
Lookout | To enhance the earning power of enterprises, does Wuhu's "1% work method" work?

author:Xinhua News Agency client

The internet celebrity anchor and the secretary of the Wuhu Municipal Party Committee and the mayor faced each other in breakfast, and the "staple food" was the city's soft power and communication capacity building. The information of this "Big Sima " attending the breakfast meeting was clicked more than 3 million times on Station B

"How can enterprises feel tangible benefits in Wuhu?" We decided to break with the norm and push backwards from our goals to implement the '1% work method'. Use all possible means to match a little better, a little lower cost, a little higher profits, improve the ability of enterprises to 'make money', so that they can increase their profits by at least 1% on the original basis. ”

The "Co-reading Plan" of Party and government cadres in Wuhu City was launched on September 4, with the theme of "Reading a Book Together, Building a City Together", and through the form of "live broadcast + playback" of mobile APP, 1 book was read online every week, with a total of about 40 books throughout the year, which was pushed to all party and government cadres

Wen | Liu Jing, Ma Shurui, hu rui, reporter of the "Lookout" news weekly

"WUHOO, take off!" "Wuhu, take off!"

Because of the harmonic "terrier", Wuhu, the second largest city in Anhui Province and the sub-center of the province, the phrase "take off" became popular on the Internet.

The "explosive golden sentence" achieved by the tacit understanding on the Internet also makes Wuhu people happy to express their expectations for the city.

From the spring and autumn "a lake and a lot of doves" to get the name of the ancient city "Jiuzi", to the Western Han Dynasty "water storage is not deep and there are many wuhu algae" originally named "Wuhu", Wuhu gives people the exquisite beauty of "Guanguan Ju dove" and the generosity of "on the riverside". In the new era when people shouted "Wuhu, take off" over and over again, the reporter walked into Wuhu to feel the "take-off" trend of the city.

Lookout | To enhance the earning power of enterprises, does Wuhu's "1% work method" work?

Wuhu Cityscape (taken on September 11) Courtesy of the Propaganda Department of wuhu Municipal Party Committee

Take off, starting with a breakfast

Breakfast not only represents the taste of a city, but also reflects its character.

In the early morning, Wuhu people either walk into the well-known century-old breakfast restaurants of Geng Fuxing, Four Seasons Spring, and Jin Longxing, or go around into a "small and beautiful" snack bar in the streets and alleys, and start the day in a small bowl and a small cage of special breakfasts.

In March this year, Wuhu launched a "new breakfast": a chat breakfast party. The breakfast meeting was presided over by the main responsible person of the party and government of Wuhu City, and the schedule was given priority to facilitate entrepreneurs, and it was basically held on Saturday. On the table are the local common breakfast snacks, do not set the topic of discussion, do not prepare speech materials, open chat. From the beginning, it mainly invited the heads of various enterprises to chat for breakfast, and gradually expanded to public welfare organizations and social groups, allowing the general public to offer suggestions and suggestions and effectively participate in urban governance.

What support do enterprises need, how to attract scarce talents, how to integrate autistic children into society... When the city has just woken up, a series of decision-making intentions have been freshly baked from the breakfast meeting.

Han Jinlong, an e-sports anchor known to netizens under the screen name "Dasima", received an invitation to the 19th breakfast party in Wuhu City on August 21.

The terrier of "Wuhu (WUHOO), take-off" comes from the Wuhu people "Big Sima ". When encountering a good game situation in the e-sports explanation, the "Big Sima " will always compare the movement of the wings with both hands and shout "WUHOO, take off!" So a barrage of "Wuhu, take off" filled the screen.

The internet celebrity anchor and the secretary of the Wuhu Municipal Party Committee and the mayor faced each other in breakfast, and the "staple food" was the city's soft power and communication capacity building. The information of this "Big Sima " attending the breakfast meeting was clicked more than 3 million times on Station B.

Breakfast will be chatted, "pro" and "qing" dialogue, a bowl of shrimp noodles on the table, emitting not only fresh fragrance, but also a kind of development temperament.

As of October 17, the Chat Breakfast Meeting has been held 25 times, inviting 123 entrepreneurs and social organizations to participate, so that the enterprise-related matters reflected in the chat are closed-loop, "every piece has been implemented, everything has an echo", in principle, within 5 working days to complete or form a solution.

The plan of a day lies in the morning, and the plan of a city lies in the strategy. A list of free chat breakfast meetings has been completed, you can glimpse the eagerness of Wuhu to catch up early, and the strategy of high-quality development of take-off:

Coordinate a number of enterprises to establish exchange mechanisms with industries, industry associations and universities;

Help Ruihu Auto Mould to join the Wuhu New Energy Automobile Industry Alliance;

List Excalibur New Materials in the 2021 Industrial Internet Intelligent Transformation Service Object;

Promote chery, conch, midea and other local high-quality enterprises to start reinvestment......

