
Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

author:Chongqing tour

Chongqing, a unique city, has become more and more popular in recent years, attracting many foreign friends to travel.

When you are about to leave Chongqing, you will always bring a little souvenir of the mountain city. However, some shops sell souvenirs at a high price, and the taste is particularly unpleasant.

Many people do not know that most of the Chongqing specialties can be bought in Chongqing large supermarkets, such as New Century Department Store, Chongqing Department Store, Yonghui Supermarket, and the price is affordable, and it can also be guaranteed that it is not a three-no product. At the same time, it only takes 30 minutes to buy everything, so much so that the entire suitcase can't fit.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

So what are the specialties of Chongqing? From a personal point of view, Youpin has compiled a list of Chongqing specialties to provide some references for everyone.

First, the hot pot base

1. Bridgehead hot pot

Qiaotou hot pot originated in the first year of the Qing Dynasty's Xuanun Reunification, after 112 years of wind and rain, it is still a relatively hot old hot pot base in Chongqing. At the same time, many families in Chongqing will choose the base of the bridgehead hot pot when making hot pot at home. The hot pot base of the Qiaotou brand has a strong flavor, paying more attention to the mellowness of the red oil, and the cooked ingredients have a particularly authentic taste.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

The price of the hot pot base at the bridge is slightly more expensive, ranging from 15 yuan to 19 yuan. Depending on the amount of portions, the price varies. Because it is an old brand, the taste is more authentic, this price is still relatively OK.

2. Autumn xia hot pot fish

"Qiuxia" is also a hot pot brand with a certain history. Retreating from the hot pot restaurant to the backstage, the taste of autumn xia making hot pot base is also very good. In particular, his family's hot pot fish base, the perfect combination of the fresh flavor of the hot pot fish seasoning and the fish meat, well suppresses the earthy taste of the fish, and tastes delicious and fragrant. A pack is only 8 yuan, which is not much different than buying chili peppers to make.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

3. Dezhuang hot pot

Although Dezhuang appeared later than Qiaotou, Dezhuang, as a rising star, has become the most popular hot pot base brand in Chongqing. Dezhuang's hot pot base taste pays more attention to the freshness of peppers, the pepper umami taste in the base is more prominent, and the hot pot made is not as exciting as the spicy taste of Qiaotou, and the ingredients are very delicious.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

The price of dezhuang's hot pot base is a little cheaper than that of Qiaotou, but it is not much cheaper, and the choice of hot pot base in Chongqing is completely based on their own taste. If you haven't eaten it, you can choose Dezhuang hot pot base, its taste is not as spicy as Qiaotou.

4. Mao Ge old duck soup

Brother Mao is a brand that was particularly popular in Chongqing in the past few years, because his duck soup base tastes particularly delicious, and the sour radish tastes refreshing, which is very in line with the taste of the public. Mao Ge duck soup can not only be used as a stew, but also as the base of the soup pot to make a shabu-shabu, and the ingredients cooked out are very Chongqing flavor. Because it is the bottom of the clear soup pot, there is no need to worry about being particularly spicy.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

In addition to the duck soup, Mao Ge also has a variety of soups, such as sauerkraut fish soup, mutton soup pot soup, wind radish rib soup, etc., the price ranges from about 8 yuan.

Second, snacks

1. Strange smell of beans

Strange flavored beans are one of the most famous snack snacks in Chongqing. The sweet and salty texture and the taste of pepper and hemp make the crunchy broad beans more delicious the more they eat. The most distinctive is the strange flavor of Hu Bean produced by Yu Brother Food, which is an older brand in Chongqing. Compared with other brands, the strange flavor of Yu Brother Food is more intense, and the sweet and salty taste also has a little spicy taste in the middle, and the strange flavor makes people fall in love with it. The price is about 7.5 yuan, and the big package is only 15 yuan.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

2. Jiangjin rice flower candy

When you think of Chongqing's specialties, you will definitely think of Jiangjin Rose brand of rice candy. The old rice candy, fried at high temperatures, is crispy and sweet to eat. The taste is not much different from the millet puff pastry of the old man of rice, and it is a hard snack.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

But rice candy can be eaten soaked or boiled. A bowl of poached eggs or boiling water, a packet of rice candy, and mix the two for a few minutes. When the rice candy is soft, although it does not have a crispy texture, its unique aroma is still there, and the taste has become another special flavor, which is very delicious.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

Compared with the strange flavor of beans, the amount of rice candy is slightly more, but the price is more expensive, about 30 yuan. But compared to many scenic spots to sell a lot cheaper.

3.Momogra Ikawa

Hop Chuan peach slices are the most memorable food of your childhood. In the past, peach slices would only bring some back when relatives went to Hechuan. The better brands are "Sanmin Zhai" and "Tian Hexiang". In the supermarket, these two brands of peach slices are available, and the price varies according to the amount and packaging, the cheapest is 7.9 yuan, and the large package is only 29.8 yuan.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase
Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

4. Brown candy, sesame stalks

Brown candy and sesame stalks are the same snacks that Youpin loved as a child. Every time I go to the Ciqikou Temple Fair, I always let the adults buy a little and take it home to eat. Like its name, the brown candy is like a cowhide, a large piece cannot be torn, and can only be cut with scissors. Kraft candy is eaten with this taste, but it will not be chewed, eating with the aroma of sesame seeds, sweet but not greasy, soft and sticky.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

Sesame stalks have the opposite taste to brown candy. The crispy sesame stalks are more delicious the more you eat them, and the salty and sweet taste is addictive. The richly fragrant sesame seeds are roasted to taste more pure. The sesame stalk of the sesame official's brand is the most delicious, and it is crispy and chewy in one bite, and the maltose dissolves in the mouth, and it is comfortable and miserable to eat.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

Third, dry goods

Wulong red amaranth powder

There are still quite a few characteristic dry goods in Chongqing, but most of them are very common, such as fungus, white fungus, shiitake mushrooms, etc., and there is nothing particularly prominent. Therefore, after thousands of selections of travel products, the most practical and most characteristic dry goods with Chongqing characteristics were finally selected - Wulong Red Amaranth Powder.

Chongqing people cooking hot pot at home will definitely buy a little red amaranth powder to put inside, the boiled red amaranth powder not only absorbs the hot pot fragrant soup, but also wrapped in some fragrant red oil, eating is simply the best in the world.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

Wulong red amaranth powder is popular with the public, mainly because the raw material it uses is sweet potatoes from the Wulong Mountains. This sweet potato has a fresh and sweet taste, and after grinding, drying and cooking, the red amaranth powder Q is soft and sticky, and it is very chewy to eat.

Chongqing specialties buying strategy: three categories, ten flavors, fill the entire suitcase

As a dry goods, the shelf life of red amaranth powder is still quite long, do not need to put it in the refrigerator, just need to put it in the plastic bag at room temperature to save, how much to eat at a time. If you make it yourself at home, it is recommended to buy the one with a thinner width for easy eating and storage.

The above is the list of Chongqing specialties compiled by the travel products according to their own preferences. Many Chongqing specialties can be bought in these supermarkets, and supermarkets like New Century and Chongbai are still local brands in Chongqing, which are very widely distributed in mountain cities and are more convenient to find.

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