
Pig loin eucommia relieves low back pain

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: People's Health Network

Henan reader Mr. Li consulted: When I was young, I injured my waist by carrying heavy objects, and I often had weak waist pain, especially on rainy days. Previously, I saw a dietary remedy for old low back pain: take 1 pair of pig loin, 15 grams of Wellingxian, 20 grams of Eucommia; cut open the pork loin, remove the membrane and blood vessels, wash it; break the two flavors of Chinese medicine and put it into the pork loin and tie it tightly with a thin line; add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put in the pig loin, remove the residue after boiling on high heat, re-add water and condiments, boil on high heat and cook over low heat, eat the pork loin and drink soup, 2 to 3 times a week, and a course of treatment for two weeks. I took 2 courses in a row, and my back pain was greatly reduced, and my walking was much easier. Please ask the experts, what is the basis for this formula to treat low back pain?

Pu Zhaohe, an associate researcher at the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Intelligence of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, answered: Chinese medicine has the saying that "the waist is the house of the kidneys", and believes that various chronic low back pains, such as lumbar muscle strain, trauma, osteoporosis, etc., are more or less related to the kidneys, and advocate a strong waist to nourish the kidneys. Du Zhong and pig loin are used together to treat "kidney deficiency and waist pain", which is found in the Ming Dynasty's "Materia Medica Quandu", which records: "A pig loin, sliced... Into the eucommia last three coins, lotus leaves wrapped simmered food, wine. "Pig loin, that is, pig kidney, has the effect of tonifying the kidney, strengthening the waist and benefiting qi, and can cure kidney weakness and waist pain, edema, deafness and other symptoms." Eucommia is warm and sweet, can nourish the liver and kidneys, strengthen the muscles and bones, and treat waist and knee soreness, low back pain, night sweats, frequent urination and so on. Welling Xian Xin Wen, can pass through the meridians, dispel rheumatism, can cure rheumatism paralysis, gout stubborn pain, tendon and vein cramps, waist and knee cold pain and other symptoms. Welling Xian with Du Zhong is a common partner for treating kidney deficiency and cold and wet low back pain, and is also effective for psoas muscle strain and sprain low back pain. Studies have shown that Eucommia and Wellingxian have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and other functions. When used together, all drugs can play a role in tonifying kidneys and bones, dispelling dampness, and relieving pain. Eating the above, in the short term, it has a certain effect on improving chronic low back pain, and also has a good effect on low back pain, waist pain, and numbness caused by kidney yang deficiency, cold and wet paralysis.

If continuous consumption of one course of treatment is ineffective, when discontinued. Yin deficiency and high cholesterol, use this formula with caution.