not shed a single tear since she woke up after fainting.

  Everything was as it had been before, and day after day, I was finished.

  The peach blossoms at home also bloomed, and the eldest sister deliberately changed me into a pink skirt, saying that I was like a peach blossom fairy.

  I looked at myself in the mirror, and it was really good-looking.

  The eldest sister said that after the fence is the big girl, and asked what kind of man I like.

  I thought for a while and said, just treat me well.

  On this day, Zhang Jingxing also came, and we did not expect him to come, which frightened the guests to kneel.

  I haven't seen him in a long time, and he's getting better again.

  I ran over with my skirt in my hand, smiled and said to him, you come to see me.

  He was still so high,000,000,000,000,000," but this time he ignored me, and he said that because I wasn't going to see him.

  I dragged him toward the main seat, and halfway through I suddenly released my hand and knelt down toward him.

  He was startled and asked me what I was doing.

  I say salute.

  The eldest sister said that when she saw Zhang Jingxing in the future, she must perform the ritual, and read me several times, and my ears will grow cocoons.

  Then he stayed at my house until midnight, talking to my father in the hut, and I wanted to eavesdrop, but was pulled away by my eldest sister.

  After he left, my father asked me if I wanted to enter the palace again, and the empress dowager was sick.

  I nodded without hesitation, and then I saw the eldest sister's red eyes again.

  On the tenth day after me and I, the emperor got married.

  It should be said that I got married with the emperor.

  When my eldest sister gave me a phoenix robe, I told her that this was the most beautiful dress I had ever worn.

  The eldest sister smiled slightly, drew a peach blossom on my eyebrow, and said that I was the most beautiful person she had ever seen.

  I didn't believe it, the eldest sister herself is the most beautiful person, I asked the eldest sister, when she plans to marry.

  The eldest sister thought for a moment and said, Ah Niang is gone, I have entered the palace, if she marries again, my father will be alone in guarding the great Zhao Mansion, and he will be alone.

  I nodded and said that if she wanted to get married, she would tell me that I would come back with daddy.

  The eldest sister smiled and said I was stupid.

  I walked up the thousand steps with Zhang Jingxing, the road was a bit long and a little boring, and I asked him if I was stupid.

  He seemed to be in a good mood, even with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and God knows how hard it was to make him laugh.

  He said, Wan'er is not stupid.

  He told me that Wan'er could make me get up a chicken skin, and I thought it was better not to find abuse for myself, and to shut up.

  The next day when he went to the upper court quietly, I slept until the sun was three poles before getting up, and when I got up, I wanted to see the empress, but Zhi Rong said that it was not enough, and the palace concubines wanted to see me.

  I don't know them, and they see me for what.

  But the eldest sister said that when entering the palace, you should listen to Zhi Rong's words more, and Zhi Rong's words are the words of the eldest sister.

  The palace concubines were still six of them, but they were one level higher than the last time I went out of the palace, and Qi Qi said to me to meet the empress dowager, they looked really good, six good-looking people sat in front of them, and there was nothing unhappy.

  I said that I would come to me for something in the future, but today I was going to go to the empress dowager's place, and I ordered some of their gifts, so I asked them to return first.

  They just left on the front foot, I followed the back foot out to the Cining Palace, Grandma Zhang almost forgot to salute when she saw me, I quickly supported her, she watched me grow up, how can I let her give me a salute.

  The Empress was indeed sick, lying on the bed with a thin face, reaching out to me when she saw me, and I took her hand and smiled and told her that I was back.

  I spoke to her all morning, and Zhang Jingxing came to the Cining Palace for dinner after handling government affairs.

  Aunt Zhang said that I came, the empress dowager was in a good mood and ate half a bowl of rice, and I was also happy, and I didn't feel bored listening to Zhang Jingxing tell historical stories.

  Then I went back to my previous life, copying Buddhist scriptures every day, reading, reading, and practicing words, but I changed from Cining Palace to Fengqi Palace.

  Every day, he would also talk to the empress dowager and ask her about the palace affairs that he did not understand.

  It's just that I'm too stupid to teach.

  The empress dowager smiled helplessly every time, and she was not annoyed

  I told her that you must live a long life, and if you are gone, what will Wan'er do alone?

  The empress dowager smiled and agreed to me, and also hooked up with me.

  In the autumn of Jinghui's twentieth year, Concubine Chen of the Pingqing Palace was pregnant, and Zhang Jingxing promoted her to be a fuller.

  According to what the eldest sister said, I summoned Chen ChongYi to Fengqi Palace and told her to pay attention to her diet so that she could have a safe fetus.

  She nodded obediently, her eyebrows gentle.

  This is the first child since Zhang Jingxing ascended the throne, I told my eldest sister that I must pay attention to it, and there must be no accidents, and the eldest sister smiled lightly and told me to pay attention to my body.

  Whether or not that child can be born is the life of the Chen family.

  I don't understand this sentence very well, but the eldest sister doesn't explain it either.

  The empress dowager asked me if I wanted a child, and I shook my head and said that I had not grown up, how to raise children.

  The empress dowager smiled and did not speak.

  Qiguo ushered in another New Year, I felt that being the empress was too tired, the concubines were pregnant and I had to manage, the monthly monthly routines were to be managed by me, the palace people had to ask me for instructions, and I was also fully responsible for the New Year's family banquet.

  I don't want to be queen.

  I said this to the empress dowager, and the empress dowager sent Grandma Zhang to help me, she arranged, I learned, but it was much easier.

  Zhang Jingxing has been picking vegetables for me, but fortunately he has not told me historical stories, and I can still eat.

  I'm really curious, where did he come from so many historical stories, and he could tell them for nine years without repeating themselves.

  Every palace concubine said a congratulatory message, and I thought for half a day and raised my wine glass to whisper to Zhang Jingxing

  I wish the emperor a long life and a hundred years of happiness every day.

  Zhang Jingxing lost his smile, returned a cup of toast to me, and wished the empress all the best.

  I hooked up with him.

  Not allowed to change for a hundred years.

  Because I drank too much, the next day I slept until the third pole of the day, and the first thing I did was to go to see the empress.

  When I arrived, Zhang Jingxing was already in the Cining Palace, and I jumped over and asked the empress dowager if she had slept well last night.

  Because of the joy of the New Year, the empress dowager's health also improved a lot, and after my insistence, the empress dowager finally agreed to let the doctor see it again.

  The doctor said that the empress dowager was just worried, and it was good to have a good life and raise it, and there was no major trouble.

  I confirmed it several times, and forced the doctor to swear before letting him leave.

  After doing this, I saw the empress dowager smiling and looking at me, and I also smiled at her, lying on her lap and playing with the skirt on her clothes, and talking to the empress dowager without a pair.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the fruit on the side, and pointed to it, "Zhang Jingxing, peel it for me."

  Zhang Jingxing raised an eyebrow, and actually peeled it and handed it to me, I held it and handed it to the empress dowager's mouth, and the empress dowager smiled and ate it.

  "Borrowing Flowers to Offer Buddha"

  Where the little pig is talking

  I rolled my eyes at him and told him to keep peeling.

  A few days later, I just wanted to see the empress dowager, and Chen ChongYi came.

  I looked at her slightly bulging belly very curious, and I couldn't help but reach out and touch it, and there would be a small child in it.

  After playing for a while, Chen ChongYi finally told me the purpose of her visit.

  To put it bluntly, it is Zhang Jingxing, the scumbag, who is pregnant with his child, and he still does not go to see people.

  I nodded my head to show that I understood, Chen ChongYi left happily, and I also went to see the empress dowager happily.

  In the evening, Zhang Jingxing came to my palace, and I told him to go to the Pingqing Palace to see Chen Chongyi.

  Zhang Jingxing looked at me for a long time and said yes.

  And then it was gone.

  This man is really strange, how can he still be angry.

  But it was good that he was gone, and there was no one to grab the quilt for me.

  A few days later, when the envoys of Xilu entered the palace to celebrate the New Year, I was dragged up by Zhi Rong early to make up.

  Xilu was the country that helped the Zhao family army defeat the enemy army in the western barbarians, and was a friendly state of the Qi state.

  The little princess of Siru seemed curious about me, and I could always see her looking at me from time to time.

  Halfway through the reception, Zhang Jingxing and I said that I would take the little princess for a stroll.

  The two of us walked casually in the palace, and she asked me how I could tell the difference between the palace chiefs and the ones.

  I was stunned for a moment, and I told her that I would be clear after staying for a long time.

  I took her to my palace for a while, and she gave me a whistle and said it was a gift for me.

  Zhi Rong left with the little princess, I looked at this whistle for a long time, and Zhang Jingxing came back and asked me what it was.

  I showed it to him, and as he played with it, I vaguely saw a wanji on it, vigorous and powerful.

  When there were still three months to go, Chen Chongyi's child could not be saved.

  I heard that it was An Guiren who rushed chen chongyi, and the palace women around Chen Chongyi were angry, but they accidentally injured Chen Chongyi between pushes and shoves.

  When I arrived, Chen Chongyi was still being treated, and An Gui and the palace people knelt on the ground, and when they saw me coming, An Guiren pear blossoms brought rain to me and told me that the concubines were wronged.

  When I asked her how wronged she was, she only said that Chen Chongyi was unreasonable first, and she couldn't say anything else.

  Zhang Jingxing looked quite angry, and ordered the palace maids around An Guiren to be killed, demoted An Guiren to a commoner, and beaten into the Cold Palace.

  In order to appease Chen Chongyi, she was promoted to the position of Guiyi.

  I wondered, when people were pregnant, they didn't see him care so much, and they were so angry when they fell pregnant.

  Sigh, man.

  I stayed at the Pingqing Palace in the middle of the night, and Chen Guiyi finally woke up.

  I woke up and looked at my stomach for the first time, and then I broke down and cried.

  I didn't know how to comfort her, nor did I dare to speak, the last time I comforted the eldest sister, the eldest sister cried and fainted.

  I still don't talk anymore, and it's wrong to say more.

  She cried for an hour before she remembered me and apologized to me, saying that she was overly sad and looked forward to the empress dowager.

  I wondered why I should be sad that I didn't have a child, why should I blame her.

  I told her that it was all right, that she should take good care of her body, and that her body was the capital of the revolution.

  Coaxed her to sleep again.

  After such a toss, when I left the Pingqing Palace, the sky was almost bright.

  I looked at the fish-belly white sky in the distance and asked Zhi Rong, although An Guiren usually has a little temper but is not a real troublemaker, why would he rush into her.

  Zhi Rong did not speak, I thought for a while as if I wanted to understand, but also did not seem to understand.

  Forget it, go back to sleep.

  There were originally fewer people in the palace, and now there was one less, so I went to ask the empress dowager if she wanted to choose another show, and the empress dowager put down the brush in her hand and told me that the draft was once every three years.

  I thought about it for another night, and ran to the empress dowager to tell her courtiers how about sending their daughters into the palace.

  The Empress was silent for a moment and asked me why I was doing this.

  Of course, it is to find more women for Zhang Jingxing, otherwise you will harm me and I will harm you, and there will be no one in the palace.

  I said, for the sake of our enlightenment, spread the branches and leaves.

  The Empress asked me if I had Your Majesty in my heart.

  Of course there is, otherwise I will have nothing to do around to find a woman for him?

  I said, yes.

  The empress dowager gently touched my hair, sighed and said that it was still not grown.

  "I'm sixteen years old, so why do you always say I'm still a kid?" I lay on my stomach on the table, a look of displeasure on my face.

  The eldest sister put the peeled grapes in my mouth and asked me if I knew why Chen Guiyi's child could not be born.

  I shook my head in silence for a moment.

  After half a year of screening, I selected twelve women to enter the palace, took the portrait to ask the empress dowager's opinion, and the empress did not look at it, saying that I had decided to do it.

  Zhang Jingxing ignored me because I found a woman for him for several days, I think he should be embarrassed, he is a thin-skinned person, but it doesn't matter, I come!

  Otherwise, I would sit in this queen's seat and not do anything, which would be too irresponsible.

  I led the twelve girls into the palace, arranged their positions and residences alone, and asked Grandma Zhang about them, and after receiving praise, I was happy for a long time.

  Bored at night, I played with the whistle that the little princess of Siru gave me, and after playing for a while, a palace maid came to exchange tea for me, and then knelt in front of me.

  I wiped my face and smiled at her to get up, and told her that the sand had blinded her eyes and asked her not to talk to anyone, because it was too humiliating.

  Hearing Zhi Rong say that Zhang Jingxing went there tonight, I nodded.

  The next morning, Zhi Rong said that He promised to promote He Meiren, and I nodded.

  After a few more days, Zhi Rong said that Song Xiaoyuan had been promoted to the position of Concubine of Song.

  After a few more days, Zhi Rong said that Li Chang was promoted to Li Guiren.

  Shen Wanyi was promoted to the throne of Shen Wanrong.

  Yu Baolinjin is located in Changzai.

  I lay on the beautiful bed in the empress dowager's bedchamber and said to the empress dowager that it seemed that Zhang Jingxing was quite satisfied with the concubine I had chosen for him.

  The empress dowager asked me how long Zhang Jingxing had not been to Fengqi Palace, and I said that I had come the day before yesterday.

  The Great QiGuo stipulated that every fifteenth and thirtyth months, the emperor must go to the empress's bedchamber.

  In the autumn, I had a fever without noticing.

  Since Jinghui was punished by the empress dowager to kneel on a snowy day in the seventeenth year, my body has not been very good, and my legs will hurt every rainy day, and when the day is slightly colder, I will quickly wrap myself tightly.

  But on this day, I played in the royal garden for a long time, did not feel cold, and immediately had a fever after returning to the palace after eating.

  Uncomfortable, I threw up all the food I had just eaten.

  I asked Zhi Rong and the people in the palace not to tell the empress dowager that her old man was not in good health, and not to give her a sick breath.

  Zhi Rong asked me if I wanted to tell His Majesty, and I thought about not telling him such a small matter, so I shook my head.

  But it didn't take an hour for Zhang Jingxing to come.

  He was angry.

  Although he didn't have any expression, I had been with him for so many years, and I could know what fart he had put wherever his ass went.

  He asked me why I didn't tell him, I was a little dizzy, and he said it was because it wasn't necessary.

  This illness drew out my previous knife wounds, and the doctor said a lot of professional terms that I didn't understand, and I thought this doctor was a quack.

  Every time he was asked to see a doctor, he said a bunch of things I didn't understand, and said things very seriously, but it certainly wouldn't be like this.

  Didn't the doctors all do this, so I didn't believe him?

  According to the doctor, I will drink medicine every day in the future, drink until I die, I can't use a lot of ice cubes to remove the heat in the summer, I have to wrap myself into a rice dumpling in the winter, and I must avoid eating things that are not too spicy, too fishy, too salty and too sweet.

  I'm absolutely sure he's a quack.

  Do I have to eat boiled cabbage every day?


  I think Zhang Jingxing is really grooming me, and he really brought a bowl of boiled cabbage for me to eat at night.

  Oh, and a little tofu.

  I... I'm going to fuck it

  So I dropped the bowl.

  He was not annoyed, and brought me another bowl, and told me that the small kitchen had made a big pot, enough for me to fall.

  Me: "... ”

  So I ate boiled cabbage in water every day, watched Zhang Jingxing eat big fish and meat in front of me, and watched him eat a lot of food, I secretly asked Quan Gonggong what was the crime of killing Jun.

  Frightened, he knelt down in front of me again.

  Okay, I'm not going to say it.

  What was even more excessive was that I finally secretly ate a piece of meat, and Zhang Jingxing actually pulled it out of my mouth.

  Cut it out...

  Cut it out!

  I was angry and didn't want to talk to him, but he seemed very happy, and yes, I would be happy if I saw him like this.

  He told me what I would eat and what he would eat.

  I didn't believe it, and sure enough, a few days later, Zhi Rong told me that she saw Zhang Jingxing secretly eating meat in the small kitchen.

  After drinking the clear soup for half a month, the quack doctor finally told me to eat something else at each meal.

  I was forced to do this by a quack doctor.

  I lay down in the arms of my eldest sister for comfort, and the eldest sister gently nodded my forehead with her finger and told me to obey.

  When my cold and fever were completely healed, I went to the empress dowager's bedroom for the first time, and the empress dowager pulled me aching and said that I had lost weight.

  I think whoever hasn't eaten a mouthful of oil and water in half a month will lose weight.

  After I stayed in the empress dowager's palace for a while, someone came to report that Shen Wanrong was pregnant, I went over to look at it, rewarded some things, and a few days later someone came to report that Concubine Song was pregnant.

  Together, we all get pregnant together.

  I went to Linglong Pavilion to visit Chen Guiyi, oh yes, I was afraid that Chen Guiyi would see things and think of people when she stayed in the Pingqing Palace, so I gave her the beautifully decorated Linglong Pavilion and occasionally chatted with her.

  Her personality is really good, originally thought that it was the same gentle type as the eldest sister, and after getting along for a long time, she found that she was a personality jumper, and she was compatible with me.

  When I came, she was pounding her small vegetable garden and told me that she was going to plant some grapes and send them to Fengqi Palace for me to eat when they were ripe.

  I rolled up my sleeves and spent an afternoon tinkering with her before I could get the flower stand right, and the tired two of us were lying on the table smiling at each other.

  I told her that at our speed, five days would not be good, or find a gardener.

  She nodded in agreement.

  I told her again that Shen Wanrong and Concubine Song were pregnant so that she would not be sad, and she would also have it.

  She thought for a moment and said that the children of these two people would probably be born smoothly without accident.

  I didn't refute it.

  After staying for a while, Xiao Shengzi said that Zhang Jingxing was going to come to Fengqi Palace, and I desperately told Chen Guiyi that I was going to drink medicine again, and she smiled and asked me to hurry back.