In the present, we must seek in the long run. Several entrepreneurs proposed to increase the attraction of talents in the dinner, Wuhu quickly came up with the "Ziyunying" talent plan, took the lead in the province to set up a municipal talent development group as a "city HR", gave up to 20 million yuan of support to high-level scientific and technological talent teams, and gave one-time interview subsidies to graduates...

The pre-word rule is not sloppy, and the pre-event rule is not sleepy. Discover advantages and shortcomings, promote the convergence of production factors, and find a high-quality development path suitable for the region... Plotting in front and moving behind, this is the "true taste" of Wuhu Chat Breakfast.

Take off, starting with a nut

Careful readers who are familiar with the Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping will find that a name is mentioned several times. He is a Wuhu native for a long time.

In the 1980s, Nian Guangjiu founded "Fool Melon Seed" in Wuhu. At that time, he did not expect that this would bring about the discussion of "surname society" and "surname capital", and become "the primrose of China's private economy", leaving extraordinary significance in the history of reform and opening up.

In 2019, the Internet company "Three Squirrels", which was also born in Wuhu and started with nuts, was successfully listed, and its sales exceeded 10 billion yuan that year, and the IP culture, animation works, and "Squirrel Town" cultural tourism brands and industries of the three squirrels were developed.

Knocking on a "nut" in Wuhu, the core is the urban innovation temperament of "advocating innovation, supporting exploration, and encouraging the tip".

Chery Automobile, the leading enterprise of China's own brand automobiles, is also a business card of Wuhu. From January to September this year, Chery Automobile's cumulative sales reached more than 650,000 units, an increase of 53.3% year-on-year; of which new energy vehicle sales were more than 64,000 units, an increase of 179.3% year-on-year; overseas exports of more than 180,000 units, 2.55 times that of the same period last year, ranking first in The export of Chinese brand passenger cars.

"These numbers are not made up all at once, but the result of insisting on branding and technological innovation." Yin Tongyue, chairman of Chery Holding Group, said.

At the beginning of its business, Chery started from dismantling and researching foreign automobile engines. Do you continue to rely on external forces, or do you insist on independent innovation? Chery chose the latter. Today, Chery has accumulated more than 22,000 patents, and has also incubated three listed companies, Bethel Automotive Safety System, Eft Intelligent Equipment, and Ruihu Auto Mold.

"In 2007, Wuhu had only one robotics company, Eft. At present, Wuhu's robot industrial park has cultivated and attracted more than 140 upstream and downstream enterprises to land, forming a complete intelligent manufacturing industry chain with industrial robots as the core. Zeng Hui, deputy general manager of Eft Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., said.

Starting from the coast and tracing the inland river to the deep hinterland gradient is one of the important laws in the history of the world economy. Wuhu - a node connecting the inland and the sea outlet, connecting the upper, central and western regions of the Yangtze River, shoulders the dual high-quality development tasks of many central cities in the Yangtze River Delta and promoting the high-level opening up of the inland area in the central region.

In the first half of this year, Wuhu's economic operation was stable and fast, achieving a GDP of 203.815 billion yuan, an increase of 15.3% year-on-year, and the total volume and growth rate ranked second in Anhui. The city has built 45 key R & D innovation platforms, high-tech enterprises, technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises have both exceeded 1,000, and the number of effective invention patents owned by 10,000 people has remained the first in the province for ten consecutive years.

The innovation gene releases strong vitality. From January to August this year, Wuhu's strategic emerging industries played a top role in the entire industry, an increase of 36.0% year-on-year. Among them, the output of intelligent products such as new energy vehicles, industrial robots, and lithium-ion batteries increased by 511%, 192.7%, and 250.6%.

Innovation has enabled Wuhu to develop a relatively complete aviation industry chain, gathering a full range of R&D and manufacturing projects such as general aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, aero engines, avionics, aviation components, etc., as well as a number of industry "singles champions" such as CEC Diamond Aircraft, Zall Aviation, and Hangrui Airlines.

Located in the Wuhu Wanlan District Aviation Industrial Park, China Electricity Branch Wuhu Diamond Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., one plane after another in the production line in a "column" arrangement, waiting for the completion of the final assembly, off the line to take off. From gear parts to the assembly of the whole machine, the core area of the park has gathered nearly 90 projects, 9 national and 28 provincial science and technology innovation platforms settled, and the goal of "producing a domestic general aircraft without leaving the park" will become a reality.

Take off, starting with a percentage

The platform of the ninth floor starts from the soil.

Sitting on the main stream of the Yangtze River and the Qingyi River, it is a natural inland river port and waterway thoroughfare, as early as the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Wuhu was listed as one of the "four rice cities". In modern times, Wuhu has become one of the earliest river cities in China to open its port. With the blessing of geographical characteristics and historical process, the city has gradually developed a pragmatic and refined, inclusive and open temperament.

