
3,000 soldiers drank dumb medicine and dressed up as a "ghost army", and after fighting for the emperor, they were all executed in secret

As we all know, the ancient class concept is serious, people will be divided into three, six and nine, and most people live at the bottom and suffer all kinds of oppression and injustice. The resentment they have accumulated in their hearts in the long run will erupt at some point, which can easily lead to tragedy. According to legend, Liu Ziye, the emperor of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, was killed by his uncle Liu Yu, in fact, he ended up with such a fate, all because he was self-inflicted, because he insulted Liu Yu in every way before he died, so Liu Yu couldn't bear it, so he looked for an opportunity to kill him to relieve the resentment in his heart.

3,000 soldiers drank dumb medicine and dressed up as a "ghost army", and after fighting for the emperor, they were all executed in secret

At this point, Liu Yu sat on the dragon chair and got rid of the life of being humiliated as a pig. We know that Liu Ziye was a notorious tyrant, and his suspicion was very strong, so he imprisoned many royal nobles and insulted and suppressed them, including his uncle Liu Yu. Because he was too fat, the title of "Pig King" was given by Liu Ziye, who was locked in a cage every day and lived a life worse than pigs and dogs.

3,000 soldiers drank dumb medicine and dressed up as a "ghost army", and after fighting for the emperor, they were all executed in secret

At that time, Liu Yu's ability could not resist it, so he had been patient and waited for the opportunity to attack, and finally succeeded in 465 AD, Liu Ziye's death was the result that many people had been waiting for for a long time.

3,000 soldiers drank dumb medicine and dressed up as a "ghost army", and after fighting for the emperor, they were all executed in secret

After Liu Yu sat on the dragon chair, he was not happy, perhaps because he was humiliated, which made him mentally confused and gradually became suspicious, and there were many people who did not support his ascension. He was afraid that he would carry a bottle of poison with him every day, so that he could cut off his own life when others were plotting against him, of course, he also took action, actively looking for forces that could resist the rebellion, and just when Liu Yu was worried, some of his men found that there was equipment and battle plans for the "ghost army" led by Su Jun in the cave.

3,000 soldiers drank dumb medicine and dressed up as a "ghost army", and after fighting for the emperor, they were all executed in secret

Liu Yu thought that he could follow this method in order to resist the rebel forces. So he ordered the conscription of 3,000 strong young men as soldiers, promised to give them 300 taels of silver each, and then let them drink dumb medicine, and then began a series of strict training, all of which were cultivated in the way of the "ghost army", so that one day they could be used by him, similar to the so-called "dead soldiers".

3,000 soldiers drank dumb medicine and dressed up as a "ghost army", and after fighting for the emperor, they were all executed in secret

After a period of training, Liu Yu wanted to check and accept how effective it was, so he let them put on armor, smear their faces with pot ash, and make a whimpering sound in their mouths, which made the listeners afraid, which was the effect that Liu Yu wanted, and the result was very satisfactory to him, every night battle was a victory return, and there was never a defeat.

3,000 soldiers drank dumb medicine and dressed up as a "ghost army", and after fighting for the emperor, they were all executed in secret

Since Liu Yu had this "ghost army", the rebels were basically eliminated, but as soon as everyone heard the "ghost army", their faces were full of fear, which showed that Liu Yu's purpose had been achieved. But not only did he not treat these soldiers kindly, but in order to avoid others knowing his bad deeds, he also secretly executed the soldiers one by one, and 3,000 people were drowned alive. Although the worries were solved, he was often tormented by nightmares and lived a restless life later, which was also a punishment.

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