
The art project of Beijing Metro Line 17 designed and constructed by Daqiu Clay Porcelain Art has come to a perfect end

After more than 2 years, the cultural and artistic projects of Shilihe Station and Beishenshu Station of Line 17 of the Beijing Metro, from design, creation to production and construction, have recently been completed and installed, and have been officially opened for operation today.

The art project of Beijing Metro Line 17 designed and constructed by Daqiu Clay Porcelain Art has come to a perfect end

"Ten Mile River, Chinese Painting Mood"

The art project of Beijing Metro Line 17 designed and constructed by Daqiu Clay Porcelain Art has come to a perfect end

Beijing Metro Line 17 is located in the eastern part of Beijing, the line attribute is "Future Science and Technology Comprehensive Line", the line connects four administrative districts, supports and drives the development of Yizhuang Xincheng Station District, Huatou Industrial Zone, Chaoyang Port, CBD and Future Science and Technology City, supports the two key planning locations of the North and South Bohai Rim Headquarters Base and future Science and Technology City, and plays an important role in Beijing's urban development and internal and external radiation.

The art project of Beijing Metro Line 17 designed and constructed by Daqiu Clay Porcelain Art has come to a perfect end

"Ten Mile River Ancient Fun Style"

In November 2019, with its design innovation, concept innovation, artistic innovation and material innovation, Daqiu Ni stood out among many competitors and successfully won the bid for the cultural and artistic projects of Shilihe Station and Beishenshu Station on Line 17 of the Beijing Metro. As the only winning unit outside Beijing, Daqiu Ni cherishes this hard-won opportunity, and organizes the most elite copywriting, design, creation, production, construction and other forces at the first time, going to the Beijing subway site five or six times, refining the copy seven or eight times, modifying the design more than ten times, and creating and perfecting more than ten times. In particular, ceramic works are repeatedly trial-produced, 3D molding, changing the process, squashing treatment, segmented firing, and experimenting more than 20 times before and after, and only producing works that meet the requirements before installation. Due to the tight time, heavy tasks, high requirements and fast linkage, the installation team was compressed into one month in the original planned three months, braved the cold and overtime, and after repeated debugging, the final art was perfectly presented.

The art project of Beijing Metro Line 17 designed and constructed by Daqiu Clay Porcelain Art has come to a perfect end

"Ten Mile River Between Inches"

The art project of Beijing Metro Line 17 designed and constructed by Daqiu Clay Porcelain Art has come to a perfect end

"Ten Mile River: Fish Flowing In"

By creating the artistic conception of Chinese painting and adopting modern craftsmanship, Shilihe Station embodies the traditional antique culture of Shilihe and modern transformation and upgrading. Combining the subway space with the surrounding cultural characteristics, using porcelain, white painting, paper-cutting, filigree and other combination methods, we have created four chapters of "Shili River • Chinese Painting Artistic Conception", "Shili River • Ancient Fun Style", "Ten Mile River • Square Inch", "Ten Mile River • Fish Running In", and tells the "ancient meaning and ancient rhyme" of "Ten Mile Long River".

The art project of Beijing Metro Line 17 designed and constructed by Daqiu Clay Porcelain Art has come to a perfect end

The design scheme is being modified

The art project of Beijing Metro Line 17 designed and constructed by Daqiu Clay Porcelain Art has come to a perfect end

Some ceramic artworks

The Beishen Tree Station extends around the theme of "Tree of Wisdom", artistically combining the Beishen "Tree" and "Biomedical Symbol (Hexagon)", interwoven with flowing art lights and hexagons, and combining orderly and invisible, implying the orderly development of biotechnology and showing the mysterious power of biotechnology. Through the form of moving rings, biometric fingerprints, flowing ripples, etc., it describes the evolution and endless life of life. Let passengers touch the sense of modern technology, experience the flow of life, and taste the sense of change in life.

The art project of Beijing Metro Line 17 designed and constructed by Daqiu Clay Porcelain Art has come to a perfect end

"The Tree of The Northern Gods: The Tree of Wisdom"

Welcome to Beijing! Welcome to the big ball clay porcelain art! Go to the capital Beijing, take the 17th Line of the "New Subway Standard", swim away from the "Chinese Painting Artistic Conception" of the cloud cirrus Cloud Shu, think of the "ancient and interesting style" of the teenager is still the same, wake up the youth of "between the inches", plan the happy life of "fish through", and stimulate the "Tree of Wisdom" to raise morale!

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