
Only 1 day after Biden signed, the Americans shouted that the Platon Army would not be allowed to go around Taiwan? The mainland laughed and said nothing

author:Dr. Yaxu Qian

Biden signed a new entry into force bill on Dec. 27 that provides about $7.1 billion in funding for the so-called Indo-Pacific Deterrence Program, including a so-called "Statement on Taiwan Policy," alleging that U.S. policy is to maintain U.S. ability to resist "fait accomplis that endanger Taiwan." However, Taiwan already belongs to China, so why does China endanger Taiwan? There is no doubt that the newly passed bill in the United States is aimed at China in order to hinder China's further development and complete reunification.

Only 1 day after Biden signed, the Americans shouted that the Platon Army would not be allowed to go around Taiwan? The mainland laughed and said nothing

Interestingly, the day after Biden signed the bill, the so-called "Taipei Office of the American Institute in Taiwan" took office Sun Xiaoya, the "new" director of the "new" department, after Sun Xiaoya declared in an interview that the Platon Military Plane's operation around Taiwan was "unacceptable" and that the US side "strongly urged" the Chinese mainland side to stop this action. What is "unacceptable" for China to simply patrol within its own territory? I am afraid that the United States does not want to see China become stronger after the reunification of Taiwan.

The United States believes that the passage of a new bill, an increase in military spending, and even a special "statement on Taiwan policy" in the bill can scare China; the United States is really too arrogant, they think that they are still the world's number one country, and they will be afraid if they threaten other countries at will, and they will be able to stop China by relying on these, but these are not enough to look at In front of China, and nothing can stop China's determination to reunify Taiwan. Today's China is no longer what it was then, once underdeveloped in science and technology and was still able to win the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea with a single heart, now it is even more fearless, and China already has the strength to break the wrist with the United States.

Only 1 day after Biden signed, the Americans shouted that the Platon Army would not be allowed to go around Taiwan? The mainland laughed and said nothing

Before Sun Xiaoya took office, former director Li Yingjie helped and participated in the establishment of the Association of Taiwan Legislators and US Congressmen. To view Taiwan as an independent state between words is a serious provocation to China's sovereignty. Li Yingjie had previously attended the public sacrifice of the Taiwanese soldiers who died due to the beach-grabbing exercise, and Li Yingjie's expression of mourning was only a superficial action, but in essence, it had an ulterior political purpose. Earlier, it even encouraged the DPP to participate in the WHO and the World Health Assembly, under the pretext of promoting Taiwan's expansion of international participation, to strengthen the contradictions between Taiwan and the mainland. In the middle of this year, U.S. military planes landed in Taiwan several times, all of which were to deliver office supplies to the office.

Only 1 day after Biden signed, the Americans shouted that the Platon Army would not be allowed to go around Taiwan? The mainland laughed and said nothing

The so-called "American Association in Taiwan" has spared no effort in provoking cross-strait relations, and sun Xiaoya today has even made China stop the "behavior of going around Taiwan" by PLA military planes. But where did she get the qualifications to direct China to do things? It really made the 1.4 billion Chinese people laugh off their teeth, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council expressed that we are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and the greatest efforts. However, if the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces provoke and force or even break through the red line, we will have to take drastic measures. If the United States persists in its obsession and still meddles in the Taiwan issue, it will eventually taste the bitter consequences of its own crimes.


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