  I felt that being an emperor was also relaxed, and I still had time to watch me drink medicine every day.

  The medicine prescribed by the quack doctor is really not ordinary suffering, and I really don't want to drink it.

  This time I dropped the bowl again, and I now know that in previous years, Zhang Jing's behavior was always throwing the bowl, because it was cool!

  After I dropped the bowl, I looked at Zhang Jingxing triumphantly, and I felt that I was really underwhelming now.

  But Zhang Jingxing is a gentleman, he will not beat me.

  He looked at me for a moment and asked if I really didn't drink it?

  I said I wouldn't drink it.

  Then he drank the medicine

  What is this operation?

  And then he also returned... Kiss me


  He actually spit the medicine into my mouth!

  I: #^ #

  Then he asked if I really didn't drink?

  I nodded tremblingly "Drink... Drink, drink, I drink."

  Pick up the bowl and pour it into your mouth.

  It was horrible.

  This emperor is terrible.

  "This is good" He touched my head, his eyebrows were smiling, I think this medicine is too bitter, bitter my brain and ears are not good, I actually heard the spoiling in his voice.

  It's crazy.

  The recent weather has been exceptionally cold, and I am afraid that Shen Wanrong and Song Concubine will be cold in pregnancy, so I will let Zhi Rong send more charcoal and occasionally go to see for myself.

  When they came to invite Ann in the morning, I didn't wake up much, and listening to a few little girls mixing their mouths was also a good way to wake up.

  One night after drinking the medicine, Zhang Jingxing asked me if I wanted to go out of the palace to play, I thought I heard wrong, and asked him if he was lying to me.

  He asked me when he had lied to me, and I thought about it, and it was as if he had never lied to me.

  So I was in a very good mood for the next few days, Chen Guiyi asked me if I had encountered any happy things, I smiled and squinted in her ear and whispered, you guess.

  Chen Guiyi looked at me lightly, and I thought she must be thinking about what the crime of bumping into the empress was.

  At the end of Jinghui's twenty-first year, the New Year of the Qiguo.

  This is the second time I have hosted a New Year's banquet, more handy than the first time, And Grandma Zhang lovingly told me that the Queen is smart.

  I felt like she was fooling me.

  At the dinner party, Zhang Jingxing and I proposed not to mention everyone's position through the New Year, and Zhang Jingxing let me watch and do it.

  He told me again that he would go back tonight to change into light clothes and take me out of the palace.

  I'm happier.

  I ordered everyone to be promoted one level to each other, and everyone seemed very happy.

  After the banquet, I asked Chen Guiyi, oh no, Chen Xiuyi's wine dumplings this evening are delicious, she nodded and said to me that I knew that I had asked for her specifically.

  After I smiled and whispered to her for a while, I was afraid that Zhang Jingxing was in a hurry, so I hurried back to the palace.

  I chose a peach powder skirt, Zhi Rong was afraid that I was cold and draped me with a white fox fur, the whole person was like a small ball, came out to see Zhang Jingxing still standing there in black.

  I felt like the two of us standing together was like black and white.

  In the past, I used to walk generously in the palace, and this was the first time that I was sneaky, and I actually felt a little nervous, I gently pulled Zhang Jingxing's sleeve, and he asked me what was wrong.

  The sound was a little loud, and I quickly covered his mouth and pressed the voice to make him make a smaller sound.

  He smiled and nodded.

  Don't ask me why I covered his mouth and knew he was smiling, I knew what he farted.

  He also asked me in a low voice why I was whispering.

  I don't think his brain is very good.

  I said, we are sneaking out of the palace now, what if the guards find out?

  Then he laughed even harder.

  I think my brain is not very good, he is the emperor, I am the empress, I have not heard that the two empresses will be caught by the guards in the palace,

  Alas, why did I grow up stupid.

  I felt a little embarrassed, and I wanted to find a way to defuse it and make me look less stupid.

  As soon as I raised my eyes, I fell into a bay of lakes.

  His eyes were so beautiful, so beautiful that I seemed to be able to see the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers from the inside, I could see the sunset of the long river, asakusa had no hooves, and I could see a small me who was snow-white and covered his mouth with his feet.

  He asked me what I was looking at.

  I saw the little one in his eyes and I said, "There's me in your eyes."

  He took my hand away, leaned down and kissed me on the mouth and told me that he had always been the only one in his eyes.

  I seemed to know what the soft touch of my mouth was when a black fox fur was draped over my head in the snow that year.

  Until I left the palace, my heart beat a little fast.

  I should have been sick again, and the quack doctor didn't check me out, what a quack!

  After leaving the palace, I found an inn, and Zhang Jingxing took me to play on the street.

  This is the first time I have been in the house for new year, and it turns out that the new year can be so lively.

  I stopped and walked, thinking that many things here were very novel, and I asked Zhang Jingxing if he could bring me every year in the future.

  He smiled and promised me.

  We walked until midnight, and it snowed again, and someone in front of us performed spitting fire, and the snow with goose feathers fell on the fire and disappeared instantly.

  I pointed out in amazement, trying to ask Zhang Jingxing to come and see him, but as soon as I turned around, I saw him standing behind me.

  At that moment, I couldn't hear any sound, nor could I see anyone else, I could only see snowflakes slowly falling on Zhang Jingxing's body, his dark robe was full of snowflakes, and he stood there looking at me, as if he had been standing for many years.

  I remembered the winter of the year when I first entered the palace, I wanted to go home too much, crouched in the snow crying, crying tired and getting up to leave, as soon as I turned around, I saw Zhang Jingxing standing behind me, held out his hand to me, and said to take me to eat osmanthus crisp.

  I felt the need to ask the quack doctor to come back to the palace, and my heart began to beat very quickly, as if it was about to jump out.

  I didn't say anything until I went back to the inn, Zhang Jingxing asked me if I was cold, I shook my head, and nodded again, he asked the shopkeeper for a basin of hot water, took off my shoes, and sat in front of me to wash my feet.

  Looking down and frowning, I said that my feet were so cold and I had to stay outside for so long, I wanted to tell him that the water was a little hot, and I thought about it or didn't say it.

  The snow on his body had turned into droplets of water, and I reached out and touched it, a hand of water.

  It was as if something had melted in the mind.

  Break through ten years of wind, snow and frost, and drill out of the frozen soil.

  He said he was going to sleep with me in his arms, I thought about it and told him not to grab the quilt, he nodded solemnly, and I moved a position for him.

  The next day before dawn, he called me up and said he was going to take me somewhere, and I asked him in a daze where he was going so early.

  He didn't tell me either, washed my face with hot water, cleaned me up, and helped me into the carriage.

  I leaned on him to wake up, and when I got out of the car, I woke up.

  It's a... emmmm, bookstore?

  Forgive me for being short-sighted, this is really just a small hut, there is no plaque, if I hadn't gone in and seen a neat line of bookshelves, I would have suspected that I had provoked Zhang Jingxing somewhere, and he was going to kill me.

  After waiting for a while, an old man slowly walked out, looked at the two of us and went in again.

  The second time came out, there was an old grandmother, who seemed to have bad legs and feet, and was helped by the grandfather to slowly walk to the side of the stool.

  Kindly asked us the birthday eight characters, Zhang Jingxing respectfully replied.

  Asking us for our names again, I think a normal person should be shocked to hear Zhang Jingxing's name.

  But sure enough, the world is big, or my knowledge is too shallow.

  The grandmother just paused and continued to write.

  After writing it, I handed it to Grandpa, who gave us another one.

  I looked at the red paper, "Marriage? ”

  Grandpa glanced at me and said without anger, "Is it difficult or is it difficult to leave the book?" ”

  What I did wrong and why should I hurt me.

  Zhang Jingxing touched my head and said, "When Uchiko was young, her brain was not very good... ”

  I felt like I stepped on his foot and he wouldn't have ended up with me on the spot.

  Zhang Jingxing took up the pen, wrote a few words, and saw that I did not move to push me, "Silly lady, write quickly." ”

  Me Me Me Me Me.... I'm not stupid.

  In fact, although I have been reading and writing in the Empress Palace since I was a child, there are not so many powerful places for a person, so I have only learned to write well, and I have not learned a little bit of talent.

  Otherwise, how could I have written "A gentleman's word, a horse is difficult to chase" under Zhang Jingxing's "Forever knotted together, protecting The Secretary of State Changning". ”

  Zhang Jingxing looked at what I wrote and smiled.

  I felt like he must be despising me.

  But this can't blame me, if he said in advance that he was going to write a marriage post, then I would definitely pull Chen Guiyi to come up with eight very tall words.

  "To write this marriage post is to stay together for a lifetime, to not give up except for death, can the two of you think about it?" Grandpa seemed to look at us both unpleasantly, and he was always impatient to speak.

  "Eh, old man, how do you talk?" The grandmother's crutch knocked on the old grandfather, smiled and said to me, "Little girl, you can think well, write a post, follow this person, in the future poor and rich, can not abandon each other." ”

  I thought about it, after Zhang Jingxing could not be abolished, I could not see other men in the palace, and there was generally nothing to do, so I nodded my head and said that I had thought about it.

  "That old man wishes the empress dowager and harmony and beauty, and shares eternal life."

  I was stunned.

  It turns out that after them we were...

  So that, that old man still dares to be so unreasonable?

  After leaving, Zhang Jingxing told me that the two old people were one of the emperor's grandfather's teachers and the other was the imperial grandmother's personal palace maid, and after leaving the palace, they opened a marriage house and only opened in the morning.

  Zhang Jing dragged me to Jin Yuxuan again, specially created two small boxes to put the marriage post inside, and also took off a strand of my hair, tied it with him, tied it with red rope, and put it in together.

  One for each person.

  He had been emperor for twenty-one years, and now he was doing these things, and I tilted my head to look at him as if I didn't know him anymore.

  The two of us returned to the palace in the afternoon of the first day of the Chinese New Year, and as soon as we returned to the palace, we were called to the empress palace by Grandma Zhang.

  One of my reactions was, it was over, I seemed to be going out to see the scenery again.

  Unexpectedly, the empress dowager just asked me where to go, and after I told me the truth, handed me the wooden box.

  The empress dowager looked at the marriage for a long time, and did not scold me, but just asked me to see Concubine Song.

  Walking to the door, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't taken my box back, and I went back to get it, and I heard the empress dowager and Grandma Zhang say a word

  "It's a fool."

  Whoops why scold me again.

  After taking back the small box, I asked Zhi Rong to send it back to Fengqi Palace first, and I took Xiao Shengzi to Song Concubine's Dexin Palace to see, and halfway met Chen Xiuyi, who said that she was with me.

  Along the way, Chen Xiuyi told me what happened when I was away, Song Concubine drank more in the new Chinese New Year's Eve, and moved the tire in the middle of the night, but I was not in the palace with the emperor, and the empress dowager also slept, and she felt that she was the biggest position in the palace and should take responsibility, so she asked the doctor to hurry up and see.

  The doctor said that it was good to come early, and if it was a quarter of an hour later, something big might happen.

  Simply put, things are settled, as long as I go over to appease and visit.

  When I saw Concubine Song, I felt a little embarrassed and kept apologizing to her, and she seemed to be very surprised, and even said that the concubine could not stand it.

  After I allocated personal ginseng from the small storeroom to raise her body, I left with Chen Xiuyi, and the palace maid next to Concubine Song sent us away, I asked her if Zhang Jingxing had come, and she shook her head.

  Later, Zhang Jingxing and I said that Chen Guiyi had merit and would not be promoted to the concubine position, and he laughed and quipped to me, "The empress is favoritism." ”

  I looked innocent, Chen Xiuyi she saved the imperial heir, she deserved to be rewarded.

  Then Chen Yiyi changed from Chen Xiuyi to Concubine Chen. When Chen Yiyi came to play with me, I was wrapped in fox fur and building a snowman.

  "Concubine Chen is here."

  "You just want me to do more work."

  I smiled and nodded, and it turned out that my careful thinking had been discovered so quickly.

  She asked me what I had been doing with Zhang Jingxing on the two days of the New Year, and I said to go shopping and buy food.

  She obviously didn't believe me, and used snow to erase the eyebrow flower that Zhi Rong had carefully painted for me.

  The harsh winter finally passed, and at the end of the spring, a spring rain iced the relationship between the empress dowager and Zhang Jingxing to the extreme.

  I don't know where the wind came from, and the palace began to discuss that Zhang Jingxing was not the empress's own son, and the more people who passed on the letter, the more people there were.

  There was also a senior civil official in the court, who was born to the empress dowager.

  "This civil official is really very bad, the empress dowager has raised Zhang Jingxing for more than twenty years, so hard, and still says so about her!" I angrily ate osmanthus crisp, and scolded the civil servant I had never met with my eldest sister

  "Lord Song is an old official of the two dynasties, and he has also made great contributions to the overthrow of Zhang Jingqing, and has always been a loyal servant of His Majesty. The eldest sister frowned and took away the osmanthus crisp in front of me, "The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, you can only talk to me about this, and you must not talk to others." ”

  I asked my eldest sister to tell me about the fact that the former emperor was still alive.

  The eldest sister said that at that time, she was also a four- or five-year-old child, and only vaguely remembered that when the former emperor was still alive, she especially loved a noble concubine surnamed Yun, who was born as a geisha, all the way from Baolin to the noble concubine, and was the only one, but on the day of childbirth, she died in childbirth, and the former emperor could not bear the blow and did not hold the child and died sadly.

  The empress ordered the killing of all the palace eunuchs around Princess Yun Guifei, and took the holy will written by the former emperor and ascended the throne with the newborn.

  By the time this wave of operations caused everyone to react, Zhang Jingxing's name had already been included in the Emperor's Register.

  The eldest sister told me about this, Concubine Chen came to send me the crystal pan-fried bun she made, and she was recently fascinated by cooking whenever she tried a new product and was the first to try it for me.

  There are always more failures than successes....

  If I hadn't had a vendetta against her, I would have suspected that she wanted to poison me.

  When she said this to her, she glanced at me with her peach blossom eyes and said that I had paranoia about being victimized.

  I introduced her to her that this was my eldest sister, and then introduced her to her as the Concubine Chen I often mentioned, Chen Yiyi.

  When the eldest sister saw Chen Yiyi, she touched the water in the teacup, and I thought that I should have poured too much.

  The eldest sister went to the house to change clothes, went for a long time and did not come back, I wanted to let Zhi Rong go to see, Chen Fei said she went, let me and Zhi Rong taste the crystal small fried bun she made.

  Soon after Chen Yiyi went in, they both came out, and the eldest sister let us play, and she went back first.

  This is the shortest time that the eldest sister has come to see me.

  Zhang Jingxing had not been to the Empress Dowager's palace for a month, but I still came to talk to the Empress as usual and never mentioned his name.

  The former dynasty was still consulting Liyun Guifei as empress, and the harem Concubine Song was promoted to the throne of Song Ji because she was pregnant.

  I think Shen Wanrong is also pregnant, and for the sake of fairness, I also want to be promoted to a position, I said to Zhang Jingxing to promote Guiyi, he did not agree, so I ordered Jin Shunyi.

  The Empress sighed and told me I shouldn't do it.

  I said that to be an emperor, you should have a bowl of water and be flat, you are all pregnant, and it would not be unfair to promote only one person.

  The Empress smiled and said it wasn't like the words I could say.

  Because of the cold spring, the empress's body became more and more bad, so I went to the doctor, who only said that I was recuperating, and I smashed all the teacups on the table.

  Grandma Zhang stopped me and told me not to get angry.

  I went to qianming palace to find Zhang Jingxing, but Quan Gonggong would not let me in, and met Concubine Song coming out of Qianming Palace.

  Yes, she is now Princess Song.

  She told me that His Majesty was in charge of government affairs and could not see me for the time being, so she asked me to go back first.

  I gave her a slap and told her to kneel, and she refused me, so I gave her another slap.

  I breathlessly returned to the Cining Palace and told the empress dowager that Song Yanzhi was unreasonable to me, and the empress dowager touched my head, and her eyes were full of love.

  Then I was grounded in Fengqi Palace for half a month.

  Sure enough, the man's mouth deceives the ghost.

  I am probably the first empress in the history of the Great Jin Dynasty to be grounded for slapping a concubine.

  Zhi Rong pinched a osmanthus crisp to eat by herself, and replied to me by the way, no.

  Me: "..."

  Okay, I'm lonely.

  In short, it was very angry, which led to the whole father-in-law came to me several times during my grounding and I did not see him, and Zhi Rong said that there should be something.

  I let him in, and the first thing he did when he came in was to kneel, and he, he loved to kneel so much, and I didn't bother to pay attention to him.

  Seeing that I ignored him, he crawled to my feet and told me not to be angry with His Majesty, who was also bitter.

  I smiled and asked Zhi Rong to throw him out.

  As soon as the half-month deadline arrived, I immediately rushed to the Cining Palace, and I was relieved to see that the empress dowager was still staying there.

  The empress dowager smiled and wiped the tears from her face for me and told me that she had promised me to live a long life of 100 years, and that our little Wan'er had not yet learned how to be an empress, and she would not let herself be in trouble.

  I nodded desperately, so that she must not renege on her word.

  Princess Song became more and more spoiled, and her temperament became more arrogant, and it was not pleasing to anyone in the morning, especially Chen Yiyi.

  I think she should be unaccustomed to Chen Yiyi being in the same rank as her.

  Fortunately, I am usually tolerant and considerate to them, but few of them fall to her.

  The eldest sister reminded me that Haosheng was protecting Shen Shunyi, and that they were both pregnant at the same time, and Concubine Song would definitely regard her as a thorn in her eye.

  So I ran at both ends of the Huale Palace in Cining Palace every day.

