
Pro-test eating knows that the mooncake turns into a "spray warrior", I give you a popular science about the reason for diarrhea: sugar instead of water absorption is not equal to no calories

author:Quantum Position

Xiao Cha was sent from The Temple of Oufei

Qubits reports | Official account QbitAI

"Laxatives, people in the toilet, just got off the toilet."

Unexpectedly, the harmonic stem of knowing "thank you for the invitation" actually came true.

With the Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, internet manufacturers have launched their own customized mooncakes, and Zhihu is no exception.

Pro-test eating knows that the mooncake turns into a "spray warrior", I give you a popular science about the reason for diarrhea: sugar instead of water absorption is not equal to no calories

Originally, it was a happy thing to receive beautifully packaged mooncakes, but many people reported that after eating Zhihu's mooncakes, they always ran to the toilet, bloating, diarrhea, and became a "spray warrior".

"Eating mooncake diarrhea" quickly landed on the first place in the Weibo hot search list, and Zhihu then issued an emergency apology statement on the official website.

Pro-test eating knows that the mooncake turns into a "spray warrior", I give you a popular science about the reason for diarrhea: sugar instead of water absorption is not equal to no calories

In the face of the ridicule of the majority of netizens crying and laughing, Zhihu also "blackened himself", and this problem quickly rose to the fourth place in the Zhihu hot list.

Is it that the hygiene of the mooncake is not up to standard?

No, the problem is with the "low sugar".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > cause of diarrhea: sugar substitute absorbs water</h1>

Presumably, after knowing the science of big V (I popularized my own diarrhea), many people have a general understanding of the cause.

Recently, we also received a Mid-Autumn Festival gift from Zhihu.

Looking at the ingredient list behind it, you can find that the reason why low-sugar mooncakes have a sweet taste is to replace sucrose and glucose with various types of sweet sugar alcohols, including maltitol, red fresh sugar alcohol, sorbitol and so on.

Pro-test eating knows that the mooncake turns into a "spray warrior", I give you a popular science about the reason for diarrhea: sugar instead of water absorption is not equal to no calories

Many sugar alcohols do not exist in nature or are present in small amounts, and the human stomach is not adapted to absorbing them, resulting in them staying in the intestines all the time.

The sugar alcohol is dissolved in the digestive juice, the osmotic pressure is high, and the water in the intestinal skin cells is "sucked" into the intestine by the sugar alcohol, and it is diarrhea.

To put it more colloquially, this principle is similar to "killing water" with pickled radishes.

Imagine sprinkling salt on a radish and the radish cells seep out of the water. Sugar alcohol and gastrointestinal, equivalent to salt and radish.

Pro-test eating knows that the mooncake turns into a "spray warrior", I give you a popular science about the reason for diarrhea: sugar instead of water absorption is not equal to no calories

The next picture, should not be said. (Manual Dog Head)

Pro-test eating knows that the mooncake turns into a "spray warrior", I give you a popular science about the reason for diarrhea: sugar instead of water absorption is not equal to no calories

Regardless of the dose, talking about toxicity is a hooligan, and sugar alcohol can only become a laxative if it reaches a certain amount.

We checked the data and found that the maximum non-laxative dose of maltitol is 0.3 g/kg body weight, and after taking more than this dose at a time, the mooncake becomes a laxative.



Relative sweetness

(as opposed to sucrose)

Heat per unit weight


Heat at the same sweetness

Maximum non-laxative dose (g/kg body weight)

cane sugar
























It has been calculated that a 60-kilogram man, as long as he eats 18 grams of maltitol, can cause diarrhea, knowing that the amount of a mooncake is almost on this scale, so it causes a "tragedy".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="56" > sugar substitute does not equal no calories</h1>

In many people's cognition, sugar substitute equals no calories, in fact, this is a big misunderstanding. Sugar substitutes such as sugar alcohols have calories.

For example, the maltitol added to the mooncake is not low in calories, but the sweetness is lower than that of sucrose.

If you want to achieve the same sweetness as sucrose, the calories are 58% of sucrose, and the increase in the dose of sweetness increases the risk of diarrhea.

However, in terms of taste, Zhihu's mooncakes are sweeter than ordinary mooncakes, and the sugar alcohol absorption effect is not good, so there is no need to worry too much about calories.

In addition to sugar alcohols, which are sugar substitutes, there are sweeteners such as aspartame and saccharin, the former being a sweet source of sugar-free cola.

Because its sweetness is hundreds of times that of sucrose, the amount added is very small, so it will not cause diarrhea, and there are almost no calories.

Finally, I think everyone is very concerned about how we are after eating the mooncake.

Unfortunately, one of our colleagues developed symptoms of diarrhea.

Recently, the author is often plagued by constipation, and after eating a piece of Zhihu mooncake, I feel extremely smooth, and I don't know if this is a blessing in disguise. (Cover your face)

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