
1335 games! Jenns tied the Gloves for 16th all-time close to the Pierskoby record

On January 1, Beijing time, the Lakers welcomed the Blazers' Western Showdown at home, James ushered in the 1335th regular season game of his career, officially equaling the record of legendary star "Glove" Gary Payton, rising to the NBA's historical number of appearances list and tied for 16th place, and then sprinting to pierce and Kobe's record.

1335 games! Jenns tied the Gloves for 16th all-time close to the Pierskoby record

James has just celebrated his 37th birthday, and the "thirty-year-old man" has continued to play a hot state in recent times, and he has scored 30+ points in 6 consecutive games, showing a very inexplicable personal competitive level. It's just that the Lakers have only had a 1-6 record in the past 7 games, which really makes people lament James's isolation.

1335 games! Jenns tied the Gloves for 16th all-time close to the Pierskoby record

Now that the Lakers are facing the same bad Blazers, James has ushered in the 1335th regular season game of his career, officially equaling Glove Payton's record of 1335 appearances, rising to a tie for 16th place in NBA history, and the next game James will surpass Glove Payton to occupy 16th place in history.

1335 games! Jenns tied the Gloves for 16th all-time close to the Pierskoby record

As for the two top stars in front of James, they are Pierce with 1343 games and Kobe Bryant with 1346 games, James is 8 games away from Pierce and 11 games away from Kobe Bryant, both of which are expected to complete the overtaking in a short period of time and rise to 14th place in NBA history.

1335 games! Jenns tied the Gloves for 16th all-time close to the Pierskoby record

Clifford Robinson ranks 13th in history with 1380 games, James is still 45 games away from him, and the Lakers have just 45 regular season games left this season, unless James plays all the remaining games to be expected to tie his record, so it is likely that James will need to wait until next season to achieve a surpass for Clifford Robinson.

(Text/Drunken Floating Life)

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