
26. Promote health governance that attaches equal importance to traditional Chinese and Western medicine

Promote health governance that attaches equal importance to traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

26. Promote health governance that attaches equal importance to traditional Chinese and Western medicine

Chinese medicine is a great creation of the Chinese nation, which has made great contributions to the reproduction of the Chinese nation and has had a positive impact on the progress of world civilization. The Communist Party of China has always attached great importance to the cause of traditional Chinese medicine, and regards the protection, inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine as an important part of the socialist cause, and unremittingly promotes the development of traditional Chinese medicine with the times to ensure the safety of people's lives, health and safety.

Old China was riddled with diseases, epidemics and epidemics, and lack of medical treatment and medicine. In the face of the severe health situation, the unity and cooperation of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine is a necessary measure for our party to develop people's medicine in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In September 1949, when Mao Zedong received the representatives of the First National Health Administrative Conference, he pointed out: It is necessary to unite Chinese medicine well, improve technology, do a good job in Chinese medicine work, and give play to the strength of Chinese medicine. In August 1950, the First National Health Conference was held in Beijing, and Mao Zedong wrote an inscription for the meeting: "Unite the medical and health workers of the new and old Chinese and Western parts, form a consolidated united front, and strive to carry out the great people's health work." The meeting established the principle of "uniting Traditional Chinese and Western medicine", which was juxtaposed with "facing workers, peasants and soldiers" and "giving priority to prevention", and jointly regarded them as the three major principles of health work in the People's Republic of China.

In the early stage of reform and opening up, the CPC Central Committee forwarded the "Report of the Former Party Group of the Ministry of Health on Conscientiously Implementing the Party's Traditional Chinese Medicine Policy and Solving the Problem of Lack of Successors in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Team", reiterating the party's traditional Chinese medicine policy. Article 21 of the 1982 Constitution of the People's Republic of China stipulates that "modern medicine and traditional medicine in our country" stipulate that "modern medicine and traditional medicine in our country" has established the legal status of traditional medicine such as traditional Chinese medicine. In 2007, the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, adhering to the principles and policies of "attaching equal importance to traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine" and "supporting the development of traditional Chinese medicine and ethnic medicine", and wrote it into the report of the party's national congress for the first time. In October 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the National Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine that "it is necessary to follow the law of the development of traditional Chinese medicine, inherit the essence, abide by the integrity and innovation, accelerate the modernization and industrialization of traditional Chinese medicine, adhere to the equal emphasis on traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, promote the complementary and coordinated development of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine and industry, promote traditional Chinese medicine to the world, and give full play to the unique advantages and role of traditional Chinese medicine in disease prevention and treatment.".

An overview of the development process of Chinese medicine since modern times, especially since the founding of the People's Republic of China, can be seen that our party has always attached great importance to the protection, inheritance and development of chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own strengths and advantages, The complementary advantages and integrated development of Chinese and Western medicine can make greater contributions to the development of world medicine and human health, and "safe, effective and cheap" Chinese medicine will also play a unique role in healthy China and healthy world.

(Excerpt from "The Basic Experience of the Communist Party of China in Leading the Cause of Health and Epidemic Prevention")

The pictures in this article are from the Internet

Edit || Dong Chao Wan Tao

The duty director || Fan Hongbo

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