
Will it be too late for a 30-year-old to be obsessed with a tooth complete?

Not too late

01 | first understand what is the principle of dental integrity?

Alveolar bone is a tissue that has the ability to actively make functional modifications throughout life, and when the teeth are subjected to reasonable orthodontic force, the alveolar bone around the teeth can undergo physiological bone reconstruction, so that the teeth move in a predetermined direction.

Will it be too late for a 30-year-old to be obsessed with a tooth complete?

Therefore, whether it is 30 years old or 60 years old, as long as the alveolar bone can undergo physiological reconstruction normally, it can do orthodontics.

First of all, let the regular doctor conduct the assessment consultation, and communicate with the doctor to clarify their expectations.

02| the risk of plastic surgery comes from two aspects: on the one hand, the wrong treatment plan.

The bone growth of adults is complete, skeletal deformity is an established fact, and each individual's type of malocclusion and tooth conditions and soft tissue facial features are different, and we can only build houses on the foundations where there may be deformities, so the wrong scheme design will get poor correction results.

In addition, if the patient's expectations are too high, often in the future treatment process will produce unpleasant emotions, after all, 30 years old chose to have teeth are for more beautiful ah, if you encounter bone deformities are quite serious, but the teeth and soft tissue compensation is particularly good (that is, it looks very good), it is a thunder. It is possible that the whole thing will not meet your expectations.

03| So once we choose orthodontic treatment, what do we need to pay attention to?

In general, doctors will inform patients about the precautions, such as not to bite into hard food, avoid biting off brackets or attachments, pay more attention to oral hygiene maintenance, and learn to use toothbrushes and interdental brushes to clean teeth.

The most important point is to follow up on time so that the doctor can closely monitor your teeth and treat them in an orderly manner.

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Reviewer: Yan An Tang Research Institute

Some of the pictures come from the web

This article was originally created by the content team of Yan An Tang,

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