
Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

author:Manxiao Sword


In 1967, when the 23-year-old Wang Yu became famous overnight for starring in "One-Armed Knife", a tall, fierce-looking little minion in the movie was jealous of him and always thought that one day he would become a "hero".

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

The actor of this little minion was Xu Shaoqiang, who was 17 years old at the time.

Xu Shaoqiang was born in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, and then went to Hong Kong with his parents, studied kung fu with his neighbors for a few days, and when he grew up, he worked as an accountant in a stock company, eating and making a living, but it was very far away from his dream of "becoming a hero".

Since running a dragon suit once in "One-Armed Knife", what he dreamed of every night was no longer a bunch of stocks, but a broken knife, which made him uneasy, so he left the stock company and applied for the Shaw Actor Training Center.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

In the end, the 18-year-old got his wish, became a classmate with the 22-year-old Dillon, became friends with the 21-year-old David Jiang, and took Shaw's TVB, truly opening his "hero" dream.

After graduating from the training class, Xu Shaoqiang followed director Zhang Che into the set, playing the supporting roles of Dillon and Jiang David, and his heart was extremely unbalanced. Fortunately, during this period, he took a look at a beautiful woman, and the two quickly patted each other, married, and gave birth to a son.

At that time, he had always envied the jealous and hated "big hero" Wang Yu, had married two wives, and also worshiped bruce Lee, and opened a company with friends to make his own movies, making a lot of money, and being extremely happy and happy...

This time, he was even more unbalanced, and he couldn't help but think of some crooked ways, but unfortunately he never had the opportunity to put it into action.

In fact, he didn't know that fate would soon come to him and let him be like Wang Yu, happy and happy.


In 1977, Xu Shaoqiang, who had been dormant for 10 years, bumped into the great luck, received 3 TV series a year, and made cameo appearances in 8 movies.

In the TV drama version of "The Sword of the Three Young Masters", Xu Shaoqiang played the hero "Yan Thirteen", and Wan Ziliang played the Third Young Master "Xie Xiaofeng", fighting back and forth, and finally committed suicide for a "chivalrous" horizontal knife.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

Although he died in the play, outside the play, Xu Shaoqiang was favored and pulled away by Xiao Ruoyuan, the "screenwriter's holy hand", to play his newly compiled triumphant god work "Heavenly Silkworm Change", and also promised Xu Shaoqiang to let him play a real "hero".

"Heavenly Silkworm Change" is a trump drama that Li's TV has spent a lot of money to shoot in order to snipe TVB, directing Ma Dangxiong, Xiao Sheng, male number one Xu Shaoqiang, and giving him a role for Miao Kexiu, who had been a "rival" to Bruce Lee, and Er Dongsheng's first love Yu An'an.

The plot is also comparable to the "One-Armed Knife" of the red Wang Yu, which was filmed from a male perspective, just to highlight the "big hero" Yun Feiyang played by Xu Shaoqiang.

The difference is that wang Yu originally played the hero with the broken arm in the movie, but now, Xu Shaoqiang's role in the play is a new generation of heroes.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

In 1979, the 60-episode TV series "Silkworm Change" was launched, and the audience was refreshed and competed to watch, and the ratings set a new record for Hong Kong TV dramas, easily surpassing TVB, which has been ahead of Li TV for many years.

Xu Shaoqiang, as the actor of the male number one "Yunfeiyang", naturally, also became popular in Hong Kong overnight, fascinated countless idiot men and women.

TVB, as if facing a great enemy, recalled Zheng Shaoqiu, the top martial arts student who was filming "Famous Sword", overnight, and gathered Zhao Yazhi, Wang Mingquan, Chen Yulian and other pawns to urgently produce a martial arts drama "Chu Liuxiang" against "Heavenly Silkworm Change".

As a result, the personable Zheng Shaoqiu did everything in his power, but he was unable to make "Chu Liuxiang" defeat "Yun Feiyang", who was also good and evil...

When the TVB executives saw this scene, they were even more "angry and corrupt", and even directly played a "yin".


Xu Shaoqiang has lived for nearly 30 years, and he has never seen such a big battle: every day when he gets out of bed, there are many people waiting for him outside the door...