Extensive operation can no longer meet the requirements of development, and Wuhu Take-off must "plan to calculate the detailed account".

"1%", a very small and inconspicuous number.

Under the logic of the market economy, it is not easy for a company to steadily increase its profits by 1%; in an industry and a city, if each enterprise can steadily increase its profits by 1%, it will be a huge wealth.

"How can enterprises feel tangible benefits in Wuhu?" We decided to break with the norm and push backwards from our goals to implement the '1% work method'. Use all possible means to match a little better, a little lower cost, a little higher profits, improve the ability of enterprises to make money, so that they can increase their profits by at least 1% on the original basis. Wuhu Municipal Party Committee Secretary Shan Xiangqian said.

"This measurable and quantifiable goal has formed a huge pressure to push back, we first spent a month and a half to study the factors affecting the cost and profit of enterprises, and finally decided to focus on the six elements of energy, labor, taxes, logistics, financing, and technological transformation." Qu Hui, secretary of the party committee of the Wuhu Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, said that the "1% work method" leading group has set up working groups under the "symptomatic" one by one, and each group has clearly defined the specific industries and enterprises responsible for and formulated a detailed work plan.

The top 300 enterprises account for about 80% of the industrial added value of Wuhu City, focusing on the factors affecting corporate profits, implementing the "one enterprise, one policy" of key enterprises, the "one line and one policy" of key industries, and the city's comprehensive policies, one by one to come up with cost reduction and efficiency improvement measures.

High logistics costs are one of the outstanding problems reflected by enterprises, and logistics accounts for more than 10% of the comprehensive costs of domestic enterprises. By improving the degree of refined services, Wuhu has made the whole chain of "workshop to wharf" finely connected: promote the digital upgrading and transformation of river-sea intermodal transport and logistics enterprises, reduce the transshipment links, and compress the running time of regular liners from 7 days to less than 5 days, and reduce the transportation cost of each container by about 30%.

In terms of financing, Wuhu steadily reduced the loan interest rate of financial institutions, and from January to July, the weighted average interest rate of loans of banking financial institutions in the city was 4.47%, down 29 basis points from the beginning of the year, the lowest in Anhui Province.

In terms of taxes and fees, the city's 170 million square meters of industrial land, the land use tax per square meter was reduced by 3 yuan, and the land use tax was reduced by more than 500 million yuan...

Driven by the "1% Work Method", from January to May this year, the operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size in Wuhu Increased by 32.8% year-on-year, and the total profit increased by 22.3% year-on-year; in the first half of the year, the city's fixed asset investment increased by 20.0% year-on-year, an average growth of 9.6% in two years; private investment increased by 22.0%, witnessing the market's confidence in Wuhu.

Take off, starting with a co-reading

The development of a city is inseparable from the cohesion of people's hearts and the power of culture.

"Hi, dear folks and elders of Wuhu, party and government cadres, today we want to talk about such a book..." At 8:00 p.m. on October 16, the sixth lecture of "Wuhu Reading" started on time, from "The Communist Manifesto" and "A Brief History of Mankind", to "Xi Jinping on Governing the Country", "Why China Has a Future", and the sixth lecture "Hub", the "listening to books" time every Saturday night has become a new habit of Wuhu party and government cadres.

Sponsored by the Wuhu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and undertaken by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the "Co-reading Plan" of Wuhu Municipal Party and Government Cadres was launched on September 4, with the theme of "Reading a Book Together, Building a City Together", through the form of mobile APP "live broadcast + playback", reading 1 book online every week, a total of about 40 books throughout the year, pushed to all party and government cadres.

According to statistics, the total number of viewers of the first five sessions exceeded 240,000, and the highest number of online people was nearly 160,000, with more than 100,000 messages. "It's very interesting and the form is novel", "The book club has become the most anticipated spiritual feast every week", "After listening to the explanation, I turned it out and read the original text myself, and benefited a lot" "Think about the 40 books I read after a year is very fulfilling"... Such messages and more than 2,600 illustrated reading notes have accumulated into a new "spiritual wealth".

Reading can not only light up the light of civilization in a city, but also allow people living in it to find more companions with a radiant heart.

Before the "Eleventh" holiday, the four "Wuhu Study Rooms" of Yuexiang Book Bar, Chizhu Academy, Zhongjiang Book Garden and Asan Bookstore were completed and opened, and the public can not only borrow books for free, but also choose colorful reading promotion activities such as famous lectures, English salons, DIY parent-child activities, and movie broadcasting.

Reading is integrated into a part of life in Wuhu. In Wuhu, the study is built in the city and in the park. "There are several urban park study rooms like Yuexiang Book Bar, such as Zhongjiang Park, Jinghu Park, Tingtang Park, and Zheshan Park, and other urban study rooms are also being built and opened." The person in charge of the Book Bar said.

Living in the garden of half mountains and half water, hidden in the sea of books in the park at your fingertips, this is a frame in the future picture of Wuhu. ■


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