  Whenever I rewarded Shen Shunyi with something, Concubine Song wanted it, even food.

  I didn't want to argue with her and let my father-in-law send him to dexin Palace.

  Chen Yiyi asked me why I didn't let Zhi Rong go, and I took the wicker and threw it on her head and scolded her for being stupid, what if she did something wrong in it.

  Chen Yiyi laughed and scolded me as a chicken thief.

  I also feel like I'm getting smarter.

  When I was talking to my eldest sister, my eldest sister touched my head and said I had grown up.

  On the day shen shunyi gave birth, Princess Song called the midwives away and said that they had moved the tires, Shen Shunyi did not have a midwife, I was anxious to find Zhang Jingxing, but Quan Gonggong said that he was out of the palace.

  I wanted to go to the Dexin Palace to rob people, but the forbidden army would not let me in.

  Well, Zhang Jingxing even sent her the Forbidden Army!

  Princess Song's palace daughters also told me that the delivery room was filthy, and I had better not go in.

  I slapped her and punished her with twenty boards, and asked her why I couldn't go to see the person I had carefully cared for for ten months now that his life was hanging in the balance.

  Entering the delivery room, I saw Shen Shunyi lying on the bed in pain, and I held her hand and told her to insist.

  Tell her that she has found someone to drag the quack doctor from home into the palace.

  She said, "Empress Niangniang, I am not willing, I avoid and endure Song Yanzhi every day, if I die like this, I am not willing, I am not willing to be empress niangniang."

  Later, he said that if she died, he must take good care of the children for her, and did not seek to be rich and prosperous, as long as he was successful.

  She said in a hoarse voice, grabbing my hand to death, so tossing and turning until the middle of the night, the child was born.

  I will not hold the child, for fear of hurting her, so I let the midwife hold it and show it to her, tell her that she is a little princess, and tell her that this is the first child in the palace, the eldest daughter of the emperor.

  She smiled weakly and tried to touch the child, but her hand stopped in mid-air and hung down weakly.

  I haven't had time to say a name for that sentence.

  I called her softly, and she didn't deserve me.

  Pushed her, she did not respond.

  The doctor took the pulse, tried the neck beat, and told me that Shen Shunyi had gone.

  I'm angry, this quack!

  I think I have to give Princess Song a little color to see, tell her this harem and me, I am very powerful!

  Before I reached the Dexin Palace, I was pulled away by Grandma Zhang.

  Aunt Zhang said that the empress dowager was looking for me, and when I arrived at the Cining Palace, I found that Quan Gonggong was also there, and when I entered the house, I saw Zhang Jingxing.

  Wasn't he out of the palace?

  Zhang Jingxing told me that the Song clan pretended that they were the elders of the two dynasties, and quelled the rebellion, and in recent years, they had become more and more arrogant in the court, pulling gangs and gangs, and openly provoking the imperial authority, so he had to spoil the Song concubines first and secretly find out the mistakes of the Song family.

  I remember when the message in the palace came out, I told him that it was true that the empress dowager was not his birth mother, and that it was also true that he had been carefully raised and taught him for more than twenty years, and if he turned against the empress dowager because of such a thing, he would be a stupid pig.

  He laughed and said he knew.

  After what happened later, I thought he was lying to me when he said he knew, but now it seems that he really knew.

  He touched my head and apologized to me for saying that I was still young, and didn't tell me in advance that all this was a scene between him and the empress dowager.

  I nodded, in fact, I don't blame them, I myself stupidly can't see it.

  I asked him, is Shen Shunyi's death also a drama?

  Zhang Jingxing paused with his hand on my head and told me to promote Shen Shunyi to the throne of Zhaoyi and bury him in the imperial tomb.

  I looked down and thought about it, and I thought it was good to be promoted two levels in a row.

  Ask him if he can give the little princess to Concubine Chen to raise, she is the highest rank in the palace besides me.

  He said yes, and said that this time would not happen again.

  I didn't speak back because I didn't believe it.

  A few days later, Princess Song gave birth, and on the day of her birth, Zhang Jingxing raided the house on the charge that the second son of the Song family robbed the people's daughter and caused the family to be destroyed, the third son's casino made a big fuss to defy the imperial authority, and Song Yansong secretly hid arms and secretly trained the dead.

  Zhi Rong and I said that if Princess Song knew that her family was gone after giving birth, it would be too pitiful, afraid of what she would do, let's go and see.

  When she went, Princess Song was only fetally moving, and there was no sign of childbirth.

  Seeing that I had come, I just looked up and said to the empress dowager to please be safe.

  She's always been like this, and I don't want to mess with her.

  I told her that her belly looked bigger than Shen Zhaoyi's, maybe a boy, and she hurriedly muttered that I was talking about a dead man in front of her.

  I think Shen Zhaoyi is a quiet person, they all say that I am stupid, do not want to explain to me something I do not understand, but Shen Zhaoyi is different, she always patiently told me the flowering period of each flower, and I said that she originally thought that the empress was a person who was high above and difficult to contact, but she did not expect that I was so gentle and tolerant and approachable.

  She also said that I was good-looking, and she was the third person besides Zhang Jingqing and the eldest sister to say that I was good-looking.

  I still like her.

  I asked Concubine Song why she didn't like Shen Zhaoyi, and she said that the Shen family was just a five-pin petty official, so how could she deserve it.

  I think she lied, because Chen Yiyi's father was a university student of Zheng Yipin, and she didn't like it much.

  I told her that the Song family was only a criminal minister, and it was not yet as high as the position of a five-pin official.

  She glared at me and asked me what I meant, and asked me to continue.

  I felt as if I had said the wrong thing, so I stopped talking, let her give birth, and I left.

  Not long after I left, there was a cry from Dexin Palace, and I told Zhi Rong that I might be going to give birth, and Zhi Rong asked me if I wanted to go back and have a look.

  I shook my head, I didn't like her.

  I slept in the Fengqi Palace for a while, Zhi Rong came to tell me that the fetus was too big, Song Fei died in childbirth, I asked her if she gave birth to a boy or a girl, Zhi Rong said that it was a boy, but also died.

  I nodded, and took out the holy will that Zhang Jingxing had written before for Zhi Rong to deal with, on which was song's arrogance, which killed Shen Zhaoyi, plus the reasons of the family, and gave Bai Aya.

  The eldest sister came into the palace to see me and asked me how I was, and I shook my head and said that I was fine.

  I said it was not going to be drafted, and there were two fewer people in the palace.

  The eldest sister told me to wait any longer, and looked at me worriedly.

  I told her that the chicken thighs this time were not delicious, and it was not salted.

  ☆ Chapter 2

  As usual, I went to talk to the empress dowager every day, looked at the little princess when I was fine, or practiced myself to read and read, and the most I did was to copy buddhist scriptures.

  Zhi Rong asked me why I didn't go to a Buddhist temple to worship so much when I liked to copy Buddhist scriptures.

  I told her that the temple was either at the top of the mountain or halfway up the mountainside, and that she would be exhausted when she climbed it, so I wouldn't go.

  And I don't like to copy either, I'm just used to it.

  Getting used to one thing is hard to change.

  In the autumn, Zhang Jingxing asked me if I wanted to go hunting, and I thought about the tragic experience of the last hunt, and waved my hand to say that I would do it.

  Zhang Jingxing said that if someone stabbed him again this time, I could no longer be with him and help him block the knife.

  I said I'll go with you, and I'll wait outside for you to come back.

  Originally, the hunting together was supposed to be the royal nobleman and the minister of culture and military affairs, but when it came to Zhang Jingxing, the people of the royal family were all dead, and the only brother had died a few years ago, so only the minister of culture and military affairs came with him.

  Zhang Jingxing said that this time the most hunted, you can make a wish with him.

  They went for most of the day, and everyone came back with a lot of prey, except Zhang Jingxing....

  Zhang Jingxing brought two rabbits back?


  I was so happy!

  I told him it was time to eat braised rabbit heads.

  He hit me on the forehead and told me that I should not eat it.

  It was a torture for me, and I couldn't eat this snow-white rabbit every day.

  "Braised rabbit head, stir-fried rabbit meat, rabbit tail soup... ”

  Before I could finish speaking, Zhang Jingxing took the rabbit in his arms and comforted it in a gentle tone, "Don't be afraid, don't eat you, Sister Wan'er will raise you well." ”

  I nodded in agreement, "Fatten up and eat again." ”

  Zhang Jingxing glanced at me and asked me if I wanted to eat fish at noon today, and I said yes.

  I asked Zhi Rong not to make so much charcoal fire, strangely hot, Zhang Jingxing touched my hand cold face, let Zhi Rong add another hand stove for me.

  Zhang Jingxing took advantage of the reason that my hands were cold and did not let me pick up the vegetables myself, and he came to feed me.

  I told him solemnly that I would only eat a little bit and would not clip it all the time.

  He asked me why I suddenly said this, and I thought about it and didn't bother to answer him.

  Originally ate well, as soon as I ate the fish, I felt that the smell was too heavy, and I directly spit it out.

  Zhi Rong quickly handed me water, and I rinsed my mouth or vomited.

  Then Zhang Jingxing excitedly found a doctor to come over, and I looked, yo, or the quack doctor.

  I thought about it, and if he let me eat boiled cabbage this time, I would throw him into the pond to feed the fish.

  He stopped on my wrist for a long time, so long that I thought he was taking advantage of me in front of Zhang Jingxing.

  Then he asked me when the last menstrual event came, how can I remember, Zhi Rong said it was last month.

  The quack doctor knelt in front of me and Zhang Jingxing with an excited face and said, "Congratulations To Your Majesty, Your Majesty He Xi, the Empress Dowager is already two months pregnant." ”

  Zhi Rong was stunned.

  Zhang Jingxing was also stunned.

  I looked back and tugged at the quack's sleeve and asked him if he was really fake.

  He said to me with a smile, "The old minister has been practicing medicine for more than thirty years, and a happy pulse will not be diagnosed wrong." ”

  He turned around and said to Zhang Jingxing that the fetus in two months was unstable and must be carefully taken care of, and said that my body cold is now late autumn, and I must not get cold.

  After saying that, I went to open the list.

  I saw that Zhang Jingxing seemed to want to come and hug me, but I didn't dare, that kind of cautious look, I had only seen it when I woke up from that assassination.

  The words in the palace spread quickly, and within half an hour, the empress dowager came in person.

  I hurried to help her, and she shed tears of joy and ordered a heavy reward for everyone in Fengqi Palace.

  On the second day, the palace concubines came early, laughing happier than the other.

  I wondered if I was pregnant with their children, what were they happy about?

  On the third day, the eldest sister and my father came to see me, and I felt that the eldest sister was crying again.

  really.... Oh, no?

  My father's health was getting worse, and I told my father to raise his body and hold his grandson in the future.

  The father waved a big hand and said that these were all old problems that had fallen on the battlefield before, and they would not get in the way.

  The happiest is Zhang Jingxing, he came to me almost every day when he got down from the court, I asked him if he could not go out of the palace this New Year, he smiled and hugged me, indicating that the family of three would go together this year.

  I said that if there was no New Year's banquet, I would let Concubine Chen help me and give her the power to assist the harem.

  Zhang Jingxing said yes, and I said that I would not promote her to a pint of Lady Shufei.

  He said it was a little soon, waiting for the New Year's feast to end.

  I revealed this news to Chen Yiyi. At that time, she was beautiful, saying that she was very tired of taking care of the little princess every day, and she had time to get any New Year's feast.

  I said it, if she took care of the little princess every day in her palace, Yu Guiren.

  I think Chen Yiyi is really suitable for governing the harem, and the New Year's banquet she runs is much more exciting than what I did.

  I decided to let her come every year from now on.

  She seemed to see my thoughts, glared at me, and said with her mouth that it was impossible.

  It doesn't matter, I just pretend I don't understand.

  Therefore, taking advantage of the New Year's banquet, Zhang Jingxing announced that Concubine Jin Chen was a concubine of Zhengyi Pinshu and had the right to associate the six palaces.

  Because I was pregnant and could not bear the wind, Zhang Jingxing pulled me away early and let them play by themselves.

  I actually want to play with them too.

  This winter, I took my empress dowager.

  Originally, the empress dowager's body was already very good, but somehow, it suddenly deteriorated again.

  When I heard the news, I was doing a tug-of-war with Zhang Jingxing because I really didn't want to drink placenta pills.

  When we arrived at the Cining Palace, the palace people knelt on the ground.

  Aunt Zhang said that the empress dowager wanted to see Zhang Jingxing first, and I waited outside for a quarter of an hour, and Zhang Jingxing let me in.

  I ran to the empress dowager, and she told me to stay away, careful to give the child a sick breath.

  I cried and said when was this, and how I still cared about this.

  The Empress took my hand and looked at me lovingly, telling me not to cry.

  "The first time the Wai family saw you, you were six years old, and a small person followed Ruo Wei to meet me, and the milky look was really cute."

  "Don't blame the Wai family for holding you up in the palace from childhood, the Wai family has no way, only your father can help us two, but I, but I, but I don't dare to put my life on him, the Wai family can only take his little daughter into the palace and take her as a hostage."

  I shook my head in tears and my voice choked "No. Empress Dowager, Wan'er doesn't blame you, never blames you. ”

  "Good: good boy." The empress dowager moved her hands and touched my face, "The most sorry thing for the Wai family is the death of your eldest brother, that year when the Western Barbarians invaded, the people in the hall were uncovered, and the Wai family really couldn't pull out and send troops to support, this is why... This caused your brother's death, the mourning family is sorry for you, sorry for you Zhao family. ”

  "Cheng Ye is also the mourning family who grew up watching, dying in other countries, it is the fault of the mourning family, it is the fault of the mourning family" The empress dowager patted her chest with her hand, and her face was full of tears.

  "No... Empress Dowager, not like this" I cried almost out of breath, Zhang Jingxing supported my shoulders, eyes red" Empress Dowager, you promised Wan'er, you said that you will live a hundred years, you have been protecting Wan'er, this queen's seat is you pushed Wan'er up, you want... Be responsible for Wan'er: Dowager! ”

  "Wan'er doesn't cry, don't cry" The empress dowager seemed to want to laugh, but she no longer had the strength to smile, "From now on, Jing Xing will protect you, and you will be safe." ”

  "The Wai family is old and tired, before the emperor died, he told me that he was waiting for me in heaven, I was going to find him, you promised the Wai family, you must be good with Jing Xing, don't... Don't be like the Mourning Family and the Emperors.... ”

  After saying this, the empress dowager closed her eyes.

  I think it must have been a dream.

  I'm sure I'm in a dream.

  Because I saw myself

  At the age of six, he was held in the arms of the Empress Dowager because he was homesick and hid in the quilt.

  Seven years old, the writing is crooked, and the empress dowager smiles and looks good.

  Nine years old, I fell in the snow, and the empress dowager quickly picked me up and asked me if I had any pain in the fall.

  At the age of ten, the Buddhist scriptures copied overnight, and the empress dowager carefully put them away.

  At the age of twelve, he was punished to kneel in the snow, and after fainting, the empress dowager anxiously paced in the room.

  At the age of thirteen, covered in blood, the empress dowager gave Zhang Jingxing a slap.

  At the age of fourteen, I said that I wanted to leave the palace, and the empress dowager cried silently in the house all night.

  At the age of fifteen, wearing a phoenix robe, he asked the empress dowager for peace, and the empress dowager said that our little Wan'er was really beautiful.

  Sixteen years old, and she said I didn't want to be queen anymore, there was panic in her eyes.

  At the age of seventeen, the news of my pregnancy reached the Cining Palace, and she hurriedly got up from bed to see me.

  That same year, she collapsed.

  The empress dowager who has accompanied me for eleven years, the empress dowager who has been with me for longer than Ah Niang, is gone.

  No more.

  Leave me alone in this man-eating harem.


  I sat up crying, and Zhang Jingxing hugged me, my body trembling a little

  "Zhao Wan'er, Shuo ordered you, you are not allowed to have anything to do, the queen mother is already gone, do you want Shuo to lose you again?"

  I was muddled for three months, and suddenly one day, my stomach moved a little, and I looked down at my somewhat round belly, and it was another one.

  "It... It kicked me. ”

  This was the first time I spoke in three months, and Lady Shufei immediately blushed and scolded, "I thought you would become dumb and couldn't speak, you still know that you have a child in your belly, every day like this walking dead alive, what do you want us to do?" ”

  When Zhang Jingxing came to see me in the evening, I looked at him for a while, and he lost a lot of weight, a lot.

  "I'm sorry"

  His body visibly stiffened, and he turned to look at me in disbelief, and I stood up and tiptoed to kiss the corners of his mouth, repeating "These three months, I'm sorry." ”

  In the days to come, you may sometimes have to be sorry.

  Zhang Jingxing seemed to have obtained the most precious treasure, and the light in his eyes lit up again, shaking his head and saying that it was okay, as long as I got better, it would be fine.

  The quack doctor said, I was already cold, coupled with excessive sadness, accumulation of depression, the first five months did not have a good birth, this birth, I am afraid it will be very dangerous.

  This was the first time I had seen Zhang Jing act angrily since I fell the bowl when I was twelve years old, and he shouted loudly, "If the queen has three long and two short on the day of childbirth, I want you to accompany the whole Tai Hospital to the funeral!" ”

  I think this doctor is really too pitiful, practicing medicine for more than thirty years, to the old age not only by my daily called quack medicine, this time more worried about life.

  It was my own mistake, but I let the hospital make amends, but there was no reason for this.

  I asked the quack doctor to get up first and help me to have a good birth, and this time raising the fetus was to make him bother more.

  Frightened, he just got up and fell to his knees again.

  Alas, my mouth is full of mistakes.