It turned out that they were all sent by the bosses of major companies to stare at him, serve him, invite him, and star in the big drama they were filming. Li's TV saw the situation, and quickly directly held the contract in front of Xu Shaoqiang, the amount was so high that he could not sign it...

After the contract was signed, Li's TV was still not at ease, so she sent director Mai Dangxiong's younger brother Mai Dangjie to lead several elite martial artists to directly act as Xu Shaoqiang's "bodyguard" and serve him in the morning and evening.

"Heavenly Silkworm Change" is filmed and broadcast at the same time, and it is also necessary to stare at Xu Shaoqiang with fear.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

Unfortunately, this is the way things in the world are, and the more you are afraid of something, the more you will come. Suddenly, one day, Mai Dangjie came back crying and reported: "Xu Shaoqiang is lost!" ”

Xu Shaoqiang's fists and feet were so strong that Mai Dangjie and several martial artists could easily "imprison" and "naihe"?

Money and beauty in the real world, as well as fine wine, the temptation to Xu Shaoqiang is far better than the false name of the "hero" in the TV series. In order to splurge and enjoy, Xu Shaoqiang broke himself into 8 petals, distributed them to 8 companies, rushed to work day and night, and desperately made money...

And "someone from a certain company" even offered a big price, let him leave Hong Kong, directly played the "missing god", did whatever he liked, or did nothing, and the salary was paid correctly...

Where there is such a good thing under the heavens, it is really sleepy to give a pillow, and hunger to give a pig's head.

Xu Shaoqiang was worried about how to break himself into 16 petals to make more money, as soon as he saw this pie, he was overjoyed, full of promises, a move "stepping on the snow without a trace", he disappeared without a trace.

At this time, "Silkworm Change" is being broadcast, the inventory is not much, it seems that it is about to finish, but the male protagonist suddenly disappears, how to explain this to the audience? If it is passed out, will you not laugh off your teeth, and you will be laughed to death by your old rival TVB?


Screenwriter Xiao Ruoyuan was so anxious that he didn't sleep all night, racking his brains and desperately changing the script, letting the hero "Yun Feiyang" enter the "change" in advance, wrapping his face into a cocoon, not showing his facial features, and then finding a stand-in Ye Tianxing who resembled Xu Shaoqiang to shoot for him...

However, when "Yun Feiyang" practiced the divine skill "breaking the cocoon" and came out, Xu Shaoqiang still did not find it, and the stand-in Ye Tianxing had been tired and was hospitalized with vomiting blood...

Helpless, Li's TV had to swallow and ask TVB for help, and the short man pulled out the general and picked out Gu Guanzhong, who was still young but upright.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

Gu Guanzhong is 5 years younger than Xu Shaoqiang, after graduating from the 4th film and television actor training course jointly organized by TVB and Shaw, that is, signing a contract with Shao, when he was depressed, a pie suddenly fell from the sky and hit him, a touch, or hot, quickly grabbed it is a bite.

At this time, Xiao Ruoyuan also modified the plot to:

"Yun Feiyang" did not hesitate to break his appearance in order to practice the Heavenly Silkworm Divine Skill, so after "breaking the cocoon", he changed from Xu Shaoqiang to Gu Guanzhong's appearance...

Hahaha, have to sigh, Xiao Ruoyuan's ability to adapt to changes is really good, the plot transfer is reasonable, the audience not only did not find flaws, but felt that this game is really novel, all laughed, take care of it!

Later, Gu Guanzhong was invited by Huashi to Taiwan to shoot "Silkworm Change Again", which became more popular and became a well-known "real hero" in both TVB and Li TV.

So, what about Xu Shaoqiang?

After the white pie was eaten, the outside flower world also played enough, at this time, he wanted to return to Li's TV, but was swept out of the door, and then go to TVB, also "thank you do not send" .

Since then, he can only admit to being a "free actor" with no door and no faction, and begin to drift alone and break into the world. Since you can no longer play a hero, then start playing an evil man, a strange man, a strange man...

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

In 1979, when Xu Shao's strength was rising and falling, 14-year-old girl Sydney ran back to Hong Kong from Italy to join her sister Michelle. At that time, the 24-year-old Michelle had just become famous overnight for playing Huang Rong in "Eagle Hero".

