
Just announced! The last big melon in 2021

author:Easy Jane reads
Just announced! The last big melon in 2021

Author: Bree Five

Unexpectedly, this is the last big melon at the end of the year:

Happy Base Camp is here forever in 2021.

After a few days of suspension, the new program "Hello Saturday" was launched, hosted by He Jiong alone.

This announced the dissolution of the Happy Family and the official withdrawal of Kuaiben from the stage of history.

Teasing the people for so many years, it is finally to this day.

The tears of the times, one more drop.

Miscellaneous tastes.

For 24 years, those young people who have chased fast Ben have grown up.

What has life taught us for 24 years?

Just announced! The last big melon in 2021

Farewell to adults

It's often quiet

On the official Weibo of Happy Base Camp, the time is fixed on October 6.

China's longest-lived variety show just disappeared without even a decent goodbye.

It's like our lives.

Have you ever seen a hot topic: do you want to tell a friend before deleting it?

Of the 60,000 voters who participated, 90 percent chose "silent deletion."

The real farewell is not the Long Pavilion Ancient Road, and there is no persuasion to drink a glass of wine.

But it was on a normal afternoon that someone put on a coat and walked out the door, disappeared into the winter sun, and never returned.

People never know who is separated and really never sees.

I remember the year I graduated from college, and I had a casual meal with my roommates.

During the banquet, everyone talked about work, love, dreams and the future. After three rounds of drinking, we agreed that after graduation, we must be bridesmaids for each other's weddings.

However, when it came to the day of receiving each other's wedding invitations, they could only say congratulations across the mobile phone screen, send red envelopes, and praise each other's circle of friends.

Scattered all over the world, we are gradually pushed into a new life, busy working overtime, making money, paying back the month, and bringing children.

Some of the bulls that were originally bragged were realized, and some were not realized.

But we never saw each other again.

The farewell of adults is often quiet.

Those who meet in the sea of people will eventually return to the sea of people.

Just announced! The last big melon in 2021

There is a line in Blueberry Night:

I didn't know how to say goodbye to someone I couldn't lose in my life, so I left without saying goodbye.

Some people say that the most difficult thing to say is the first confession and the final farewell.

A lifetime is not long, when you can still meet, don't say "next time must" and "look at it another day";

After the meeting, I remember that when I left, I solemnly waved to each other and gratefully said "cherished".

Don't forget, fate is a train that never looks back.

Just announced! The last big melon in 2021

All the adults used to be little children

Some people say that it is just right to stop.

Because in their view, the fast book has no nutrition, and it is simply a waste of time to look at the fast book.

But this show was originally used for entertainment and dinner.

Luo Xin, the producer of Kuaiben, once said: "Every episode of the show, we want it to be a happy child. ”

It did accompany many young children growing up.

Remember that opening remark?

"Happiness should look at the happy base camp, and unhappy should look at the happy base camp."

When I was in middle school, there was a TV set in every classroom, but it was only available on Saturdays.

On that day, the whole class will gather around to see the fast book. Some watched seriously, laughing along with the laughter on tv, some eating, reading books, and listening occasionally.

What I saw, I have long forgotten everything. But when I think about it, it was indeed a rare leisure time in my youth.

Just announced! The last big melon in 2021

I've seen fast books, and there's nothing to be ashamed of. Who hasn't been naïve?

As Russell said:

If you can have fun wasting time, you are not a waste of time.

Although we were very superficial at that time, we were really happy.

When we grow up, we often have to smile at all kinds of people, but we rarely can raise the corners of our mouths from the heart.

How long have you not rushed to meet the joy of a person with small steps?

How long have you not asked your friends to go to the all-night drink?

How long have you not been walking and singing on the road without anyone on the road?

We walked so long that we almost forgot:

All the adults who are quiet and steady and practiced are also children without hearts and lungs.

I once watched a video by Peng Lei, the lead singer of the band New Pants.

In the video, Peng Lei's daughter is free to play in a puddle on the side of the road, with an innocent face, while he himself holds an umbrella for his daughter in one hand and carries a school bag in the other, revealing a fatherly smile.

This picture is moving.

Yes, it is just a rain, even if it rains, you can still continue to play.

Just announced! The last big melon in 2021

Adults in this era are already tired just to be alive.

There are too many people's eyes that need to be taken into account;

There are too many pros and cons to weigh.

In fact, happiness is just happiness, and there is no distinction between low and high.

There is no need for any profound truth.

After work Coke with fried chicken Chase the next meal drama without using your brain After taking a shower, lie in bed and play with your phone The most vulgar vibrato divine comedy in KTV At the age of 40, I was still watching Huluwa Ultraman

So what?

Happy, happy.

Thinking so much tired or not?

Just announced! The last big melon in 2021

No one will always accompany you,

But there will always be someone to accompany you.

In 2017, someone asked He Jiong if he had ever thought about the dissolution of the Happy Family.

He Jiong replied that he had never thought about it:

"I feel like a family, there won't be a day after dinner and suddenly say, 'When are we going to break up?'"

After the suspension of broadcasting this year, He Jiong was photographed partying with friends late at night, and he had an emotional breakdown and cried.

No one knows what he went through during that time.

In the new program that is now online, the former happy family is only He Jiong.

Some people say that apart from He Jiong, it is difficult to imagine that there is any other way out for several other people.

But in fact, Xie Na now runs her own small family. Two days ago, she had just posted a song written for her daughter.

Du Haitao, who seems to be humble, is actually a small business expert, who has been running his own business empire for several years, even if he does not do hosting, he can have a good income.

Wu Xin is still single and still loves to cry. But she started working out, reading, doing her new show, and her life was moving on.

And Li Weijia, who was once rumored to be physically ill because of his thinness, is now fat again, and his smile has returned to his face.

Just announced! The last big melon in 2021

I have heard a saying: everyone has their own moon, and the tide rises and falls alone.

College entrance examination, job search, love, marriage, having children... There are many big things in life, but they are never the only ones that matter.

When you grow up, you'll part ways with a lot of people.

When you grow up, you will drift away from many things.

Loneliness is the norm in life.

But I have always believed that

No one will accompany you forever, but there will always be someone to accompany you;

No one will always succeed, but will always be happy.

Goodbye, Quick Ben; Goodbye, 2021.

In the new year, there will be many changes.

The only constant is that I still want you to be as happy as ever.

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