  When the eldest sister came to see me, she happened to catch up with the quack doctor and Zhang Jingxing said that Maoshan Hot Spring was cool in summer, and the hot spring was conducive to the recovery of pregnant women, and asked the empress to ride the Maoshan safe tire.

  The eldest sister and Zhang Jingxing said that she would accompany me.

  His father led the Zhao family army to personally escort him.

  When I left, Chen Yiyi hugged the four-month-old princess to walk in front of the palace concubine to send me, and I smiled and said that it was not that I would not come back, and there was no need for such a big battle.

  She told me to hurry up and choke

  I smiled and touched the little princess's head, "Aning must be obedient, try to grow up, and the queen mother will bring you back her younger brothers and sisters in a few months." ”

  Shen Zhaoyi's princess, named Zhang Kangning, took the meaning of An Kang Changning.

  My sister and I sat on the carriage to Maoshan, the carriage was very large, six horses riding together, and it was also very stable, and I leaned on the eldest sister and asked her if I would die in childbirth like Shen Zhaoyi and Song Shuren.

  The eldest sister gently and firmly told me absolutely not.

  The days in Maoshan were quiet, every day was to see and write, and copied a box of Buddhist scriptures.

  Zhang Jingxing would come to see me as long as he had time and bring me gadgets he didn't know where he got them.

  I know that he is giving me a relief, in fact, I am not bored at all, and the tranquility of Maoshan can make me think carefully about many things that I did not understand before.

  Fast forward to July, when the peaches are ripe, and after I ate a sweet peach, my stomach hurt a little.

  Zhang Jingxing moved to Maoshan to accompany me to give birth as early as half a month ago, and I told him that today is the Middle Yuan Festival, and he can't go shopping with a big belly, and he gently coaxed me to say that I will take me to see it next year.

  After four months of conditioning, my body was getting better, and the midwife kept making me push hard, hard.

  I want to tell them that I've really pushed hard.

  Just when I was running out of strength, I heard a cry, and in my ear was the midwife's happy voice shouting twins, dragons and phoenixes.

  I think they're too noisy and want them out.

  For a moment, the pain made me think I was going to die, and I wondered what it was like when Shen Zhaoyi gave birth.

  There were no midwives, no doctors, and no families.

  How desperate she must have been when she cried and begged me to take good care of her children.

  I didn't have time to think about it, Zhang Jingxing rushed in, asked me how I was, I asked him to see the child, he shook his head, said I was fine.

  Also said thank you to me, thank you for not leaving him behind.

  I didn't have the strength to speak, only to give him a smile back.

  After that, I moved back to the palace, but my health has not been very good, and the quack doctor said that it would be better to keep it for a few more years.

  I thought about the bitter, disgusting medicine and shook my head in fear.

  Daqi had a concubine, named Chenghan, and Zhang Jingxing ordered him to be crown prince.

  Daqi also had a concubine, named Kangle, which is my name and I wanted her to be healthy and happy all her life.

  The father hugged his grandson and laughed, probably too loud, and scared my son into crying. The eldest sister looked helplessly at the overwhelmed father and took the child in her arms and coaxed it.

  One-year-old Corning looked curiously at her younger siblings in the bassinet, screaming, and suddenly a brother word popped out, and we happily asked her to say another word, she ignored us and turned her head to look at Kangle.

  My body has not improved due to production, and every day I rely on medicine to raise, Chen Yiyi picked the grapes she planted for me to eat, and the grape skins were used to feed rabbits.

  Zhang Jingxing caught me a rabbit, I never cared about it, it actually ate itself so well.

  I smiled and said to Chen Yiyi that I could make a big pot of rabbit broth.

  Chen Yiyi glanced at me obliquely and said that I had died this heart prematurely.

  I lowered my eyebrows and said, "Lady Guifei taught me." ”

  Twenty-four years after Jinghui, my well-being is gone.

  When she was born, she was a small one, did not cry or make trouble, held it in her hand like a piece of paper, and I carefully raised it for a year and a half, and she still left me.

  The happy departure sucked all my energy out, and I was too sick to get out of bed.

  Zhang Jingxing accompanied me every day, and the government almost didn't care.

  The eldest sister told him that I didn't want to live anymore, and he didn't believe it, so he still let me take medicine every day and agreed with me about future things.

  I obediently drank the medicine, and he did not agree to anything he said.

  Alas, he's this man.

  In the late autumn of the same year, after breakfast, my spirit was still good, I wanted to go out and sit, I asked Zhi Rong to change me into a peach powder skirt, Zhi Rong was afraid of my cold, and gave me a white fox fur.

  I looked down at my own set, like Zhang Jingxing secretly took me out of the palace that night.

  Shengzi and I said to go and call Zhang Jingxing back.

  It was the first time he was on the court, and I called him back.

  Also the second time, he left his ministers and came to see me.

  When I was assassinated that year, I couldn't see the panic of Zhang Jingxing when I opened my eyes, and I wouldn't tell anyone.

  I thought he had an accident, and Zhang Jingxing, whom I was protecting with my life, would collapse if there was an accident.

  But fortunately, he came back and hugged me and told me not to do this again.

  I really saw the panic in his eyes, crying in front of me like a child.

  My heart was a soft mess.

  Zhao Wan'er, you are finished, it is already finished.

  From that year when you lifted the table and were punished by the empress dowager to kneel in the snow, Zhang Jingxing came to hold you an umbrella.

  Or a little earlier, when he squatted on the ground crying in the palace for the first year, he turned around and saw his outstretched hand, and told you in the same childish but pretentious old look that when he took you to eat osmanthus crisp, you were finished.

  "Zhang Jingxing?" I hugged the rabbit and asked Zhi Rong.

  "Your Majesty is behind you."

  When I turned my head, I saw Zhang Jingxing, dressed in a dark dragon robe, standing not far behind me.

  I asked him to come over and hug me, he gently hugged me into his arms, I said to Zhi Rong to move a beauty bed, I was a little tired of standing, I wanted to sit and wait for the sunset.

  I told him that it was probably today, and I had feelings.

  He ignored me.

  It didn't matter, he often ignored me, I was used to it.

  I told him not to call the quack doctor over, I didn't want to drink such a bitter medicine at such a short time.

  I looked up at him and could only see his slightly stubble chin.

  I remember that the empress dowager once asked me if I had Zhang Jingxing in my heart, and I said yes.

  But the Empress did not believe it.

  At that time, I was telling the truth, when I was fourteen years old, I was out of the palace, I couldn't find the meat bun that I had in mind, I couldn't find Ah Qing who had a snowball fight with me, and Ah Niang also moved to the Taoist Temple and didn't want me.

  I was reading at home and saw something interesting that I wanted to say and listen to, but the feeling of his absence, not to mention how lost.

  On the day of his arrival, I took him by the hand and took him, childishly swearing sovereignty like a child.

  My father asked me, the empress dowager is sick, would you like to go to the palace to take care of her, but this time I entered the palace as an empress.

  I said that the empress dowager treated me like a daughter, and I was willing.

  Only I know that when I say yes, I am answering the second sentence.

  No one knows how happy I was on the day of the big wedding, I was the queen of his three media and six appointments, with the highest etiquette of the Great Revelation, attracting the attention of all the people, and sharing the worship of hundreds of officials to marry the queen who entered the door.

  He walked beside me, and I was so nervous that I didn't dare to speak again after asking only one innocuous question.

  I also want to ask him, what if I can't do this queen?

  What if the harem spoils me?

  What if he annoys me one day?

  There are too many questions to ask, and I am afraid that as soon as I open my mouth, I will not be able to hide the love in my heart.

  Because I was afraid that he was so good, there seemed to be nothing in the world that he could not do, and I, and I had been said to be stupid since I was a child, I was afraid that I was not worthy of him.

  I clearly saw the irritation in his eyes when I asked him to go to find someone else, and I also clearly saw the affection in his eyes when he wrote down the eight words of Yongjie Tonghao and Protector Qing Changning.

  I think he should like me too.

  The king is sincere in his words, and he is inseparable from life and death

  Promise to the king, until death

  I wanted to write a lot of posts and tell him that as long as he didn't abandon me, I wouldn't fail him.

  But I didn't dare, I was afraid that after letting him see my fiery sincerity, I would have nothing to hide in front of him.

  "Zhang Jingxing, I like you."

  "I like you a lot, I've liked you since a long time ago."

  "I know."

  Oh, he knew.

  "When did you know?"

  "A long time ago."

  It's annoying that I've been hiding it for so long.

  "Then do you like me?"

  "Loved... ”

  "How much do you like it?"

  "I like it, I like it, a little more than you."

  I smiled, thinking he must not have as much as me, and I raised my hand to wipe the tears from his face, so that he was not allowed to cry.

  "Father is old and has injuries on his body, you must take good care of him."

  "And the eldest sister, she did not marry in her life for the Sake of the Zhao family and for me, and you must treat her kindly after I die, she is too bitter, too bitter."

  "Yi Yi is a good girl, she will not have that kind of foreign relatives monopoly of power, the Chen family will not threaten your imperial power, you should not be wary of her anymore."

  "What about me, Zhao Wan'er"Zhang Jingxing looked down at me, vulnerable like a wounded little beast, "What do you want me to do?" ”

  "The first year I married you, I wanted you to live a long life and be happy every day, and when I toasted, I said it." I hugged him and rubbed in his arms, "You wish me all the best, I did it, every day I married you, everything, I am very satisfied." ”

  I want to tell him that Princess Song was killed by me, and I know that she will ask for a copy of anything I give Shen Zhaoyi, so I gave her a lot of good supplements when she was pregnant, which caused the fetus to be too large, and it was also I who told her about her family on the eve of her childbirth, so that she moved the tire in advance.

  She didn't have a child, so Heaven was going to go to my well-being.

  She died in childbirth, so God took my life.

  I wanted to tell him that I thought of my brother, the sentinel that little princess Xilu gave me, was left to me by the eldest brother, and she also told me that the eldest brother said that he had a sister, who was well-behaved and sensible since childhood, and did not cry or make trouble in the palace, he felt sorry for me, so he wanted to give it to me personally after the battle, and told me that my brother was back, so let me not be afraid.

  I want to tell him that I am copying Buddhist scriptures every day, praying sincerely that the Great Revelation will be able to forever consolidate the country and the people's peace, and praying that my husband will no longer have such a difficult life as when he was a child, but I dare not go to worship the Buddha, I dare not let the Buddha see the bad things I have done, nor do I dare to let the Buddha know that I am humble and earnest.

  I also want to tell him that I have been in the palace since I was six years old, and now I have cried because the empress dowager punished me, because my eldest sister has cried because of her labor, because my eldest brother and Aunt Niang have died, and because I have finally seen my father cry.

  He alone has always been joyful.

  "Zhang Jingxing, I like you"

  Loved it and loved you.

  In a trance, I saw the moon rise, as if it were back to the New Year of the year I had just married him, and he took me out of the palace, and I covered his mouth, and I could only see his translucent eyes.

  His eyes are so beautiful, so that I can see the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers from the inside, I can see the sunset of the long river, asakusa has no horseshoes, I can see a snow-white body, and the little me who covers his mouth with his feet covered.

  I'm not going to tell anyone, because the words he said were always just you in my eyes, and my heart was beating fast and jumping out of my body.

  It was the most beautiful love story I'd ever heard in my life.

  ☆, extra

  Fanwai 1 Corning

  The Imperial Brother was punished to kneel again today.

  When Kang Ning and Lady Shugui were talking, Lady Shugui was peeling grapes for her to eat, asking her to go to Qianming Palace after an hour to deliver a plate of grapes, and then take a detour to bring the imperial brother over.

  This is the twelfth year of Zhang Kangning's birth, and Zhang Chenghan's Nth punishment kneeling.

  Zhang Kangning drove to the Qianming Palace, greeted the little eunuch at the door, and went inside to find his father.

  Putting the grapes on the table, he squeezed his thighs hard, squeezed out a few tears, and said, "The emperor is young and weak, this noonday sun is poisonous, what can I do if I have heat stroke?" ”

  Seeing that the emperor did not move, Kang Ning ran over and hugged his thigh and continued to cry, "Father Emperor, I am such a younger brother, if he has three long and two short, I will not live.... The living unhappy whined" Corning glanced at the whole father-in-law on the side to make eye color, and immediately changed his mouth.

  "For today's homework, I will be fined thirty times."


  Hearing his father's relief, Corning immediately jumped up and stole the grapes from the two tables before leaving.

  When Zhang Kangning went to pick up Zhang Chenghan, his small mouth was tight, and it was serious that she seemed to see her father.

  He was really similar to his father.

  The mother concubine said that the imperial brother not only looked like the father and the emperor, but also resembled the son of sex.

  But the Father did not like him.

  No matter how well the Emperor did, the Father Never Gave Him a Smiley Face.

  When she was young, she asked her mother why her father didn't like her brother.

  The mother-in-law said, because of fear.

  Afraid that seeing Zhang Chenghan will always think of the empress dowager

  But Corning didn't understand that

  Zhang Chenghan seemed to be very devastated because he was punished for kneeling, and he had not spoken since Kang Ning led him back to Linglong Pavilion.

  "So many times, I'm used to it, Brother Emperor, you should get used to it." Kang Ning was lying on the mat in the courtyard, and there was a pair of people talking to Zhang Chenghan, but the latter did not pay any attention to her.

  Alas, this unlucky boy.

  Zhang Chenghan's negative emotions continued until the Middle Yuan Festival.

  The dinners of the Mid-Yuan Festival were arranged by Lady Shu, but the emperor only showed his face and left, never staying for more than a quarter of an hour.

  Everyone only remembers that this day is the Middle Yuan Festival, and it seems that they have forgotten that this day is also Zhang Chenghan's birthday.

  Kang Ning did not dare to remember that when she was six years old, she secretly celebrated Zhang Chenghan's birthday, and before the longevity noodles came out of the pot, the father emperor came, followed by an anxious mother concubine.

  It was the first time Corning had seen her father angry, and she and her brother had been on their knees for a day and a night, and their knees were swollen.

  Later, Zhang Chenghan's maternal grandfather, General Zhao Lao, entered the palace, and his father and emperor let them rise.

  The mother concubine whispered to her that there were only three things she couldn't do.

  First, you can't mention the Empress.

  Second, you can't enter the Fengqi Palace.

  Third, the prince cannot be given a birthday.

  The mother concubine said that as long as she did not touch these three things, even if she turned the sky in the palace, the father and emperor would not blame.

  However, on this day's Zhongyuan Festival, Zhang Chenghan told Kang Ning that he would go into the Fengqi Palace to have a look.

  Zhang Kangning was so frightened that he said unfavorably, and pulled Zhang Chenghan's clothes and shook his head straightly.

  "Imperial Sister, I want to see my mother."

  "Imperial Sister, I have never met my mother."

  This little look is really pitiful.

  Zhang Kangning felt that he was simply crazy, and even promised him to accompany him to sneak into the Fengqi Palace at night.

  If the Father and Emperor knew about this, they would have peeled a layer of skin.

  On the day of the Zhongyuan Festival, most of the palace people were □□ in the banquet hall, and the two people moved the ladder with difficulty, and after some tossing, they finally walked into the Fengqi Palace.

  This Fengqi Palace is really big, Kang Ning admired while looking at it.

  "Prince, princess?"


  Zhang Kangning turned around sluggishly, his heart wanted to die, and when he first came in, he was found "Aunt Zhi Rong... \"

  "After the emperor missed his mother, he wanted to come and see."

  Aunt Zhi Rong looked at Zhang Chenghan silently for a long time and sighed, "Come in." ”

  The mother concubine asked Corning if she remembered the queen, and she hugged her when she was young.

  Kang Ning shook her head, from the time she remembered that the empress dowager was a taboo in the palace, there were once two little palace ladies who talked about the queen when cleaning, and they were heard by the father who passed by, and they were killed on the spot.

  Since then, no one has dared to mention it.

  Kang Ning had always thought that his father did not like the empress, or even hated it, so disgusted that he did not want to hear her name, and did not want to look at her son.

  So, when Corning saw the portraits in the room, he was taken aback.

  "The Queen Mother... Zhang Chenghan looked at a picture of God.

  The queen's mother is really beautiful.

  The portrait hung all over the room, and the woman in the painting was either delicate or disgusted, or sitting or standing, looking at it one by one, Kang Ning felt as if the empress dowager was really standing in front of her.

  When the father emperor came, Zhang Kangning was looking at the Buddhist scriptures on the study table, and before he could think about why there were Buddhist scriptures, he was taken out by two eunuchs.

  This was the second time, six years later, Zhang Kangning saw his father angry.

  She was beaten thirty times, and the pain was so bad that she thought she was going to die, and she cried and told her father that she was wrong.

  She fainted when she was taken back by her mother-in-law, and when she woke up the next day, she heard that Zhang Chenghan had been beaten fifty times by her father and driven out of the palace.

  She burst into tears and asked her mother what to do, and she shook her head.

  The empress dowager was the only □□ of her father, and no one could do anything about it.

  She also asked the mother concubine why there was a gentleman's word on the desk of the Fengqi Palace, and it was difficult for the horse to chase eight words, like a newly written hairpin flower.

  No answers were received

  She asked the mother concubine again if the imperial brother would come back.

  The mother-in-law smiled and touched her head and said of course she would.

  Corning had been waiting in the palace.

  Waiting for Zhang Chenghan's birthday, he secretly got off the bowl of longevity noodles and hid in the house to eat.

  When the snow fell in the palace, the snow illuminated by a red lantern at night was shining brightly, very beautiful.

  The snow was heavy, and he could not pass his ankles overnight, and when Kang Ning was bored, he would pull Zhang Chenghan to watch the eunuchs sweep the snow.

  Today, she is the only one left.