Michelle arranged for Sydney to act in the TV series "Family Affection", Sydney and the 24-year-old Zhou Runfa played a pair of lovers, almost snatched away from the screen for the first kiss (for details, see Wan Xiaodao's public account past selection: "Silly White Sweet Actress "Three Memories").

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

In 1980, the 42-year-old writer Gu Long founded the "Powerlong Film Company" and became a producer and director. In order to shoot his own martial arts drama, Gu Long went around recruiting martial arts actors who could play and act, so Xu Shaoqiang's opportunity came again.


When fate allowed Gu Long to find Xu Shaoqiang, he had already had a bad reputation in Hong Kong, often had no drama to play, and constantly borrowed wine to pour sorrow, this time, he unexpectedly practiced a cavity of wine, a body of wine.

Therefore, through the use of wine gall, Xu Shaoqiang and Gu Long often fight wine, one writes martial arts, the other plays martial arts, and unconsciously forms a love affair.

Gu Long drank wine and no one obeyed, but he obeyed Xu Shaoqiang. Also praise people Xu Shaoqiang:

"Drinking is fast, steady and fierce, sometimes even toasting you several large glasses in a row, and drinking pure brandy with neither ice nor water until you lie down." It's not easy for him to lie down..."

Just this year, when Gu Long was fighting with friends in Taiwan, he was stabbed by the younger brother of Ke Junxiong, the "Golden Horse Film Emperor" with a gangster background, lost a lot of blood, and after sending him to the hospital for emergency treatment, unfortunately lost the scurvy of a hepatitis patient, and has since become a regular visitor to the hospital, and his ambitious film career has been in a slump...

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

In 1982, Xu Shaoqiang's jianghu brothers, Tang Weicheng, who often practiced kung fu together, saw that the 32-year-old Xu Shaoqiang still had no drama to act, so he pulled him to act in his new work "Raising Ghosts", and pulled up a 17-year-old girl Sydney, who wanted to try any drama, and played a couple with him.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

Maybe the ghost is too terrible, young Sydney, in urgent need of a mighty boyfriend to protect himself, Xu Shaoqiang took advantage of the void, and she was entangled in the play, hot and hot, so that Sydney not only gave the first kiss on the screen, but also fell in love with the fun of "Wing Goose" under his guidance.

But at that time, Sydney actually had a "secret love" with Zhang Guorong, who had starred in "Cheers", and her sister Michelle had also met Zhang Guorong and was very satisfied with him, saying that her sister was more willful, so that he had more patience and tolerance...

As a result, the wayward Sydney, when she met the more manly Xu Shaoqiang, quickly changed her course.

And Xu Shaoqiang, in the face of the tender Sydney pear sent to the door, deliberately concealed the fact that he already had a wife and son, and the visitor did not refuse, and smiled calmly.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

Xu Shaoqiang, the "old driver of the wind", is not as pitiful as the "brother" Zhang Guorong, who is not satisfied with the shallow taste and stops, and even lives openly with Sydney.

Michelle heard that Sydney followed Xu Shaoqiang, who had a bad reputation in the circle, and strongly opposed it, but Sydney was really very willful and couldn't listen to it at all.

Facts have proved: willfulness is cool for a while, and the consequences are unimaginable.


In 1983, 33-year-old Xu Shaoqiang, his career still did not improve, and the woman's relationship was very "colored".

Career is not smooth, only the female fans sent to the door, and the "fight wine" with friends, can make him vaguely remember that he was once a "hero".

And Sydney, like Xu Shaoqiang, is a gentleman, willing to be the "little woman" behind him, and within 3 years, she has repeatedly inherited her grace and given birth to a son and a daughter for him.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

During this period, Xu Shaoqiang successively participated in many martial arts dramas such as "Lake and Sea Battle Record", "Amber Green Dragon", "Excalibur Seven Styles", "Tianlong Swordsman", "Jianghu Night Rain Ten Years Lantern" and so on.

But he has never starred in a positive "big hero" in the jianghu of the play, but he is making a negative role for "big heroes" such as Jiang David and Huang Rihua.

In fact, this is also self-inflicted, after all, "Xu Daxia's" "Missing Divine Gong" is too famous, and everyone is afraid that he will play missing after half of the performance.

