
Three Kingdoms Kill: How much damage can a "kill" deal? Players say tap on!

This question is believed to be answered by novice players who are just getting started with Three Kingdoms Kill, because under normal circumstances, "killing" can only cause a little damage.

"Kill" can deal more damage because there are many damage increase mechanisms in the game, through skills, equipment, "wine", etc. to achieve damage increase, so that an ordinary "kill" can cause higher damage!

Three Kingdoms Kill: How much damage can a "kill" deal? Players say tap on!

How much damage does a "kill" deal? Let's discuss it today!

First of all, no matter which warrior can use the "ancient ingot knife" to increase the damage by one, if the player is equipped with the "vine armor", the fire damage caused by others will also increase by one.

But even if you carry the "ancient ingot knife" and hit the "vine armor" with the "fire kill", it is only 3 damage, 3 damage can usually be seen in many games, although the maximum physical strength of many martial artists is only 3 points, but it is not realistic to say that 3 damage is the highest damage.

Three Kingdoms Kill: How much damage can a "kill" deal? Players say tap on!

After talking about equipment, let's not talk about the increase in injury from drinking "wine", talk about the skill-type increase in injury, many martial generals have their own damage increase effect, such as: Jie Xusheng, Jie Huangzhong, Xu Chu, etc., but their damage is only higher than that of normal martial generals, and it is also not the highest.

Some warriors can increase the damage of others through skills, such as Zhuge Liang's "Wild Wind", Lü Qian's "Gift Knife", etc., so that the damage of other players is increased by one, but this is the icing on the cake.

Who is the ceiling for skill augmentation?

Three Kingdoms Kill: How much damage can a "kill" deal? Players say tap on!

Ma Yunlu! How much damage she can hit with a "kill" depends on the number of cards in the opponent's hand, and the number of blocks in the stack is a total of 40.

We might as well make a hypothesis, if there is a Lu Meng on the field who hoards all the square cards, what will happen if our Ma Yunlu "kills" at this time? We are not counting the "stone axe", after all, this weapon is also a block, so let Lü Meng deliberately not "flash"!

40 square cards plus "kill" damage is 41 points, counting the "wine", "vine armor", "wind", "gift knife" and other operations icing on the cake, the amount of damage can be close to 50 points, this damage can be said to be very high, because the 12 "peaches" in the card pile are all for you, you can't save yourself, but 50 points This damage is still not the highest damage!

Three Kingdoms Kill: How much damage can a "kill" deal? Players say tap on!

Let's talk about the "wine" in the basic card, most of the martial artists will increase their damage by drinking "wine", and they will only do a little more damage than through the equipment, and the rules of the game have restrictions on using "wine" to increase damage, but there is no limit for some martial artists.

Many people may have a misunderstanding, because under normal circumstances, a round will also drink "wine" to increase injury, after drinking can no longer use "wine", but if there is no limit to the card, you can use a few "wine" can increase the damage!

Three Kingdoms Kill: How much damage can a "kill" deal? Players say tap on!

You Heng this martial general is not unfamiliar to everyone, completely a martial general who fights for hand speed, but unfortunately the hand speed can only use five cards at most an unlimited number of times, drink five mouthfuls of "wine" in the sky, or belong to the kind of white drink, take a step back and only drink four sips, and finally get Zhang "kill", under normal circumstances, this is the same as his continuous five "kill" damage, after all, "wine kill" and the risk of being dodged.

There are still many martial generals who play cards without restrictions, and the ones worth mentioning in terms of harm are Xu You and Wang Yuanji!

Three Kingdoms Kill: How much damage can a "kill" deal? Players say tap on!

Xu You's unlimited number of cards is known to everyone, so as long as there is a card, how many sips of "wine" is no problem, we will now talk about the way to let him drink unlimited "wine"!

Here you need a card pile, use Lü Meng or Liu Feng to take most of the cards away, at this time the card pile has no cards, it is impossible to shuffle the cards, as long as what remains in Xu You's hand is two "out of nothing" and one "wine", you can cycle the cards, and then equip a "Zhangba Snake Spear" and there is no worry about the final "killing"!

Wang Yuanji's operation method is similar to Xu You's, the same is the infinite swipe, at this time, no matter how much "wine" you want to drink, it is no problem, and how much damage you can play in the end also depends entirely on you.

Three Kingdoms Kill: How much damage can a "kill" deal? Players say tap on!

To sum up, the maximum damage that a "kill" can cause is theoretically infinite, and how much damage you can play depends entirely on you, because the infinite swipe card itself makes the damage infinitely larger, unless it is waiting for when you can't brush it, don't want to brush, the damage value depends on the moment you "kill"!

This article only represents the personal views of the editor, what are the suggestions or supplements, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss with the editor!

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