  Hearing the sound of walking behind him, Kang Ning turned around in surprise, "Brother Emperor! ”

  Not far behind him stood a man dressed in indigo, with a jade-like face and gentle elegance.

  Kang Ning felt that in that instant, her world was lit up, like a gorgeous flower blooming in a thousand acres of flowers, so that everyone else she saw was dim.

  She could clearly hear her own heart beating fast.

  "The courtier wishes Rong rong to meet Her Royal Highness the Princess."

  "Get up: Get up." Corning choked on the wind and coughed a few times, and waved his hand to get him up, "This is the harem, how did you get here?" ”

  "Back to the princess, the minister entered the palace for the first time, and somehow got lost."

  "You, take this adult to the Taisho Palace." Kang Ning was about to leave with a finger of a eunuch, just took a few steps, and then stepped back, "I see that you are wearing so much, this hand stove will be given to me, I am cold." ”

  “... It was"Zhu Rong was stunned for a moment and handed over to the hand stove.

  Hiss, his hands were so cold.

  After returning to the palace, she told the mother concubine about this matter, and the mother concubine smiled and leaned forward and backward after hearing it, saying that this Zhu Rong was a person who did not know the road since childhood, and he could get lost in his own yard, and the doctor said that there should be some problems in the brain.

  "How can he be an official if he has a brain disease?"

  The mother concubine nodded at Corning's head, "Only the little problem of not knowing the road, the concubine of the Zhu family is a young genius, three years old to write poems and five years old, eleven years old a national policy name shocked the world, fourteen years old was sent by His Majesty to Jiangnan to control the water, two years ago, a few days ago heard that the Jiangnan flood was solved, now it is time to come back to life." ”

  Kang Ning, who listened, was full of admiration, and when he went to qianming palace the next day to ask Ann to see Zhu Rong, he felt that his body was shining.

  Kang Ning had been waiting at the door after inviting Ann, and Quan Gonggong's eyes widened and narrowed, and finally waited until Zhu Rong came out from inside.


  "The mother concubine said, the grace of the dripping water gushes out to repay, you gave me a hand stove yesterday, and Princess Ben took you to the palace gate today."

  "Don't bother with Princess Lao, Duke An can take his courtiers out."

  "He is not familiar with this palace," Kang Ning said when he saw him refuse to immediately, and his eyes did not forget to sweep the people around him, "They are not familiar." ”

  Zhu Rong smiled helplessly and bowed his head, "There is Princess Lao." ”

  For the first time, Kang Ning felt that the palace was too small, and after walking for a while, he arrived at the palace gate.

  "Princess Ben has never been out of the palace to see it." Kang Ning saw that Zhu Rong was leaving, and said with a stammer, and then pinched his thigh to squeeze out two tears, "I don't know what it looks like outside." ”

  Zhu Rong stopped, looked at Kang Ning for a moment, and said, "That's a pity." ”

  Then turned and left.


  "Congratulations! Princess Ben sent you to the palace gate, as a reward, you are looking for an opportunity to take me out of the palace to play! Corning shouted, "My mother-in-law said, and the grace of the dripping water gushes forth in retribution." ”

  When zhu Rong's back could not be seen, Kang Ning lifted her skirt and ran back, and the palace eunuch behind her did not react to it, running all the way back to the Linglong Pavilion, Kang Ning was tired and panting.

  "Mother concubine, mother concubine, wish the family prince is gentle as a jade teenager to become a talent, humble and dignified, is it enough to be a donkey?" Enough on it? ”

  "What, we little Ning'er like that little boy of the Zhu family?" Lady Guifei raised an eyebrow at the ink that had been spilled

  "He's really good-looking, his voice is good, his temperament is good, everything is good."

  "Then you need to know if people like you."

  This sentence of Lady Shufei embarrassed Kang Ning, who buried his head in the words book for several days and formulated several sets of plans that he thought were perfect, to test whether Zhu Rong liked himself or not.

  The first step, the book said, girls can only be liked if they are beautiful and versatile.

  So Kang Ning dressed himself up every day to show off the bright people, let people move the piano, every day to guard not far from the Qianming Palace, as soon as he saw Zhu Rong appear, he began to play.

  Bouncing cold and shivering, people ignored her.


  The second step is to create an unexpected situation, to save the United States by a hero, the feelings will heat up quickly, and if necessary, it can be said that the little girl is willing to give herself a promise.

  So Corning threw the piano away, watched Zhu Rong appear, and pretended to slip in front of him.

  Zhu Rong: "Princess, the snow melted three days ago." ”

  Corning "... ”

  The third step, to grasp the man's heart, is to grasp the man's stomach.

  So Kang Ning went to the small kitchen every day to learn to cook, and the cook who learned it cried and begged her not to embarrass them anymore.

  The fourth step is to cultivate common interests and hobbies in order to have more topics.

  So Corning began as soon as he saw Zhu Rong

  "As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win countless victories in the world."

  "The heart is empty, and the wind is still quiet. Rolled up the floating clouds and moon self-evident, there are mountains and rivers shadowing. ”

  "Red beans are born in the southern country, a few branches are sent in the spring, may the king pick more, this thing is the most similar... Eh, eh, good luck you don't go! This thing is the most acacia! ”


  Step five, step six, step seven...

  Zhu Rong stayed in the capital for a year, and Kang Ning chased Zhu Rong for a year.

  Spring goes to autumn, and winter snow falls.

  It's been a year since Corning first met Zhu Rong.

  It has been a whole year since Zhang Chenghan left the palace.

  This year's winter is really cold, cold Corning does not dare to go out, and the plan to pursue Zhu Rong can only be shelved for the time being.

  This winter took away the old general Zhao, Zhang Chenghan's maternal grandfather.

  The Emperor ordered the posthumous title of Duke of Dingguo of the First Rank.

  Lady Shugui and Kang Ning said that the old general Zhao was the father of Empress Xian, and Rong Ma had suffered many illnesses in his life, and his body had become worse since empress Dowager Xian's illness and death.

  Now that the old general Zhao has also passed away, the Zhao family is the only one left in the Zhao family.

  Lady Shugui got the emperor's consent and went out of the palace to the Zhao Mansion to mourn.

  Corning had never been out of the palace, and this time he came out with him.

  Kang Ning has always felt that the Zhao Mansion, as the General's Mansion of the Five Dynasties, should be that kind of serious, thick, and prohibitive look, and no matter how bad it is, it should be a magnificent, large family.

  I never expected it to be so cold and depressed.

  "This is not a depression," Lady Shu guifei seemed to see what Kang Ning was thinking, and whispered, "It is silence, their family, they are all silent." ”

  Inside the door house, there were white stripes hanging up, and Zhao Ruowei came out in plain clothes to greet her, and was stopped by Lady Shugui.

  Kang Ning saw the mother concubine take out an emerald green thing from her sleeve and hand it to Aunt Zhao, and also heard her say, "This is what Wan'er gave me before she died, saying that if you are the only one left in the family, I must hand it over to you, she wanted to write you a letter, but she really couldn't hold the pen, so I could only bring a sentence." ”

  "She begs you to live a few more years, help her see if Her Majesty's body is good or not, do you hate her for throwing him away" The mother concubine's voice was a little choked, and Kang Ning clenched the corners of her clothes"She wanted to beg you to hold on a little longer, to help Chenghan find a good wife, not to seek how rich and powerful, as long as the two lovers were happy and did not create estrangement. Please, when you have done all these things, go to her again, and she will be there waiting for you, waiting for you to talk to her in detail. ”

  Before leaving the Zhao Mansion, Kang Ning looked back and saw that Aunt Zhao was kneeling in the ancestral hall in plain clothes, and her back was thin but straight.

  Kang Ning felt that Aunt Zhao must be very sad, and she could feel her sadness through thousands of mountains and rivers, as if this sadness had spread from the capital to the outside of Sai.

  Like that green whistle, it has entrusted too many heavy feelings, reluctant to leave, unable to open, unable to bear.

  Corning suddenly wanted to hug her and tell her not to be upset.

  But she didn't dare, didn't dare to go near her, And Corning felt that grief was contagious, and she was now very sad to be contagious.

  "Grass people, meet the noble concubines." Just out of the Zhao Mansion, I saw a middle-aged man dressed in cloth standing at the door.

  "Ning Er, this is the closest cousin to the mother concubine, called Uncle." Lady Shu guifei gently reminded Kang Ning, and before Kang Ning could speak, the man said

  "Niangniang is tormented, I have long been expelled from the Chen clan, who is qualified to be called the princess's uncle."

  "Since my cousin came, why didn't he go in?"

  "She... Wouldn't want me to go in. ”

  Sitting on the carriage back to the palace, Kang Ning asked Shu Guifei if the uncle just now liked Aunt Zhao, and Shu Guifei asked her how she saw it.

  Corning said that the eyes, the eyes' liking, could not be hidden.

  "The two of them had been related since childhood, green plum bamboo horses, but they could create and manipulate people, and at that time, Chen Zhao's two families, one article and one martial arts, were all important courtiers in the DPRK, and if they were to be fixed, they would be framed by people with hearts in the name of pulling gangs and forming private interests, forcing them to be unable to be together."

  One, would rather leave the Chen family.

  One, it was impossible to give up the Zhao family.

  Just miss it, and if you miss it, it's a lifetime.

  Kang Ning didn't understand very well, she felt that if they liked each other, they should be together, just like she liked Zhu Rong now, if Zhu Rong also liked her, she would immediately run to her father and ask him to marry.

  But she didn't know Zhu Rong's thoughts, but it didn't matter, she could wait, and when she knew, it was not too late to ask for it.

  It was not easy to get out of the palace once, Kang Ning really did not want to return to the palace so soon, and his mother let her play outside for one night, sprinkling and rolling for a long time, and finally got the whole father-in-law to pass on the word, and ordered the young secretary of the Dali Temple to accompany the princess to play for a day.

  Kang Ning was almost going to love her father to death, when she saw Zhu Rong at the palace gate, she couldn't bear to hug him directly, Kang Ning's head only reached Zhu Rong's chest, and her eyes were shining with her head on her back, "Zhu Rong I can go out of the palace to play!" ”

  Lady Shu guifei sighed in the car and ordered the sedan to get up and return to the palace.

  Kang Ning saw that everything was novel, holding Zhu Rong's hand and walking around, several times feeling that Zhu Rong wanted to let go of her hand, and she held it tighter.


  Zhu Rong took her to Zhu Mansion for a night, and it was Zhu Rong's entourage to lead them back to Zhu Mansion to be precise.

  Corning's pleasing personality instantly provoked Zhu Rong's mother's affection, and Corning felt that his certainty of catching up with Zhu Rong was much greater.

  After a night of playing, Kang Ning was dreaming about the candy man flower lantern he saw tonight.

  The next day, just after dawn, I got up and crept into Zhu Rong's room, and Zhu Rong looked really good.

  Gentlemen are like jade, gentle and incomparable.

  Corning poked his face with his fingers, soft.

  White and pure, like a small steamed bun.

  Would love to kiss it....

  Corning don't overdo it, he is also a princess no matter how he says, stealing a man is simply unconventional!

  But... Now no one saw him, and he was asleep again... It doesn't matter if you take a moment.

  One moment, just one.

  So Zhang Kangning immediately ran out of the room, and then quickly turned back to close the door, and knocked down a mane on the road, frightening the mane to kneel on the ground and prostrate.

  Zhang Kangning felt the panic on her face, and couldn't care about her, rushed to the front hall and met Zhu Mu, who was watering flowers, Zhu Mu smiled and asked her how she got up so early, panting and her face was still red, something happened.

  Because I stole your son.

  Corning felt that if he said this, the mother concubine would be able to peel her skin.

  "Because there are still things in the palace, the mother concubine asked me to go back earlier, and I... I'll go first. ”

  "Come, go and call the young master to send the princess back to the palace."

  "No more!" Kang Ning hurriedly stopped it, and felt that his reaction was too strange, and remedied, "I mean, it's so early in the morning, I wish the adults should still be asleep, just ... It's not a hassle, I'll go back to... Oh no, just let the family send me back. ”

  Before Mother Zhu could speak, Kang Ning ran away, naturally missing Mother Zhu's sentence, "Ah Rong has already woken up, and only then did he make me a pot of tea." ”

  Back in the palace, Kang Ning held herself back for ten days, Lady Shugui asked her what was wrong and she did not speak, and finally when Lady Guifei had no patience to beat her, she cried and hugged her waist, "I like Zhu Rong so much, the whole palace knows, if he does not marry me, the father will be unhappy, but if he marries me, but does not like me, he will lose me in the future, what should I be sad about?" “

  Lady Guifei cried and laughed, where will anyone dare to fail the princess, do not want to live?

  But seeing that his daughter was really struggling with this matter, he moaned a little and said, "Probably not." ”

  "The words are like this in the book, and the final ending is that the heroine dies before the male protagonist regrets it." My mother-in-law is still young and doesn't want to die yet. ”

  "Well, that's a problem." Lady Shu guifei also frowned, and said solemnly, "Then the mother concubine let Ning Er marry her a few years later, and let Ning Er live for a few more years, how?" ”

  Kang Ning hugged Lady Shu's waist and thought for a moment, nodding his head as if it were feasible.

  "What if he marries someone else before I marry him?"

  "Then let Your Majesty order that he not marry anyone else."

  So that afternoon, Zhang Jingxing saw Zhang Kangning secretly pinch the flesh of her own thigh, squeezing out a few tears and begging him to order Zhu Rong not to marry other women.

  "How much do you like Zhu Rong?" Zhang Jingxing asked her in a deep voice

  "Loved it." Kang Ning didn't want to answer, but when he saw that after his father heard her answer, his expression seemed to be a little moved, and in his eyes, there was a fine light.

  When Zhu Rong received His Majesty's edict, his mood was complicated, and the expression of the duke was also a little strange, how could there be an emperor who decreed that his courtiers would not marry any woman other than the princess within five years.

  Corning got this will, and happily didn't sleep well all night, thinking about his plan to pursue his husband.

  So it was two years of chicken flying dog jumping female chasing men, Kang Ning slowly grew up in the days of chasing Zhu Rong, and his temperament also calmed down.

  "You, you, you, you're becoming more and more like me." Lady Shugui's slender fingers nodded at Corning's head, and the child was not as calm as the outside world said, and his careful thoughts were all hidden in his heart, exactly the same as his young self.

  "Because Ning Er is the daughter of a mother concubine." Kang Ning rubbed Lady Shufei affectionately, and in three months she should be able to do it.

  She was going to ask Zhu Rong on that day if she liked her or not, and whether she wanted to marry her.

  In March, the season of warmer weather, Corning's longing day has finally arrived.

  After choosing a peach powder long dress and not allowing her to wear it, Kang Ning reluctantly changed into a five-fold chinese dress and begged Lady Guifei to draw a peach blossom on her forehead.

  "Mother-in-law, what's wrong?" Kang Ning called out and stared at the lady concubine who was stunned, thinking that she was strange today, and looked in the mirror, "It's very good-looking, mother concubine, what do you see?" ”

  "Nothing, just a friend who used to have a crush on my eyebrows."

  Kang Ning knew that the mother concubine was talking about the empress dowager, and she saw it in the portrait of the Fengqi Palace, but it seemed that the mother concubine did not want to mention more, and she consciously did not continue to ask.

  Kang Ning stood quietly waiting outside the Di kun Hall, heard the voice of the ceremonial official, and was slowly walked into the hall by the palace maid, who had already arrived and stood on both sides.

  In fact, there were four or five people in total, and Kang Ning had heard that there were more than a dozen of them before, but since the empress's death, those who had no luck were sent out of the palace, and the rest were promoted and left in the palace.

  When he was close to the right position, Corning knelt on his knees, folded his hands between his eyebrows, prostrated deeply on the ground, got up and prostrated again, three prostrations.

  Because there was no empress, Kang Ning walked slowly to the lady standing on the side of the main throne by stepping on the steps built by Han Baiyu and bowed again. Lady Shugui curled her hair, inserted a gilded glass eight treasure hairpin, and helped her get up, facing all the women.

  Li Cheng.

  After returning to the palace, Kang Ning collapsed on the bed, closed his eyes and wondered what reason to find Zhu Rong.

  "The princess... A palace maid whispered, and Corning muttered and waited for her below, "You open your eyes." ”

  "What's wrong?" Kang Ning opened his eyes and looked sideways in the direction where the palace lady was looking, "Chapter... Zhang Chenghan?! ”

  Kang Ning quickly got up and ran to Zhang Chenghan, who was standing in the doorway, with a look of incredulity, "When did you come back?" How have these years been on the frontier? Have you ever been bullied? How to lose so much weight, but also black. ”

  "Today's return, went to see the father and emperor, hurry up or miss your ceremony, these past few years have been very good, no one bullied me..." Zhang Chenghan looked at Kang Ning, who was hugging himself tightly. ”

  "I didn't cry." Corning buried his head in his clothes and choked up in his voice.

  When Zhang Chenghan left the palace, his size was not as tall as Kang Ning's, and now he was more than a head of her, he was already thin, and now he was even more bone when he held it.

  The father emperor was also really cruel, Zhang Chenghan's body from the mother's womb was not very healthy, and he had thrown him out of the country for so many years, if the empress dowager was still alive, she would be angry.

  After Zhang Chenghan returned, Kang Ning accompanied him every day, and he followed him wherever he went, just like when he was a child.

  When Kang Ning and Zhang Chenghan went to see Zhang Jingxing together, Zhu Rong was also in the Qianming Palace, zhu Rong's expression was somewhat solemn, as if he was discussing some important things, and Kang Ning consciously left.

  Quan Gonggong unusually did not let her wait at the door this time, probably it was really a major national event, and she could not be allowed to listen.