In addition to the "Missing Divine Skill", Xu Shaoqiang actually has a special skill: "Pretending to be stupid Dafa".

In 1986, the 36-year-old Xu Shaoqiang was finally "escorted" to the marriage registration office to get a license under the pressure of Sydney' steps. However, when all the formalities had been completed and they were almost signed, the staff of the marriage registration office found that Xu Shaoqiang did not bring a "divorce certificate".

Xu Shaoqiang pretended to be stupid, resolutely not to go back to get it, and said that he might have lost it earlier... You can't get a certificate without a "divorce certificate", so Xu Shaoqiang's wedding to Sydney was also soaked.

Xu Shaoqiang's reasons are perfunctory, which shows that he does not want to marry Sydney at all.

It is a pity that Sydney is old and full of affection, but it is just an episode in the "history of hunting" of this big turnip.

In the end, in 1988, when Xu Shaoqiang was 38 years old, 23-year-old Sydney, couldn't bear it, immigrated to Canada with her two children and sister Michelle, endured the pain of cutting love, and wielded a knife to cut off this endless evil relationship of love and hate...

After that, Sydney, who once gave up acting for love, once again went out of the mountains and starred in the martial arts drama "Legend of the Heroine", playing a cold and ruthless "Fan Qiuniang" who killed the world's negative people.

When interviewed by the media, speaking of Xu Shaoqiang, Sydney said hatefully: "From having a child to breaking up, to the end of the children and me, it is all decided by me, he has not spoken." I was too young to accept men going to the waves. ”

But on the contrary, Xu Shaoqiang just loves "waves", and he relies on this to attract women and use women to brush up on the sense of existence...


Sydney took the children away after the comeback to act, Xu Shaoqiang is not willing to show weakness, in a year acted in "Dragons Seize the Treasure", "Tiger Out of more" and other 9 movies, the roles are what "A Xu" "A Qiang" and the like, there is a direct call "Xu Daxia".

Busy myself so much that I have acted in so many movies, but I have not even won an award, which is less than a lot of honors and opportunities. However, Xu Shaoqiang doesn't seem to care much, because he still has beauty and wine, which is what he values most...

In 1993, Xiao Sheng, the director who had originally filmed "Heavenly Silkworm Change", wanted to shoot "Heavenly Silkworm Change" and then compare it with the sky, he thought of Xu Shaoqiang, who had played Yun Feiyang in the first part, thinking that although this boy was muddy, he was now 43 years old, and he should always be "not confused".

Therefore, in order to sell points, Xiao Sheng strongly invited Xu Shaoqiang to play the hero "Yun Feiyang" again.

The leader was deeply impressed, in order to increase the publicity gimmick, he also instructed Xu Shaoqiang's ex-girlfriend Sydney to be invited into the group, and once again played the lover of "Yun feiyang" "Tang Ning" in the play...

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

As a result, the two are still sparks in the play, and the passion is unbearable. Only this time, nothing happened to the two outside the play.

Because at this time, Xu Shaoqiang had already had a new "prey".

This time, Xu Shaoqiang was looking for a girl outside the circle. The girl outside the circle is good, only know that he is the "hero" in the movie, so she is satisfied to make a bed for him at home, never asking him about the "broken things" outside.

Moreover, the girl also said generously: "A man with ability, which one is not affectionate, as long as he goes home..."

Xu Shaoqiang called a heart full of flowers, like a fish in the water, and even more with his new wife in the jianghu, spared no effort in the movie, embarked on the road of no return that constantly played the "evil man".


In 1994, the 44-year-old Xu Shaoqiang, who was 10 years younger than him, was dragged by li Rengang, an ATV director who was 10 years younger, to his screenwriting and directing debut "94 One-Armed Knife Love" to play the villain "Wang Jingguo".

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

The famous "martial finger" Yuan Heping, seeing Xu Shaoqiang's "villain" performance unique, also invited him to play the villain "Flying Orangutan" in the kung fu film "Wing Chun" directed by himself.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

With these two major "villains" at the bottom, the next Xu Shaoqiang's dramas increased, and then starred in a large wave of movies such as "Professional Thief", "Decisive Battle at the Top of the Forbidden Purple", "Meteor Butterfly Sword", "Jianghu", "Ma Yongzhen", "Sharp Arrow", etc., and soon became a "villain professional household".

