
How should jadeite be more attractive? Learned! | The 1521st lesson of Bihong Emerald

The display of jadeite is very important, and people call it "three seconds to impress the customer's heart". Good display can improve the grade of jadeite, enhance consumers' desire to buy, and show the beautiful side of jadeite by taking advantage of its strengths and avoiding weaknesses. Let's learn a lesson, how to put jadeite to attract people?

How should jadeite be more attractive? Learned! | The 1521st lesson of Bihong Emerald

1. Commodity classification principle

As the name suggests, it is necessary to classify jadeite into categories, such as egg noodles, carvings, inlays, rings, and the same kind of jadeite, which is relatively concentrated, which is convenient for consumers to find.

How should jadeite be more attractive? Learned! | The 1521st lesson of Bihong Emerald

2. Price transition principle

Different price points should be placed relatively concentrated and in a transitional form. Generally conform to the psychological habits of customers, from low prices to high price displays, easy to introduce, but also can play a role in setting off the contrast.

How should jadeite be more attractive? Learned! | The 1521st lesson of Bihong Emerald

3. The principle of symmetry and unity

Jadeite display does not need to be exaggerated, nor should it be disorganized. It is best to be arranged in rows or columns, with compact decoration and certain intervals, symmetrical and uniform, a glance at the past, pleasing to the eye, very layered.

How should jadeite be more attractive? Learned! | The 1521st lesson of Bihong Emerald

4, easy to handle and put the principle

If it is a store display, pay attention not to ignore the safety of the goods for the sake of modeling, to ensure that it is easy to hold and put, and the distance can be used with the help of pallets. Jade is afraid of touching and falling, and needs to be careful to hold it gently.

How should jadeite be more attractive? Learned! | The 1521st lesson of Bihong Emerald

5. The principle of comparison of adjacent cabinets

If it is the counter display of the mall, be careful not to put the weaknesses of your own brand together with similar goods in the adjacent cabinet, either have a quality advantage or a price advantage! Put different varieties of goods without advantage!

How should jadeite be more attractive? Learned! | The 1521st lesson of Bihong Emerald

6. The principle of giving full play to strengths and avoiding weaknesses

To highlight the highlights of jadeite, such as the full embodiment of species, color, water, and work, the good side should be oriented towards the customer, the water head is good, the cotton is less available transparent light, the head is good, the color is good with a black base, the structure is delicate with direct light, and the mineral particles are coarse, and the loose structure is used with after-beam light, pay attention to the customer is put, convenient for customers to observe and see.

How should jadeite be more attractive? Learned! | The 1521st lesson of Bihong Emerald

Although the forms of shopping malls, shops, and live broadcasts are different, in the display of jadeite goods, some principles are still common, don't look at only the details, the impact is also very large

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