  After returning to the palace, Kang Ning asked Shu Guifei if something had happened, and Shu Guifei frowned and said warmly, "I heard that it is the Western Barbarian Nine Tribes Alliance, and it wants to attack Daqi." ”


  Watching the death of the old general Zhao, the Zhao family army was not as brave as it had been then, and it was again offensive.

  These days, the atmosphere in the palace was somewhat depressed, everyone was cautious, even Zhang Chenghan was also cold with a face, Kang Ning had encountered Zhu Rong several times, he was also frowning, Kang Ning stood not far away and did not dare to come forward.

  Zhu Rong took the initiative to come, performed the ceremony and said that she still did not want to come to the Qianming Palace in recent days, and also brought her plum blossom crisp outside the palace.

  One night half a month later, Kang Ning was lying on the concubine collapse in the courtyard bored to watch the stars, and Zhang Jingxing came to the Linglong Pavilion for the first time in the world.

  Hearing the eunuch's report, Kang Ning fell to the ground in fright, and quickly got up to salute.

  Zhang Jingxing's mood looked good, and he also touched her head with his hand to make her flat.

  The palace people served tea, and Kang Ning obediently sat aside.

  This was almost the first time Kang Ning had seen Zhang Jingxing step into the harem since she was born, and if it were not for the presence of her and the imperial brother, she would have doubted whether there was something wrong with her father.

  But these words she just thought in her heart, she still wanted to live well.

  The father emperor came this time to choose a concubine for Zhang Chenghan, and the father emperor asked the mother concubine to have more attention and discuss it with Miss Zhao family.

  The mother concubine nodded and said yes, and the father left.

  Kang Ning prepared to tell Zhang Chenghan the next day, but the next day Kang Ning overslept, and after getting up, he heard the palace maid say that Zhang Chenghan and his father had a big fight and were punished to kneel.


  This child had not been seen for several years, and his temper had grown a lot, and he dared to quarrel with his father and emperor.

  Lady Shufei stopped Kang Ning, who wanted to go to Qianming Palace, and told her that this time things could not be managed.

  The palace lady said in all kinds of tongues, and Kang Ning also listened to this matter, saying that it was because Zhang Chenghan learned that his father wanted to choose a princess for him, and asked his father why he did not ask him to choose a concubine, so he quarreled.

  During this period, Zhang Chenghan also mentioned the empress dowager, and the father was furious, drove him out, and punished him by kneeling at the gate of Fengqi Palace.

  When Kang Ning went, Zhu Rong was also there, and he was still dressed in indigo like jade. Kang Ning hid in the distance and did not dare to come forward, waiting for a while to sneak out his head and see Zhu Rong leave her before coming forward.

  "Sister Huang is coming to see me again." Zhang Chenghan saw her smile slightly, he didn't like to smile like his father and emperor before, he didn't smile for a day with a cold face, but this time he came back obviously changed a little, and he was a little angry.

  "Is there really that girl?"


  "Do you like her?"

  "Loved it."

  "Loved it."

  "Does she like you?"

  Kang Ning looked at Zhang Chenghan for a long time and thought that it must be a very pleasing girl, so that his brother could talk about her with eyes like stars.

  A few days later, Zhang Chenghan was appointed as the commander-in-chief and sent to the Western Barbarians to fight, and Zhu Rong was a military division.

  When Kang Ning heard the news, the soldiers and horses were already preparing to leave, and the father and emperor did everything too suddenly, and no one up and down the court reacted, and the matter was already decided.

  Corning got the news and ran all the way to the city tower, only to see the back of them leaving.

  That man, even among the thousands of people, she could recognize at a glance.

  Be sure to come back safely.

  Kang Ning looked at the castle tower for a long time, until he couldn't see the figure, then he looked away and turned his head to see the mother concubine standing next to him.

  The mother concubine told her that Nanguo had written a letter to come over, saying that the second prince had set off to meet His Majesty, and Dongyueguo also said that the third prince would also come.

  The Father rejected them on the grounds of war.

  Also with the great war imminent, how could the father and emperor be in the mood to set up a banquet.

  Lady Shu Guifei sneered, "The difference between the nine ethnic groups, that is, the ninety ethnic groups, can also be served in one pot." His Majesty just doesn't want to see them."

  What Lady Shugui said was true, and half a month later, a good report came from the front, and Zhang Chenghan attacked three cities in The Western Barbarians in succession.

  Five days later, when Kang Ning was picking peach blossoms with the palace ladies and preparing to make peach blossom brewing, someone came to report that Zhang Chenghan had attacked the five cities.

  His Majesty was presented with a letter of surrender written by the leader of the Nine Tribes of the Western Barbarians.

  But His Majesty did not even look at the surrender book, and turned and shot down two birds, their heads blurred with flesh and blood.

  The Father was angry.

  Although he didn't know why his father was angry, Kang Ning could really feel that his father was angry.

  The father ordered Zhu Rong to return to Beijing within ten days.

  He returned early in the morning of the ninth day, and as soon as he returned, he was called to the Qianming Palace, and within an hour, his father was gone.

  The departure of the father and emperor shocked the emperor, and the mother concubine also panicked.

  Some of the elderly ministers were sick at home for several days because of their father's obstinate will, and now there was no emperor or prince in the capital, and only Zhu Rong was barely able to stabilize the situation with the holy will.

  Kang Ning was thinking as he listened to Quan Gonggong read out the Holy Will, if Zhu Rong colluded with the military attaches of the DPRK at this time, occupied the capital, and pursued His Majesty....

  Impossible, Zhu Rong would never do such a thing.

  The Zhu family was originally only a five-pin petty official, but it was the father and emperor who gave him the opportunity to appreciate his ability, so that he could sit in the current high position before he reached the crown, and Zhu Rong would not have the heart of a tiger and a wolf.

  After the father left, the first thing Zhu Rong did was to ground Lady Shu.

  When the Forbidden Army surrounded the entire Linglong Pavilion, Kang Ning only felt that the sky was spinning, and he held the door frame tightly to support himself from falling.

  Corning saw the sad light in the mother's eyes, and that night the mother-in-law drank a lot of wine and shut herself in the house without coming out, and when Corning kicked open the door, there were scattered wine jars in the house, and Corning had never seen the mother-in-law look like this.

  Carrying the mother-in-law to the bed, I heard her muttering, "Wan'er, he never believed me." ”

  Kang Ning waited until noon the next day, when Lady Shu guifei woke up, and when she woke up, she did not talk about yesterday's gaffe.

  When Kang Ning saw Zhu Rong in the afternoon, he slammed the Yantai at him and told him to get out, and the loud voice startled Lady Shu guifei out of the house.

  Zhu Rong frowned and asked her what was wrong.

  Kang Ning sneered and slapped him with her backhand, and Lady Shugui pulled Kang Ning behind her and stared at her for a while, letting the palace maid take her into the house first.

  After Kang Ning entered the house, he sat on his knees in the corner, and after a while, Lady Shugui came in, walked over to her and squatted down.

  "Let the mother concubine guess that we Ning Er should think that Zhu Rong wolf's heart and lungs, taking advantage of the lack of a master in Beijing, intends to usurp power and seize the throne."

  "Now that he has the Holy Will, and has grounded the noble concubine, if he joins forces with the military attaché to sneak up on His Majesty and Chenghan from behind.... ”

  "Mother-in-law, don't say it," Kang Ning interrupted Lady Shu guifei's words, covering her ears and not wanting to listen.

  "You," Lady Guifei flicked Kang Ning's forehead fiercely, crying and laughing, "tell you to read less in the book on weekdays, what is going on in your head all day?" ”

  Kang Ning looked up at Lady Shu guifei in confusion, "Can... But he did send troops to surround the Linglong Pavilion... The mother-in-law also yesterday... ”

  "The Forbidden Army only listens to the Emperor's orders, how can he command them?" Lady Shu guifei looked at Kang Ning's pitiful appearance and said in a warmer tone, "Mother Concubine scared you yesterday." ”

  No... No

  Did she blame him?

  Cocoa: But she had just given him a slap in the face.

  At the thought of this, Corning cried even harder, "Mother. Mother-in-law, Corning is wrong... later.. I will never read the book again. ”

  On that day, Kang Ning almost fainted from crying in Lady Shu's arms.

  After another thirty days, Zhang Jingxing and Zhang Chenghan returned.

  After returning, Zhang Chenghan summoned all the imperial doctors to the Qianming Palace, and the gate of the Qianming Palace was closed, and no one was allowed to enter or leave at will.

  Kang Ning only knew that after his father arrived at the western border, he directly led an army to raid the Nine Tribes of the Western Barbarians, and on the same day he cut off the head of the patriarch, and it took thirteen days to destroy the nine tribes.

  Since then, on the western border, only the uninformed Silu clan remains.

  Five days later, the gates of the Qianming Palace opened, and everyone left the palace as if they had never happened, and Kang Ning followed Lady Shugui to meet him, and his father was practicing writing.

  Seeing that they were coming, Zhang Jingxing also asked Kang Ning how he had lost weight.

  Kang Ning secretly observed his father and emperor, and there was no sick and uncomfortable place, and remembered that the doctor said that His Majesty was not in the way, just running around, and it would be good to cultivate for a few days.

  Settle down.

  The father said that there was already a candidate for the position of crown princess, and she was the younger daughter of the Yulin Chen clan, whose name was Hua Wan, Nian Fang TWELVE.

  Yulin Chen Clan, Kang Ning looked down and thought for a moment, it was a side branch of the mother concubine's mother clan, I heard that it was the rich side, and it had a high reputation outside the Sai.

  Within three days, Kang Ning saw this little girl, a small person wearing a peach pink dress behind Zhang Chenghan, looking left and right, as if he was curious about everything.

  As she got closer, the girl was a little more disciplined, and she bowed to them, sounding as good as a lark.

  Kang Ning saw that there seemed to be tears in his father's eyes, and he didn't speak for a long time when he looked at Chen Huawan, but it seemed that he was looking at another person through her.

  The Father Emperor said that if she stayed with her, she would be a princess.

  Counting up, she was still the niece of Lady Shugui, and she stayed in the Linglong Pavilion for the past three years, and haosheng took care of her.

  At the end, the Father added, "If you want to go home, go back and have a look." ”

  After that, Linglong Court had a little girl like a lark, and Kang Ning liked it so much that he played with her every day and took her to every corner of the palace.

  Several times he could meet Zhang Chenghan and Zhu Rong, Chen Huawan happily came forward to greet him, and Kang Ning just stood by the side, smiling and not speaking.

  After staying like this for a few months, this year's New Year, the Eastern Moon Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom came to pay tribute.

  Lady Shu and Kang Ning lived in the upper seat, the hundred officials were in the lower seat, across the curtain, Kang Ning looked down from time to time, and did not forget to tell Chen Huawan that this dancer's dancing posture was very beautiful.

  Chen Huawan nodded with a smile and ate the plum blossom crisp.

  Not to debunk her dancer is not in the direction she is looking.

  During the banquet, the second prince of the southern kingdom sent a congratulatory gift, and after saying the congratulatory message, the topic turned and bluntly said that he wanted to marry the princess of your country.

  The frightened Chen Huawan plum blossom crisp was choked in her throat, Kang Ning quickly gave her a smooth breath, she asked Kang Ning if he knew the prince, Kang Ning shook his head.

  Chen Huawan frowned solemnly, "I don't know how to come to court, only when the two are happy can they be together." ”

  "You also think that two people can only be together if they are in love with each other, right?"

  "Of course."

  "What if a person loves another person, but the person has never touched his heart?"

  This question seemed to be difficult for Chen Huawan, and she thought about it for a long time before saying, "Then let that person like himself and be together again." ”

  "So what if you haven't liked it all the time?"

  "Then don't cling to it anymore, you can't hang himself from a tree."

  Kang Ning nodded and unconsciously glanced at the audience.

  The seat of the chancellor is determined according to the level of quality, he is from the history of the Metropolitan Inspection Yuan of Yipin, and is the second position...

  The man sat firmly in his seat, not seeing the slightest fluctuation, no wonder the palace ladies always said, Lord Zhu Rong was gentle and elegant, calm and relaxed, never seen him have had a panic, as if nothing happened here in Lord Zhu Rong, not angry, not in a hurry, not open.

  This night, Kang Ning did not know how she had passed, she had been thinking about herself all these years, from the first time she saw Zhu Rong in the snow that day, there was no one else in her eyes.

  She had always felt that she was a princess, or the only princess of Daqi, and such an identity was naturally worthy of him.

  Since childhood, he was taught by female officials, and he studied under prince Taibao, not to mention that he was knowledgeable, but he also read the whole book, and his talent was also worthy of him.

  Looks can also be worthy:

  He has never punished the palace people, and his gentle nature is also worthy:

  Corning had always thought she could marry him.

  But she was wrong.

  On that day, the mother concubine crouched in front of her and asked her if she really wanted to marry Zhu Rong, even if she gave up all his career and gave up his ambitions, would she marry him?

  She thought about it for an afternoon, and finally understood what the mother concubine meant.

  The Zhu family relies on Zhu Rong to spell out a kangzhuang road, he is a rare wizard in the world, he has his ambitions and ambitions, he has his magnificent and enthusiastic feelings for serving the country, he has become a young talent, the people of the world will set their eyes on him, set the national policy to praise the whole country, govern the water and the people are grateful, wen can rule the country and the world, and martial arts can point troops on the battlefield.

  Such a person, if he wants to marry her, will certainly abandon his grand plan, give up the hope of the people of the world, commit himself to the capital city, and press the false name of a donkey.

  Everyone will flatter him because of his status as a horse, and the people of the world will rebuke him as a little man who covets wealth and wealth.

  If she still blatantly pursues him, she unabashedly tells everyone that she loves him, and willfully lets her father and emperor order him not to marry for five years.

  How he should move forward.

  Her vigorous three years have only touched herself in the end.

  So that night I figured it out, and Corning almost fainted from crying in Lady Shu's arms.

  After that night, he avoided Zhu Rong.

  The next day, Corning had a fever.

  Menacing, got up to eat breakfast, and fell down after a while, frightening Lady Shu guifei to hurriedly ask the doctor.

  Kang Ning's illness was dizzy, and he always remembered that he could not be with Zhu Rong, his heart was extremely uncomfortable, the tears popped down, and he grabbed the corner of Lady Shu Guifei's clothes and shook his head, saying that he did not want to marry Zhu Rong, and he did not like him at all.

  After a while, he cried and said that he did not want to marry the second prince, he did not look good, and Ning Er did not marry.

  Lady Shugui coaxed softly and lovingly wiped away her tears.

  What a little crying bag.

  After Kang Ning recovered from his illness, the princes of the two countries had left and no longer mentioned marrying relatives.

  As usual, Kang Ning led Chen Huawan to occasionally ask his father for peace, and played with the palace ladies when he was fine.

  However, it was rare to have the opportunity to see Zhang Chenghan, he was getting busier and busier, and every time he went to see Zhang Jingxing, he saw him reading the folds on the side.

  As the days passed, snow fell in the palace, Kang Ning took Chen Huawan to see the eunuchs sweeping the snow tightly, pinched a snowball, the frozen hand was cold, Kang Ning made the bad hand put on Chen Huawan's neck, and she gasped for air in the cold.

  The two people got into a fight like this, kang Ning regiment threw a snowball on Chen Huawan, and Yu Guang saw that not far away, standing a touch of indigo.

  Everything seemed to go back to that winter four years ago, and she turned to see him with an indigo eyebrow, and he stood there quietly, saluting her.

  "Lord Zhu, but you are lost again?" Kang Ning looked away and pointed to a eunuch to ask him to take Zhu Rong away.

  "The princess and the courtiers said that the grace of the dripping water gushed out of the spring to repay each other, and the princess sent the courtiers out of the palace four years ago, but the courtiers have not yet repaid it."

  "The princess slapped the princess that day, the minister was puzzled, thinking where he offended the princess" Zhu Rong paused, looked down and smiled and continued, "So the minister is willing to spend his life, in exchange for a sentence of forgiveness from the princess, I don't know the princess, can you give the minister this opportunity?" ”

  Heavy snow fell in the sky, and the snowflakes flying in the sky blocked the middle of the two people, and Kang Ning looked at him in the same place, and after a long time he said, "Do you know that after saying these words, your career ambitions, glory and wealth, but all gone." I'm not unmarried, and you don't have to aggrieved yourself to say these things to me. ”

  "But the princess does not marry." Zhu Rong walked over to Kang Ning, looked down into her eyes, looked at her softly and firmly, and said slowly, "Minister Zhu Rong, the table word Shanghe, Zheng Yipin Grand Sima Ma, parents in the family, no brothers and sisters, good character, now want to marry the princess as a wife, forever married, do not cheat, care for a lifetime." ”

  Kang Ning was stunned for a long time, and his forehead was bounced before he returned to God, and he looked at Shang Zhu Rong's smiling eyes, "Oh. Oh, you're promoted again, really fast. ”

  "Is the princess willing to marry her courtiers?" Good luck with it

  "This kind of thing is to be asked to the father and the mother, I can't do the Lord... ???" Kang Ning looked at Zhu Rong's dangling holy will in his hand in shock, "This... Wouldn't that be the marriage will? ”

  Seeing Zhu Rong nodding, Kang Ning was anxious, "What about your career?" Don't want it? What about your ambitions? ”

  "In the prosperous world of this river Andhai Yan, what grand ambitions can I have?"

  "Ben had no intention of being an official, when he was young, he read many articles on the Dingguo □□, his blood was boiling, and he thought that he would write a copy of it himself, but after writing it, he didn't want it anymore, and he was taken by his cousin as a homework, which was known to the world."

  "Your Majesty said that after curing the flood in Jiangnan, the minister who rewarded the gold for five hundred and two ministers only went, and only gave three hundred and two after he returned, and the minister did not dare to say, the remaining two hundred and two, the princess can make up for the subjects?"

