
Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

author:Tianshui online
Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

I want to mail the warm sun in autumn, take the autumn color on the tip of the pen, travel to the twilight, and fall into the clouds. Hearing that the autumn day in the north is miserable, I shook along the grass and trees to find the warm poetry of autumn in my mind.

"Spring has a hundred flowers, winter has snow, summer has a cool breeze and winter has snow", Xian Ren Cliff in the mountains and rivers, in the frosted jungle, in the turquoise lake, the mountain wind with the morning dew, traveling to the twilight of autumn.

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

"Born with a fairy cave, infinite scenery in the dangerous peak", the poet's romantic brushstrokes convey the unique natural scenery of the immortal cliff. Xian ren cliff is located in the Maiji Mountain Scenic Area of Maiji District, Tianshui City, with dangerous terrain, peaks, rocks, birds and flowers. Around the Immortal Cliff, the Three Cliffs, the Five Peaks, and the Six Great Temples listened to the master's teachings like devout disciples.

Here spring is full of greenery, refreshing; The cicadas in summer are crisp and crisp, and they make people fascinated; Autumn is full of forests, the beautiful Longshan late autumn, in the sunset afterglow, in the light of the lights, show the last tenderness of autumn, just like the most calm and open-minded time in life, it can only be reached after experiencing spring cold and hot summer.

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

Landscape and water - from today's day to increase the excitement, the water first Dan number leaf maple

Wandering among the mountains and rivers, strolling on the boardwalk, the fine rays of the sun are scattered on the Fairy Lake, and you can enjoy the longevity of the years and touch the tenderness of the depths of the years. Autumn wind red drunk, strong pine green, strange peaks dangerous, strange rocks, thin as cicada wings of the clouds and playful landscapes between the "wandering", sometimes clouds on the mountain, sometimes clouds in the mountains, thousands of styles, people are mesmerized.

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

Between the jungles - autumn colors into the forest red and dark, daylight through the bamboo green exquisite

The rolling distant mountains are accompanied by the red fire in the forest, and the warm sun is overflowing with colors. Looking up, in the jungle where the ancient trees are towering and the forest is hidden, the dry branches are waiting for the last leaf to fall and crush in this forest-stained dream. Bowing your head, moss paving the floor, yellow and green in color, stepping on it is soft and spongy, which is probably the best interpretation of "all things are self-satisfied, four times Jiaxing and people are the same", the best interpretation of fireworks in the world.

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

On the blue stream - the water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy

After arriving at the Immortal Cliff, there will be a piece of water in the heart, sinking from the throat into the chest cavity, draining into the heart, and then the fog in the eyes, under the reflection of the water light, the water is unmatched, the most unusual.

The encounter with the Immortal Cliff may be hurried, or it may be leisurely, but no matter what, in this late autumn, it is also the warmest memory that is trapped in the autumn colors, and the temperature, the sun, everything is just right.

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

Fairy Cliff autumn admission warm tips

1. Establish fire awareness.

Everyone should realize the seriousness of forest fire hazards from the ideological point of view, establish a fire prevention line in the mind, so as to prevent the problem from being "burned", and individuals entering the park activities must never forget the forest fire prevention.

Start with me, start small, and make sure you don't start a forest fire because of your negligence.

When entering the forest area, you should consciously hand over the fire you carry to the forest fire prevention checkpoint, change customs and customs, and do not burn paper on the grave in mountainous areas and forest areas.

Temperatures also change greatly in late autumn, so bring a jacket to prevent catching a cold.

Carry essential trauma medication. Such as simple Band-Aids, medicinal alcohol cotton balls, anti-inflammatory powder and other simple first aid drugs.

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

Tourists should know about the tour

1. Tourists must wear masks throughout the process and obey the scenic spot detection point for body temperature check. For tourists who do not hold identity documents and do not wear masks in accordance with regulations, the park will refuse to go through the formalities of entering the park in accordance with the relevant regulations during the epidemic prevention and control period.

2. Tourists entering the scenic spot need to maintain a safe distance throughout the whole process and do not gather.

3. Pay attention to public health, prohibit spitting, smoking and littering, and discard masks into special garbage bins.

4. Tourists obey the scheduling and management of scenic spot staff throughout the process.

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

Fairy Cliff Travel Tips

Recommended for surrounding attractions

Maijishan, Shimen, Quxi

Local cuisine

Warm pot, dough, croak, Tianshui old three pieces: chowder, tenderloin, stew

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

Bus route

Tianshui Airport - Xian Ren Cliff

Bus No. 9 (towardShiro-nishien) Turn 37 (toward Jodoji Temple)

Tianshui Railway Station - Xian Ren Cliff

Bus No. 37 (direct access to Jodoji Temple)

Tianshui South Station - Xian Ren Cliff

Route 60 (direct to Jodoji Temple)

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?

Scenic ticket price:

Xian Ren Cliff ticket price full price: 40 yuan / person, half price: 20 yuan / person.

Scenic sightseeing car: round-trip 10 yuan / person, one-way 5 yuan / person.

Half-price tickets are available from 1 November to 31 March in winter.

Late autumn to late, catch the last wave of autumn colors of the Immortal Cliff, what is the experience?