
Xiwang was selected as a national standardization pilot project

author:Hi-Wan Group

It is the only meat products enterprise selected in Shandong Province

Recently, the State Standardization Administration announced the list of the second batch of national consumer goods standardization pilot projects, and Xiwang Group was successfully selected, becoming the only meat processing enterprise in Shandong Province to receive this honor.

The selection work was conducted by the Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China for pilot collection and review, and the national consumer goods standardization pilot project was selected nationwide, aiming to better play the role of consumer goods standardization in promoting industrial upgrading and leading high-quality development with high standards. Xiwang is the only meat processing enterprise selected in Shandong Province and the only enterprise selected in Yantai.

It is reported that Xiwang's traditional sauce and marinade meat products have always been in a leading position in the industry, is the "national certified enterprise technology center" and "national pork technology research and development sub-center", is the Ministry of Science and Technology "Eleventh Five-Year", "Twelfth Five-Year" and "Thirteenth Five-Year" major scientific and technological research project undertaking units and so on.

Xiwang was selected as a national standardization pilot project

Xiwang researchers are carrying out monitoring work

Shandong is a large and strong province for meat products production, why can Xiwang become the only meat enterprise in the province to be selected for the national consumer goods standardization pilot project? With doubts, the reporter came to the Xiwang Industrial Park in Yantai to explore the secret of Xiwang's success.

At the headquarters of Xiwang, the reporter met with Zhang Jianmei, director of the research and development center, and through the introduction of Zhang Jianmei, the reporter learned that since 2009, Xiwang has participated in the preparation and revision of more than 20 national and industry standards such as the national "sauce and brine meat products", "Chinese sausages", "low temperature meat product quality and safety requirements", and is the leading enterprise in the production and processing standards of meat products.

Xiwang was selected as a national standardization pilot project

Xiwang Group attaches great importance to scientific research and construction, and has been authorized more than 130 national patents

Just as the so-called "people take food as the sky, food takes safety as the first", for food production enterprises, product quality is the foundation and lifeblood. As early as 2007, Xiwang Laboratory was recognized as a nationally recognized laboratory and the test data was internationally recognized.

In Xiwang Industrial Park, Li Jianjun, deputy general manager in charge of quality, said: "Since its inception, Xiwang has taken 'for a healthier life for human beings' as its mission, and the requirements for quality have been cautious from beginning to end. "In order to ensure product quality, Xiwang adheres to the sales model of international chain direct operation, establishes a management model of 'risk-driven + process control', and runs the concept of risk prevention and control and 'whole process control' throughout every link of research and development, procurement, production, testing, transportation and sales."

Xiwang was selected as a national standardization pilot project

HEEWANG CNAS Accredited Laboratory

This time, Xiwang was selected as a national consumer goods standardization pilot project, which is expected by the industry. In 2019, Guillaume Roué, Chairman of the World Meat Organization, personally presented the Honorary Certificate of "Double Gold Member" of the World Meat Organization to Xiwang Group, and highly praised the deeds of Xiwang in driving the Chinese meat industry to the international market and promoting traditional Chinese food culture to the world.

As the first meat food enterprise in China to go abroad to build a factory, Xiwang quickly occupied the international market with excellent product quality. In 2013, in the Alberta Meat Food Competition, Xiwang won the first place in the pork product evaluation with the absolute advantages of quality, nutrition, safety and other indicators; in 2014, Xiwang passed the world's strictest food safety system SQF certification; in 2018, Xiwang won the Canadian Meat Industry Leadership Award with absolute quality advantages, which attracted a sensation in the international food industry. At present, Xiwang products have spread throughout the mainstream markets of developed countries such as the United States, Canada, Japan, and are sold well on many internationally renowned large-scale e-commerce platforms, such as RAKUTEN, GOODFOOD, INSTACART, etc., and have been recognized by Western countries.

Xiwang was selected as a national standardization pilot project
Xiwang was selected as a national standardization pilot project

Guillaume Roué, President of the World Meat Organization, presented Xiwang with the certificate of "Double Gold Member"

As a leading enterprise in the traditional sauce and marinade meat products industry, Xiwang will take the opportunity of being selected as a national consumer goods standardization pilot project to continue to enhance close interaction with various standardization organizations and scientific research and academic institutions at all levels, promote standardization experience, take the expansion and standardization of the traditional sauce and brine meat products industry as its own responsibility, and is committed to promoting the upgrading and transformation of the entire industry and leading the entire industry to go further and better in the international market.

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