  "So: Then why are you working so hard to get promoted? He also ran to become a military division. ”

  "There is a reward for this kind of victorious battle after returning, and the prince is young, and His Majesty has sent his courtiers to watch the prince."

  Zhu Rong avoided Corning's first question, he would not say it to Corning, that day he was walking in the palace confused, she suddenly appeared in his sight, a small one, with a smile so bright, he was fascinated by the look in the back.

  But he was just a Tongzhou inspector at that time, his status was low, he knew that he was not worthy of her, he went all the way, the emperor asked him what reward he wanted, and he said promotion.

  The kiss she gave under the corner of his mouth that day made him blush all day, and he opened his eyes to see only the pink figure of the hasty escape.

  He made up his mind that day to marry her.

  It took him four and a half years, he sat in the position of Grand Sima and finally had the status to marry a princess, and today he was given the title of Grand Sima and asked His Majesty to exchange all his official positions for a donkey.

  He knelt in the Qianming Palace for an hour before he asked for the emperor's permission.

  The joy of that moment, he wanted to share with her.

  Red beans are born in the southern country, a few branches are sent in the spring, may the king pick more, this thing is the most acacia. When she read to him, if he didn't leave quickly, he really couldn't help but embrace her in his arms.

  How can a princess read a love poem to a man in public!

  But the smile at the corner of his mouth could not be hidden.

  He shouldn't have told her, but the first time he saw her, he couldn't bear it any longer, only he knew how much he had used his mind to stop the urge to hold her, only he knew, when he said those words to her, his heart thumped in his chest, violently, as if he were about to jump out.

  Kang Ning did not ease his mind until he returned to the palace to receive the holy will, and his wish for so many years was fulfilled so quickly?

  "Lady Concubine, she wouldn't be stupid, would she?"

  "I look like, Happy Silly."

  "Then can the lord agree to marry a fool and go home?"

  "The holy will has been given, and he must not repent."

  "How can I see you so happy?"

  "After raising cabbage for so many years, finally there is a pig arch, can I not be happy?"

  Kang Ning listened intolerably, "Chen Yiyi, Chen Huawan, are you two deaf when I am?!" ”

  Then, Kang Ning was lectured by Lady Shu Guifei with her ears twisted.

  The princess married, the scenery was beautiful, and Zhang Jingxing gave the Princess Kangning Mansion, which was much larger than the previous princess.

  On the night of the wedding, Kang Ning grabbed Zhu Rong's clothes and threatened him not to repent, not to take concubines, not to go to places like the Qinglou.

  Zhu Rong smiled and kissed the corners of her mouth, and his voice was gentle enough to grease the dead, "The minister obeyed the order." ”

  After marriage, Kang Ning still ran to the palace from time to time to see his mother concubine, chen Huawan, and Zhang Chenghan.

  In the autumn of Jinghui's thirty-ninth year, Kang Ning gave birth to a little baby girl, named Zhiyao.

  In the spring of Jinghui's forty-first year, Zhiyao ran into the Fengqi Palace, and Kang Ning went to look for it, and saw that there were osmanthus forests and lush leaves in the backyard.

  In the summer of the same year, the direction of the fire in Dekun Palace changed drastically, affecting fengqi palace, and the emperor abandoned the early dynasty to send people to fight the fire, burning the entire palace feather.

  The emperor has been ill ever since.

  When Kang Ning entered the palace, the emperor was sitting in the harem of the Fengqi Palace, holding two wooden boxes in his arms, next to a plate of osmanthus crisp, silently looking at the burned branches, and did not react when he saw her coming.

  After a while, Zhang Chenghan also came, Zhang Jingxing finally had some reaction, looked at him and smiled, Kang Ning suddenly found that his father was old, his sideburns already had white hair, and his voice was also a little hoarse, "I am going to find your mother, these past few years have not been good for you, she should be angry with me." ”

  "Wan'er... I miss you. ”

  Kang Ning knelt on the ground and listened to the trembling voice of the whole father-in-law shouting, "Your Majesty is gone." ”

  Corning picked up the wooden box, the pattern on the box had long been touched and could not be seen clearly, and in the box was a strand of red rope tied up hair, and a yellowed marriage post.

  Forever knotted together, protect The Secretary of State Changning. A gentleman's word, the horse is difficult to chase.

  A gentleman's word, the horse is difficult to chase.

  Kang Ning remembered that in the Middle Of that year, she saw a room full of portraits of the Empress in Fengqi Palace, and the study was piled up with boxes of Buddhist scriptures with small hairpin flowers, and the paper on the desk was full of these eight words.

  At that time, she did not understand why the father's words were so beautiful, why would they imitate the words of others, and asked the queen who wrote these eight words.

  It was a promise to a person, a real, sincere promise to be reverently enshrined.

  Kang Ning had always felt that the father emperor had no feelings, she grew so big, the number of times she saw the father and emperor laughing could be counted with one finger, but the mother concubine said that the father and emperor laughed very beautifully, the eyes were like stars, when looking at the empress dowager, gentle like treating the world's most precious treasure.

  But then, the stars in his father's eyes fell, and since then, he hasn't laughed much.

  He poured all his feelings into the empress dowager, and used all his strength to love her, and this love was completely given to only one person, and others could never get another piece of the pie.

  After the death of his father, the mother concubine calmly presided over the funeral, and Zhang Chenghan succeeded to the throne and changed the name of the country to Desheng.

  After Chen Huawan, the youngest daughter of the Chen clan of Yulin, the canonization ceremony was held three years after the national funeral.

  Lady Guifei became a princess, and Kang Ning changed from a princess to a princess.

  In the summer of the second year of Desheng, the empress gave birth to a concubine, a single word Cham.

  After Miss Zhao entered the palace to see the eldest son of the emperor, she committed suicide by taking poison at home, and before dying, she changed into the long orange dress she had when she was a daughter, and had an emerald green whistle around her neck.

  When Kang Ning entered the palace to visit her mother-in-law, he also took with him the letter that Aunt Zhao had entrusted her to hand over to her mother-in-law that day.

  Before the princess could open the letter, she blushed and said that the letter should not be read by her.

  Kang Ning knew that Aunt Zhao wanted to hand over the letter to the Uncle Chen family, whom he had seen at the gate of the Zhao Mansion that day, but on the day that Aunt Zhao committed suicide, he carried her body to the lakeside in the suburbs for burial, and he also committed suicide by taking poison.

  The atmosphere of sadness gradually dissipated with the joy of the New Year, and on new year's eve, Corning and the queen gave birth at the same time, both daughters.

  The second princess was named Ernian, and the small county lord was named Zhijin.

  In the sixth year of Desheng, the empress gave birth to three princes, who took the name Xun.

  In the eighth year of Desheng, Kang Ning gave birth to the king of Xiaojun and took the name Zeyi.

  In the spring of the thirteenth year of Desheng, on the fiftieth birthday of Princess Shu, Kang Ning took three children into the palace to celebrate her birthday.

  After a noisy day, the six children slept without dark after playing, leaving Kang Ning and Zhu Rong and the four empresses to accompany Princess Shu.

  In the midst of the five people talking and laughing, there was a palace maid on a plate of osmanthus crisp, and Lady Shu picked up a piece and handed it to the empress, smiling and squinting, saying, "Wan'er is about to eat, your favorite osmanthus crisp, take advantage of Your Majesty's absence, hurry up and eat more." ”

  Chen Huawan was stunned for a moment, took the osmanthus crisp and nodded with a smile.

  Corning burst into tears.

  After a few more days, Lady Shu was seriously ill, and the doctor said that she had no intention of living.

  Kang Ning stayed by Princess Shu's side day by day, she was sometimes sober and sometimes confused, and when she was confused, she always recognized the empress dowager as the former emperor and the first empress, talked to them, and asked them not to quarrel well, and to be together forever.

  Before she died, Princess Shu was very sober, holding Kang Ning's hand and looking at her gently, "They are all the mothers of three children, why do they still love to cry their noses so much?" ”

  Kang Ning cried and begged her not to leave, and after several times she could not speak, Zhu Rong hugged her silently.

  Princess Shu and Kang Ning said that she was crying now like the day the empress dowager died, the first empress.

  The former empress was also a crying character, and she cried for an hour that day because of the pain of pulling the wound.

  "Zhao Wan'er, this person used to pretend to be stupid, she cried bitterly, and it was clear that she couldn't see her eldest sister when she got up, so she used such a reason to cry."

  She thought she had hidden it from everyone, but she hadn't hidden it from anyone, and when Princess Shu smiled and said this, there was a little pain in her eyes.

  Princess Shu and Kang Ning said a lot about the former empress and the former emperor.

  At the end, the voice gradually became quieter, and it also brought a crying voice.

  "I know that Wan'er raised me to make up for the child I lost and send you to me. She is such a kind person, how can I compete with her for the emperor. ”

  "My Chen family has a heart for the Lord, but Your Majesty has guarded against me, guarded me all his life, and has never believed in me."

  Lady Shu stared out the window for a long time, laughing silently, as if she had seen some beautiful picture.

  "On that day, he came with a peach blossom and everyone asked for peace, and the furious staff killed all the palace people, I really thought he was for me, but that was just what I thought."

  "Loved... Always loved. ”

  Kang Ning cried in Zhu Rong's arms.

  Fan wai 2 eldest sister

  I love Chen Lang:

  We have been going around in this life, but we still have not been able to be together, even if we have foreseen the end, there will still be regrets in our hearts.

  You and I were engaged at a young age, and I was already satisfied with how many beautiful and gentle memories I had with you.

  When I learned that you left the Chen family that year, just to never marry for the rest of my life, I was happy and sad in my heart.

  To get this one, there is no regret in life.

  But I still can't give up my father and brothers and sisters.

  When the news of my eldest brother's death came home, I almost didn't believe it.

  I always thought that he was not dead, and went to a place with his favorite little princess Xilu to live happily and happily, but I really understood that a person like him who held the great righteousness of the family and the country, if he was still alive, it would be impossible to ignore the Zhao family.

  I knew my brother so well that I couldn't fool myself.

  And my sister, who was sent to the palace by me since childhood, cried a little and cried and begged me not to leave her, but on that occasion, when I entered the palace again the next year, I would never see her tears again.

  Now that the nephew has ascended the throne and found his beloved, the emperor has created an unprecedented prosperity for him, eradicating all the hidden dangers that threaten the throne, and it is time for the dust to settle, and I will also go to tell my sister how good her children are.

  I have always known your affection for me, and I have promised you the next life, may there be no more sorrow, and hold hands with you for a lifetime, love and sound.

  Zhang Jingxing held Zhao Wan'er for a long time, so long that the body in his arms slowly became cold, and he took off the fox fur on his body like a madman and covered her body, trembling and asking her if she was cold, but he did not get an answer.

  "Go get a stove."

  "Your Majesty... De Quan knelt to the side, and all the palace people around him knelt on the ground, "The empress dowager went... Your Majesty's Day mourns. ”

  "Nothing! She didn't! Zhang Jingxing yelled, "The queen is cold, go and move the stove over." ”

  "How could my Wan'er die, it was impossible and impossible."

  The death knell struck again and again until the last one was over, sucking away all his strength.

  Some palace people said that they were going to wear birthday clothes for the empress, and Zhang Jingxing shook his head and hugged Zhao Wan'er not to let go.

  This stalemate lasted until the middle of the night, and De Quan gritted his teeth and let them pull away from the emperor.

  "You are not allowed to touch her, let go of her!" Zhang Jingxing was pulled by the guards to death, watching her being taken away, like an angry lion, and the voice roared hoarsely, "Shuo is going to kill you all, kill you all!" ”

  "Your Majesty!" Zhi Rong knelt in front of Zhang Jingxing, tears falling like rain, "You let Niangniang go to peace of mind." ”

  Zhang Jingxing stopped moving, and the guards let go of him and knelt on the ground.

  Zhang Jingxing looked at the kneeling people, she did not like others to kneel the most...

  "Roll it all."

  Zhang Jingxing walked into the house tiredly, lying on the bed, still faintly retaining her breath, yesterday she was still leaning on this, looking out the window and not knowing what she was thinking.

  Zhang Jingxing felt as if she had just had a dream, and in the dream Wan'er left him, but Wan'er liked him so much, how could she be willing to give it up.

  She must have been reluctant, she was just out of the palace, like last time, she didn't want to wear beautiful clothes anymore, she missed her family, so she went out of the palace for a few days.

  He was waiting for her here, waiting for her to come back, just waiting for her here.

  Since then, Zhang Jingxing has finished handling the politics of the dynasty, and he has gone to the Fengqi Palace to paint, his Wan'er, he closed his eyes and was all her appearance, he painted her beautifully, and when she came back to see it, she would be happy.

  Dequan said that if you miss the empress dowager, go and plant a tree, and when the laurel tree blooms, the empress dowager will return.

  He nodded, feeling that Dequan's method was useful, and rewarded him heavily.

  Therefore, as soon as he thought of her, Zhang Jingxing would plant a laurel tree, and unconsciously, it became a forest.

  He always liked to let people move a table, he copied buddhist scriptures in the laurel forest, he used to help her copy Buddhist scriptures, she always wrote and fell asleep, he had to carry her back to the bed, according to her handwriting for her to write for her.

  I also thought about not helping her, letting her be punished by her mother, but in the end I was reluctant to do so, and her tearful and pitiful appearance could always make him soft.

  When Zhu Rong brought Xi Man's surrender letter, Zhang Jingxing felt that the leader was really hateful, although they had secretly sent people to provoke them, but the death of Zhao Chengye who had killed them was indeed their Army of Xi Man.

  On the way to the frontier, Zhang Jingxing had only one thought in his mind, he wanted to help Wan'er avenge this brother-killing.

  Therefore, when the leader of the Western Barbarians knelt before him and begged him to spare his people, he cut off his head without blinking an eye.


  He has spared the people of the Western Barbarians, who has spared him?

  They killed the only brother of his beloved woman, so that his Wan'er only dared to watch her brother's whistle quietly cry when no one was there, and thought about letting him go?

  After he stabbed the sword into the body of a Western Barbarian, he saw someone stabbing at Zhang Chenghan, and he didn't think about it before blocking in front of him, suddenly remembering that many years ago, he was still a teenager, Wan'er blocked in front of him, and when the sword stabbed into her body, his heart was about to break.

  He was afraid that wan'er would leave him like this, so when he heard the news that she had woken up, he ran back to him in spite of it.

  How thankful she was that she hadn't left him behind.

  On the day he returned to the palace, he told the doctor that it would be enough to extend his life by five more years, as long as these five years made him look no different from ordinary people.

  Therefore, he spent all this time to marry Kang Ning, wish rong to kneel in front of him, willing to exchange a glorious future for Kang Ning, he thought for a long time, or nodded his head.

  Because he felt that if Wan'er was here, he would smile and say to him that Kang Ning could find someone who liked her so much, and the days to come would definitely be happy.

  His smile was good-looking, and his eyes were bent like a crescent moon.

  When Zhang Chenghan led the Chen family girl into the palace, he seemed to see himself and Wan'er, randomly shuttling through all the places in the palace, Wan'er looked left and right on the side, and his eyes stayed on her.

  Zhang Chenghan once told him that he would give everything he had and change the Chen family girl to be safe.

  The tone of his voice was firm and reminded him that he had also promised Wan'er in this way.

  After a long time, he smiled and said to Zhang Chenghan, "Your mother said that a gentleman's word is difficult for a horse to chase, and since you have said these words, if you can't do it, you will definitely fall into a catastrophe." ”

  The night before the Osmanthus Forest was burned, he dreamed of Wan'er.

  This was the first time she had dreamed since she had left, still in the form of a teenager, draped in a white fox fur, smiling and saying to him, We stand together like black and white impermanence.

  He laughed too, took her gently into his arms, and said he missed her very much, very much wanted to.

  She smiled and nodded, telling him she knew, so she came to pick him up.

  Let him bring their marriage stickers with her favorite osmanthus puff pastry.

  She said that after so many years of leaving him alone, it was hard, and on the way back, she walked with him.

  Therefore, when the Fengqi Palace was burned, he did not have any special panic, he rushed into the sea of fire to take out the marriage gengti in the study, and in his ear was Dequan's panicked shouts.

  Before running out, he glanced back, and on the paper on the desk, there were still eight words that had not burned out.

  Later, he was ill for a few days, and finally understood what Zhao Ruowei said before Wan'er died that she did not want to live.

  He didn't want to live anymore, and his Wan'er was still waiting for him.

  He had already taken the marriage sticker and brought her favorite osmanthus crisp.

  He could finally go and find her.

  He missed her so much.

  I only hope that in the next life, after receiving Wan'er in the snow, I will hold her hand tightly and never be separated again.

  Extra 4

  When Zhang Jingqing accompanied Chen Qijiang to the Zhao Mansion, it happened that snow fell, and they did not let the next person hold an umbrella, and those who were familiar with the road entered the house.

  As soon as he entered, before he reached the arms of the main hall, he crashed into a small pink ball, Zhang Jingqing bowed his head, it was a small female doll carved in pink jade, not yet to his thighs, and there were still a few tears on his face.

  It's so cute.

  "Zhao Wan'er, you give me dinner!"

  The little girl quickly hid behind Zhang Jingqing, and sure enough, after a while, she saw Zhao Ruowei walking over with great momentum, and when she saw them, she did not answer angrily, "Meet the King of Huai'an County." ”

  "Come, let me see, we're getting tall again." Chen Qijiang lifted the female doll up in his arms and looked at Zhao Ruowei dotingly, "Ah Ruo's big temper." ”

  Before Zhang Jingqing returned to Beijing, he heard that in the three years that he had left, zhao mansion had obtained a female doll, and it was noisy and tight.

