
Daichi masa Nikkei Series - January 1, 2022 Nichiyo

Daichi masa Nikkei Series - January 1, 2022 Nichiyo

Happy New Year's Day

2022 · Year of the Tiger

Today is New Year's Day, I wish you all a happy new year! Today will be more busy, easy to do some things that require energy and physical strength; today is also easy to encounter competition or indiscriminate people, but also pay attention to anti-theft, anti-deception and anti-rotten peach blossoms;

Today, in interpersonal and emotional relationships, be more patient and tolerant to avoid impatience and contradictions; today pay attention to the health of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, spleen and stomach, genitourinary system, and also take care of your emotions;

Lucky colors: black, blue

Lucky numbers: 1, 6

Lucky Directions: North

Lucky Signs: Capricorn, Aquarius,

Shooter, Pisces

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