
"Squinting" suddenly became the target of everyone, what are we angry about?

"Squinting" suddenly became the target of public criticism, Chen Man, three squirrels, movie lion teenagers stepped on the thunder one after another, and as everyone more and more seriously looked at some corporate advertisements, found that the existence of squinting eyes was actually quite a lot, and for a time it was even more exciting.

Some people say that squinting itself is not wrong, "Dan Phoenix Eye" is also one of the traditional Chinese aesthetics, why now, squinting seems to have become the target of public criticism? Whether there is a problem with this kind of questioning is obviously not. If it is true that squinting is to represent discrimination, if squinting can not receive advertising endorsements, then Lin Yilian, Li Ronghao, these stars, is not the business side can only be a mess? So the logic of squinting equals discrimination is inherently non-existent.

"Squinting" suddenly became the target of everyone, what are we angry about?

So what's the problem, and why are people so indignant about squinting at this stage? Because what many people are indignant about is not the squinting itself, but the behavior of some Western companies "carrying private goods", whether it is the BBC filter or the squinting eyes that make people uncomfortable, we can find that the problem is not our city, not the notification of some of our small eyes, but the deliberate de-ugly colored glasses.

What we need to be vigilant about is not the squint itself, but the problem behind the frequent occurrence of squinting. On the one hand, some Western media and enterprises are willing to use squinting when portraying the image of Chinese through their own stereotypical and arrogant impressions, accompanied by those uncomfortable makeup and filters, in this case, the so-called "squinting" is nothing more than a way for them to show their superiority, should they resist? Absolutely. On the other hand, some domestic enterprises or this person, in order to cater to the stereotypical aesthetics of the West, take the initiative to scandalize the image of squinting eyes, should this behavior be resisted? Of course, it should also be resisted.

"Squinting" suddenly became the target of everyone, what are we angry about?

In the end, what we need to resist and anger is not the squint itself, because from the perspective of traditional aesthetics, as long as it is healthy and positive, it is not wrong in itself, and squinting must open the corner of the eye and cut a double eyelid to look good? Not necessarily. What we really need to be vigilant against is that a small number of people, like Western capital, enterprises, and media, maliciously defame the image of Chinese, and by degrading themselves to cater to the stereotypical and vulgar aesthetics of some Westerners, the so-called national self-confidence, not that my squinting eyes cannot be seen, but that some people cannot win the laughter of Western masters by scandalizing their own people.

"Squinting" suddenly became the target of everyone, what are we angry about?

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