
Helpless to lose! Trae Young played 33 minutes and 17 seconds on 23-of-10 with 26 points, 3 boards and 11 assists

Helpless to lose! Trae Young played 33 minutes and 17 seconds on 23-of-10 with 26 points, 3 boards and 11 assists

Live Bar December 30, NBA regular season, the Eagles 117-131 lost to the Bulls.

In this game, Hawks player Trae Young played well, he played 33 minutes and 17 seconds, 10 of 23 shooting, 7 of 3 points, 4 of 4 from the free throw line, had 26 points, 3 rebounds and 11 assists, but had 7 turnovers.

(Ghost Lodge)

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