  "You two very busy people, do you still have time to come to Zhao Mansion today?" Zhao Ruowei led Zhang Jingqing and the two of them into the door, and took a piece of osmanthus crisp to feed to the little man in Chen Qijiang's arms.

  "What can be more important than Miss Zhao's birthday?" Zhang Jingqing watched Chen Qijiang take out the box he had prepared long ago and handed it forward, with a flattering smile, contempt, turned back into Zhao Ruoxi squinting at himself, his heart was shocked, and immediately sent his gift, echoing "Yes yes yes, in order to catch Miss Zhao's birthday, tired of three horses." ”

  The emperor's eldest son Zhang Jingqing, Chen Jiayuan's eldest son Chen Qijiang, and Zhao Ruowei, the daughter of the Zhao family, were famous iron triangles in the capital.

  Zhang Jingqing knew since he was a child that the daughter of the Zhao family was going to marry him, and he and Zhao Ruowei had known Chen Qijiang for a year, and the two had been in contact with each other for the purpose of becoming relatives, and somehow they had become friends.

  Turning the New Year to know Chen Qijiang, Zhao Ruowei fell in love with him at first sight, and Zhang Jingqing was also happy to make this light bulb.

  This is done for ten years.

  In another year, when Zhao Ruoxi and Zhen were waiting, the two should become relatives.

  Feeling that someone was pulling his clothes, Zhang Jingqing looked down, and the little girl who was originally in Chen Qijiang's arms did not know when she stood in front of her holding a handful of snow, and said in a milky voice, "Sister, hug." ”


  Zhang Jingqing only felt that the child was too small to distinguish between people, reached out and picked her up, and just put it on his leg, and a ball of snow was stuffed into his neck.

  This little girl...

  Zhang Jingqing raised an eyebrow, took the snow out of the collar and put it on the head of the female doll.

  When I boarded, it was an earth-shattering cry.

  Zhang Jingqing quickly swept the snow down and looked at Zhao Ruowei in confusion, who smiled like a drama without the slightest intention of helping him.

  Zhang Jingqing only has one younger brother, from childhood and himself is not close, there is no experience in treating children in this aspect, can only gently hold the female doll's voice as gentle as possible, "I was wrong, I was wrong, don't cry, you don't cry." ”

  "My sister's voice is so thick." The female doll arched into Zhang Jingqing's arms, and said with a sob, the snot wiped Zhang Jingqing's body.

  I really don't recognize life, and my eyes are not good.

  The first time Zhao Wan'er and Zhang Jingqing met, it ended with Zhang Jingqing crying Zhao Wan'er, and Zhao Wan'er rubbing Zhang Jingqing's snot.

  Zhang Jingqing returned to Beijing, and the number of times the Iron Triangle met was the same as three years ago, but every time there was a little girl who loved to cry.

  Zhao Mother's health is not good, Zhao Father is stationed on the frontier, Zhao family concubines all day long barracks training, this matter of taking care of Zhao Wan'er fell on Zhao Ruo'er, who is the eldest sister, fortunately, although Zhao Wan'er loves to cry, she does not run into trouble, and is willing to take her.

  "Is the empress dowager still guarding against you?" Picking a day when it didn't snow, the three of them came out to listen to the music, and Xiao Er finished cooking Chen Qijiang and asked Zhang Jingqing.

  Zhang Jingqing nodded, clipped a piece of meat and handed it to the mouth of the female doll in his arms, smiling helplessly.

  Since the death of the former emperor eight years ago, the empress dowager has been guarding against his current majesty and ascending the throne. The former emperor had many children, but only he and His Majesty survived, the difference between the two was eight years, His Majesty ascended the throne until now, the call for neutrality of him as emperor has gradually decreased, but the voice of making him the regent is more and more.

  "Who wants to be the bullshit regent." Zhang Jingqing scolded in a low voice, and then clipped a piece of meat to the female doll.

  Originally a rebellious word, the two people did not react when they heard it, and it seemed that they had long been accustomed to it.

  "Ah Qing don't feed meat anymore, Wan'er also wants to eat something else."

  Zhang Jingqing lost his smile and clipped a piece of green vegetables to her. Somehow, Zhao Ruowei's sister liked herself very much, pestering herself every day to call her sister, correcting it for a long time, she actually followed Zhao Ruowei to call him Aqing.

  A small doll, Zhang Jingqing did not bother with her.

  Not long after sitting, someone knocked on the door and came in and whispered to Empress Zhang Jingqing that Empress Dowager Zhang had sent someone to the County King's Mansion.

  "I'm leaving." Zhang Jingqing put the female doll into Zhao Ruowei's arms, seeing that she still did not let go of the gentle coaxing, the female doll grabbed his collar and shook her head, looking about to cry Zhang Jingqing quickly picked her up, "Send her back to the Zhao mansion later." “

  Therefore, he took Zhao Wan'er to the carriage and returned to the county palace in the south of the city.

  The carriage was shaking, and Zhao Wan'er fell asleep in his arms, and after getting out of the carriage, Zhang Jingqing handed him over to his grandmother.

  The empress dowager didn't have anything to do, so she said that Zhang Jingqing was also old and should marry a princess to go to her fiefdom and keep a tranquility.

  To put it bluntly, he was afraid that he had some premeditated plan in Beijing, so he quickly drove him to the fiefdom and then sent a woman to monitor him.

  Zhang Jingqing pondered for a moment, smiled and said, "The troublesome father-in-law went to return to the empress dowager's old man's house, it was not that the king did not leave, it was really the father and emperor who did not let him, and made a holy decree that the king must stay until His Majesty's weak crown." ”

  Alas, this is all a thing.

  Nine years ago, he was called into the palace after staying in the county king's palace, which was really strange, and his prince, who had never been favored by zero, could one day face the saint alone.

  The father's expression was solemn, telling him that he must wait until his brother's weak crown could go to his fiefdom, and said that he would give him a holy will, and after saying that, he died the next night.

  can... The Emperor did not allow him to take out the Holy Will.

  But when the father's words, the son did not dare not listen, and after all, nine years passed, and he stayed up for another eleven years.

  But the voice of the court appointing him as the regent was really more and more, and he was a person who had not been to the court several times, what did these old men think.

  Zhang Jingqing could only visit their mansions one by one, and let them dispel this idea with affection and reason, but the effect was minimal.

  Gradually, there was a saying that the king of Huai'an County had tied up with the gang.

  When he heard this news, Zhang Jingqing was flying kites with Zhao Wan'er, and he directly loosened the rope in anger, causing Zhao Wan'er to cry and hurry.

  He could see clearly, since he returned to Beijing until now, Zhao Ruowei and Chen Qi jiang were together every day, and his sister threw it to himself, he was a county king who gave people children every day.

  When this was said to Zhao Ruo'er, Zhao Ruomei glanced at him and said, "You should have married a daughter of our Zhao family, I am impossible, you will raise Xiao Wan'er as a daughter-in-law, and in the future you will honor me as an eldest sister, right?" Future brother-in-law. ”

  Zhang Jingqing felt that if he had not been taught not to beat women since he was a child, he could really push Zhao Ruoyi into the river.

  Looking at the little doll who was sleeping on the side, to her and Zhen still had eleven years, just so she could leave Beijing, so much crying little girl if she followed herself to the fiefdom, what could she do if she flooded the people.

  Zhang Jingqing felt that he was simply crazy, and he actually raised her as a daughter-in-law.

  The next two years were more difficult, and the empress dowager always did not believe that he had no intention of taking the throne, and guarded him everywhere, and several people followed him when he went out.

  The border war was tight, the dprk and the Chinese party were in strife, and the marriage between Zhao Ruowei and Chen Qijiang was postponed again and again.

  In the tenth year of Jinghui, Xi Man sent troops, and there was no grain and grass storage at the border pass, zhang Jingqing asked himself to go to transport grain and grass, and he thought that his guard of making a meritorious empress might be put down.

  When he returned from delivering grain and grass, it was snowing in the capital, and Zhang Jingqing went to the Zhao Mansion after entering the palace to report for duty.

  Zhao Wan'er saw him and Aqing screamed and threw herself into his arms, and he hugged, well, sank.

  After a snowball fight with her, she said that she was sleepy, and she wanted to take a nap and wait for him to fight tomorrow.

  This little girl not only ate and slept for a long time.

  He was afraid that he was going to marry a pig and go back.

  Thinking like this, Zhang Jingqing suddenly felt that things in the past few years were not so disturbing, and he seemed to like winter.

  After that day, the situation was turbulent, Zhang Jingqing did not go to the Zhao mansion and the Chen mansion for a long time to avoid suspicion, and did not pay attention to external affairs, but just wrote poems and paintings in the junwang mansion every day, living away from the style of an idle prince.

  After enduring the hot summer day, the early autumn night was much cooler, Zhang Jingqing wanted to have a drink, Chen Qijiang broke into the county palace despite the obstruction of others.

  He couldn't marry the woman he loved.

  Chen Qijiang, drunk on his part, held his shoulder and begged him not to rebel.

  On the second day, Chen Qijiang got up and ate breakfast at the Junwang Mansion as usual, and said to Zhang Jingqing before leaving, take care of himself in the future.

  Zhang Jingqing smiled and told him to leave quickly, pretending not to see the concerned eyes of his best friend.

  In the autumn of the tenth year of Jing Hui, the empress dowager issued three sacred decrees in the name of the emperor.

  The first was to order the Zhao family army stationed on the western border to repel the western barbarian army within five years.

  In the second way, Jing Hui, the young daughter of the Xuanzhao family, entered the palace in the spring of the eleventh year to accompany the empress dowager, and the emperor accompanied her.

  In the third way, the king of Huai'an County was ordered to be grounded in the county palace for three years on the suspicion of forming a party for personal gain.

  When Zhang Jingqing got this holy will, his first reaction was that he could not accompany the Zhao family's female dolls to a snowball fight in winter.

  The situation in Beijing and China has changed, and the Iron Triangle has also dispersed.

  Zhang Jingqing understood the meaning of the empress dowager, and Pifu was innocent of his guilt.

  Even if he tried in every possible way to prove that he had no intention of rebellion, as long as he was the son of the previous emperor, had royal blood, and could threaten his majesty's rule, he was guilty.

  He always thought, stay up for another time, stay up until Jing Hui twenty years, he will light up the holy will, ask for an idle prince, the empress dowager will naturally believe him.

  Three years passed quickly, and everything seemed to have changed when he left the house again.

  When I went to the tea house to listen to the music, I met Zhao Ruowei, she was still alone, Zhang Jingqing walked past her with self-care, and did not give a single look.

  He saw, not far away, the people who had been looking at Zhao Ruowei's side, he had seen them when he was young, they were the forbidden troops of the palace.

  Without thinking about it, they were being watched.

  The Chen family, the Zhao family, the Junwang mansion.

  Zhang Jingqing suddenly hated this suspicion and questioning.

  When Chen Qijiang was expelled from the Chen family, Zhang Jingqing waited for him in the second floor room, and he arrived as if there was nothing to do.

  It was the first time the two had met in four years.

  "At this point, you finally don't have to pretend not to know each other." As soon as Chen Qijiang came in, he poured a sip of tea and laughed and said, "Being in a high position is so suspicious and suspicious, it will only make the courtiers chill." ”

  Zhang Jingqing hit him and told him to shut up, careful that the partition wall had ears.

  "I've been avoiding it for four years, and I still won't be allowed to talk to you?" Chen Qijiang glanced at him and closed his mouth.

  Zhang Jingqing asked him what his plans were in the future, and Chen Qijiang shrugged his shoulders and replied with no concern that he would definitely stay in the capital.

  Zhao Ruoxi was still in Beijing.

  Zhang Jingqing touched a glass of wine with him and drank it all.

  Zhang Jingqing □□ ministers for two years and killed four high-ranking officials who instigated the fire and caused evil intentions.

  Chen Qijiang stayed in the capital, secretly protected Zhao Ruowei, and blocked several assassinations for her.

  The men of the Zhao family are outside to resist the enemy, and if something happens to the woman in the family, the Zhao family army will definitely be in chaos.

  In the winter of the nineteenth year of Jing Hui, the news of Zhao Chengye's death in battle reached the capital, Zhang Jingqing and Chen Qijiang rushed to the Zhao mansion together, met Zhao Ruoxi, who wanted to enter the palace to meet the empress, with a pale face, was helped by the personal maid to the carriage, saw the two of them, instantly red eyes, voice trembling and hoarse, said a word that Zhang Jingqing would never forget in this life.

  She said: "The Zhao family is gone, I don't have a brother anymore." ”

  Zhang Jingqing and the two waited at the palace gate until dark to see Zhao Ruowei come out, this was the first time in so many years that Zhao Ruoxi took the initiative to talk to them, she leaned on Chen Qijiang's shoulder and cried in the dark.

  She said that she had seen Wan'er in the palace, because she was punished with kneeling and was sick, and the thin little one sat in the huge palace, not crying, not making trouble, and not laughing.

  Zhang Jingqing's heart suddenly twitched with pain, and for several days in her dreams, she dreamed that many years ago, she curled up in her arms and said that Wan'er could also eat something else.

  He went to the palace gate several times, and the guards stopped him outside the door, and the empress dowager ordered that the king of Huai'an County should not enter the palace without a commandment.

  Counting the time, there was only one year left, and one year left, he could take out the Holy Will, tell the Empress Dowager that he stayed in the capital for several years was really because of the order of the Former Emperor, and told the Empress Dowager that Zhang Jingqing had no thief's heart.

  With one year left, he would be able to go to his fiefdom and be the idle prince he had longed for for almost thirty years.

  But many things happened this year, the emperor was assassinated, it was Zhao Wan'er who was injured, the empress dowager called him into the palace, and when he thought about how to explain to the empress dowager that it was not his own doing, the empress dowager smiled.

  "The Wailing Family naturally knows that you didn't do it."

  "But the mourners want this to be what you did."

  Zhang Jingqing squinted and squeezed a teacup, flicked his sleeve and left.

  The day Zhao Wan'er woke up, Zhang Jingqing went to see her, and she opened her eyes to look at him for a long time in confusion and said, "Ah Qing." ”

  He put his finger on her lips and shook his head, telling her not to let anyone know she remembered him, and telling her that he would come to see her in a few months.

  Seeing tears in her eyes, Zhang Jingqing picked up a candied fruit and put it in her mouth, "If this world is too peaceful, you will become my wife." ”

  The day before the palace was forced, he went to find Chen Qijiang, who was still guarding the vicinity of the Zhao Mansion every day, and drank wine with him all night, and the two people fell like mud at the gate of the Zhao Mansion, and were carried into the mansion by Zhao Ruowei and thrown directly into the box.

  Late at night, Zhang Jingqing opened his eyes, lit a candlelight and sat quietly for a long time, got up to find a pen and paper, wrote a sentence that felt bad, and wrote another one, unconsciously it was almost dawn.

  "There's no paper." Frightened, Zhang Jingqing was shocked, destroyed a piece of paper, and looked up to see Chen Qijiang lazily leaning on the edge of the bed to look at himself.

  "When did you wake up?"

  "You've woken up since you started writing letters."

  The two were silent for a long time, and Zhang Jingqing said that he was going to rebel today.

  There was another moment of silence.

  The atmosphere was too depressing, Zhang Jingqing bowed his head and smiled a little, pretending to be relaxed and said, "Yes, don't lose your face, after this time, the empress dowager will no longer suspect that I have different intentions." ”

  "When I go to the fiefdom, don't forget to bring Ruohui to see me."

  When I opened the door, I saw Zhao Ruowei standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes.

  Zhang Jingqing opened his mouth and finally did not say anything, took a few steps to stop and threw down a word of care, and left again.

  Zhang Jingqing broke into the palace with his soldiers, and a small pink figure like a ball always appeared in front of him, sometimes fluttering butterflies, sometimes flying kites, and his face was a bright and open smile.

  When she actually saw Zhao Wan'er, she realized that she had fallen out beautifully.

  Unlike the last time, she was wearing an orange dress that pierced his heart deeply with brilliance.

  He saw the confusion in her eyes, and the sadness in his eyes when he asked her if she wanted to marry him.

  After eight years of not seeing, she was becoming more and more adept at acting, and if she hadn't said his name before, he would have mistaken her for thinking that she really didn't remember herself.

  She asked him if she wanted to marry him because she was good looking.

  He nodded, suddenly remembering that when she was less than five years old, he had said a joke about a clown child, and cried all night, and his eyes cried into two walnuts.

  After that, he always said, we look so good.

  As the arrow entered her body, he clearly saw the shock in her eyes and the tears that were almost pouring out of her eyes, and he put his finger on her lips and shook his head at her.

  Zhang Jingqing felt that his life was really boring, since he was a child, he was a casual and casual son who was indisputable with the world, he was not welcomed by his father and emperor, his mother was angry that he did not fight, and after the death of his father, the ministers were angry that he did not take it.

  He had never understood what was so good about that supreme position, and so many people were pushing him up.

  He only wanted to be an idle prince, guarding a fief of his own, looking for a princess who loved to laugh and cry, give birth to a man and a woman and two children, and live plainly.

  When he heard that Zhao Wan'er was blocking the sword for the emperor, he knew that he had lost the princess.

  She was different from before, and she remembered that when he returned to Beijing that year, a small pink ball in the snow crashed into his arms, and the pink carved jade face burst into tears, smashing into his heart.

  Is it love, maybe not.

  Zhao Ruowei said that if he let him raise Zhao Wan'er as a daughter-in-law, he felt that if he could accompany a girl to grow up slowly, it would be good.

  The empress dowager asked him to rebel, and he didn't really want to live.

  It's just that there are always some regrets in my heart.

  We haven't had a snowball fight with you yet.

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