Xu Shaoqiang switches freely in these villain roles, mastering lightly, like a fish in the water, can play the villain into a "classic", is also a craft.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

In 2005, 55-year-old Xu Shaoqiang, busy and idle, took time to change a wife. Living together like Sydney without a license doesn't count... This is the third time he has officially received a license to marry.

After marriage, Xu Shaoqiang still did not change the "true color of the hero", and the scandals continued, but in addition to indulging in beautiful women and wine, he began to go home on time and regularly gave the foot family without mistakes, which is also a kind of progress.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

By 2010, at the age of 60, Xu Shaoqiang was old and strong, and he worked hard to give birth to a son. In this way, he already has 5 children.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

However, will this data be refreshed again? Judging by Lao Xu's physique and style, this matter is really uncertain...

In March 2017, the comedy film "Boss, Where to Go" was launched, and the lead actors Xu Shaoqiang and Luo Yunqi were invited. At that time, Xu Shaoqiang was 67 years old, Luo Yunqi was 23 years old, a hot Hong Kong small Internet celebrity, the two were exactly 44 years apart, but they still "got" together.

At the birthday party, Luo Yunqi, who was convex and backward, was hugged by the white-haired and bald Xu Shaoqiang, and cut the cake by hand, which was really full of spring and could not be closed.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

However, afterwards, Xu Shaoqiang was very aggrieved, saying that he was "framed".


Xu Shaoqiang clarified the "cake incident", saying:

"The first time we worked together, she took the photographer to the set and wanted to take pictures of me and her in bed, and I immediately chased them away. The second time she filmed her as my mistress, she wanted to take a group photo but I refused. The third time she said that she went to the airport to pick me up at the request of the crew, that day's press conference, the evening crew celebrated her birthday, and took pictures of me and her cutting cakes, who knew that it was hyped into that kind of photo! ”

In this regard, Luo Yunqi also issued a response:

"The so-called bed scene, the black-clad xu Shaoqiang in the play has not yet shown his face, and the scene is wrapped up like a rice dumpling!" What did you shoot? The photographer also took a picture of me sexy backless! If the dialogue in bed is called bed play, how many bed plays are there! ”

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

In 2019, 69-year-old Xu Shaoqiang, still active in the world of martial arts, continued to star in "Xue Xian" directed by Cheng Xiaodong, the villain...

In the same year, Xu Shaoqiang, the "one-armed knife hero" Wang Yu, who had been "envious and jealous" since the age of 17, was awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award of the 56th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards" at the age of 75.

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

People say that this award is the highest affirmation of Wang Yu's life legend.

Xu Shaoqiang, on the other hand, has never been affirmed by the industry, and has not won an award so far, even if it is a small award or a consolation award.

Not only that, in 2020, Xu Shaoqiang, who is 70 years old, is still still playing a supporting role in a network movie "Qiannu Ghost: Human Love", and he is also a counter-string "grandmother"...

Wind and current Xu Shaoqiang: rob Zhang Guorong's girlfriend, lure Sydney to have a child, and self-destruct his future because of a mistake

At that time, Xiao Ruoyuan, who promoted Xu Shaoqiang to play "Heavenly Silkworm Change", when talking about him, once said with great regret:

"If it hadn't happened, Xu Shaoqiang would have continued to be red, he has a rogue spirit, he has a feeling of hanging lang dang, which makes women like it, and the audience also buys it, but personality is fate, and the results are difficult to avoid, which is why he can't be red."

A person's life is very long, but the key point is only a few steps. If you go right, you may be able to live a lifetime of glory. If you go wrong, you may have to spend a lifetime.

But people are not sages, who can guarantee that they will definitely go right? In fact, right and wrong, glory and falter, are not so important. It is important to:

Do things, be a person first. To be a man, be righteous. Do not do things that harm others and benefit themselves, do not do things that take advantage of others, and do not do things that are ignorant of conscience. In this way, even if the fate is bumpy and cannot be glorified, at least, it can live a life without shame.

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