
A large square to supplement the waist and kidneys

author:Fuyang Old Chinese Medicine - Bao

The square I am talking about today has a very beautiful name, called Qing'e Maru.

Qing'e in ancient times refers to young and beautiful women, this square can indeed make people radiant, youthful ripples, why? Because it can replenish the kidneys. However, beauty is not its main role, its main role is to treat low back pain, especially for kidney yang deficiency caused by low back pain, the effect is very good.

According to legend, in ancient times, there was a lieutenant, young, bearded early white, and often felt waist and knee pain, saw many doctors, took a lot of medicine, did not work. By chance, he had to pass on a secret recipe to a high person, and after taking it, not only the pain in his waist and legs healed, but even the whole person looked refreshed. This person was overjoyed and composed a poem: "Winning the spring light in hand, Qing'e Xiu smiled and white beard." "The formula of Qing'e Pill spread like this.

A large square to supplement the waist and kidneys

The story is not known whether it is true or not, but Qing'e Pill is indeed an ancient formula, from the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Bureau Fang".

Qing'e pills: tonic bone fat, eucommia, walnut kernels, garlic, and now there are also proprietary Chinese medicines, flavored Qing'e pills.

The older generation often said that the waist bone pain, pork loin stew eucommia. Waist pain, pain can not fall, pain as if it is about to break, you use the pig's loin to cook eucommia, after eating it will recover quickly. Du Zhong this flavor medicine, you use your hand, you can see the white filaments inside connected, as if breaking the bones and connecting the tendons. Such a drug on the liver and kidneys of the tonic effect is very large, the liver main tendon, kidney main bone, liver and kidney is strong, the waist is not easy to pain.

Psoralen is a seed medicine, the seed is the root of the plant, can be firmly locked in the essence of the plant, can be passed on for the plant, the kidney is the root of the human body, so the psoralen is specially into the waist and kidneys, into the door of life. Psoralin and different drugs can play a different therapeutic role together, but basically all revolve around kidney supplementation. For example, many people urinate a lot at night, frequently run the toilet at night, sometimes just have a little sleepiness, urine comes again, the small belly there feels cool, this is also kidney yang deficiency, the bladder can not be vaporized. When the jin liquid in the body cannot be well vaporized and utilized, it will turn down and urinate frequency will appear. At this time, you go to find cumin and psoralen, cumin warms up the lower abdomen from the front, psoralen warms up the waist and kidneys from the back, two herbs, soldiers are divided into two ways, combined together called broken paper pills, specifically for the treatment of frequent urination at night.

Walnut, after you smash it open, you can see a variety of strange circuits inside, very similar to the human brain, and the kidney is the brain's largest "provider", because "the kidney main bone marrow", and "the marrow is mainly brain", the essence of the brain is all dependent on the kidney to provide, so walnut is a medicine dedicated to the waist marrow. Even Zhang Xichun, a divine doctor of the Republic of China, praised walnuts, saying that it was "an essential medicine to nourish the liver and kidneys and strengthen the muscles and bones, so it is good at treating waist pain, leg pain, all muscle and bone pain." ”

The last medicine, garlic. The role of garlic here can be summarized in five words, that is, "strengthen the spleen and cure kidney qi".

A large square to supplement the waist and kidneys

These four herbs are all a little warm, so Qing'e pills mainly treat waist pain caused by kidney yang deficiency, such people often have a cold feeling in the waist, so some people say, I have this waist, so strange, like that fan is always whizzing out of the cool wind. This is actually the lack of kidney yang, this kind of low back pain when the onset of a hot water bottle to relieve some.

In addition to the cold, followed by the feeling of weight, kidney yang deficiency, powerless to resist the outside world's wind cold and wet evil, these wind cold and wet evil is very cunning, specially in the weakest place of the human body camped, when they gather at the waist, you will feel that there is a feeling of pulling down the back waist, as if tied to a thousand gold heavy objects, in fact, are some wind and cold and wet.

Again, there will be a sour feeling of low back pain caused by kidney yang deficiency, which will be more pronounced when overworked or maintaining a position for a long time.

A large square to supplement the waist and kidneys

Finally, it can also be judged according to the tongue moss, people with kidney yang deficiency, the tongue sticks out, the tongue is light and fat, and the tongue is white and greasy. Big guys, remember, the white tongue is cold, the yellow tongue is hot, and people with heat can never use it.

Combining the above four points, such low back pain, with Qing'e pills, is very symptomatic.