
Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

For so many years, when all the audiences mention Hong Kong films, Hong Kong dramas will sigh and shout: Hong Kong movies are no longer beautiful.

In fact, I also have this feeling, after all, when we look back at the Hong Kong films of more than ten years, the only actors who can carry the box office are so many actors.

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

Gu Tianle is one, Andy Lau is one, and their best results are only more than one billion box office.

On the other hand, mainland movies have reached 5 billion at every turn.

It can be said that in terms of box office performance, mainland films have indeed dumped Hong Kong films by several streets.

But we should not only see the gap between cinema films, at least in the field of online movies, Hong Kong actors are still invincible.

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

In particular, Tan Yaowen, Zhang Jicong, Wu Zhuoxi's newly launched network big "Prison Escape Brothers 2", as soon as it was released, it rushed to the second position of the hit list, which really shows that Hong Kong films can still play!

So this article, I will tell you about this hong Kong film "Prison Escape Brothers 2" that has just been launched, as a pure Hong Kong film, I think this movie can score full marks!

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

1, the Hong Kong version of "Prison Break", full of points to watch!

In fact, the "prison escape" thing, the American blockbuster "Prison Break" has been shown almost, but seriously, after watching this Hong Kong version of "Prison Escape Brothers 2", I think this movie is more flavorful.

Why I say this, may be mainly based on the following aspects:

One reason is that the Elements of Hong Kong films are rich enough!

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

The first thing I want to say is that the male protagonists of this movie are basically the standard of Hong Kong movies.

Tam Yiu-man, in particular, is simply an indispensable and fierce character in Hong Kong cinema.

Coupled with Zhang Jicong, Wu Zhuoxi, these familiar faces of Hong Kong films, it can be said that this "Prison Escape Brothers 2" has already won from the actor configuration.

Not to mention that the details of the high-IQ crime involved in this movie are also eye-catching enough.

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

For example, the male number three in the film is responsible for giving advice, one moment is designed to dig up the cable to make the infirmary blackout, and the next moment to give laxatives, so that the doctor is acutely poisoned.

It can be said that these prison escape ideas, these prison escape ideas, have shown a high IQ, so that this "Prison Escape Brothers 2" can be called the name of the Hong Kong version of "Prison Break".

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

2, there is no shortage of action scenes, and there is no shortage of laughter!

There are many criteria for judging whether a movie is good or bad, but there is a criterion that everyone agrees with, that is, whether the rhythm of the plot can achieve "ups and downs".

And seriously, this Prison Break Brothers 2 does just that.

First of all, the action scene, after the high-IQ celebrity played by Wu Zhuoxi was thrown into prison, the first thing he did when he entered prison was to challenge the prison boss played by Tan Yaowen.

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

And he talks and does things, very arrogant.

First he beat Up Tan Yaowen's men, and then he began to throw a lot of money to buy his men.

It can be said that the value of force is shown, and wealth is also shown.

And it was Wu Zhuoxi's operation that immediately turned the originally harmonious prison into two groups of people.

One is the Team of Wu Zhuoxi, who can fight and has money, and the other is the Tan Yaowen Team, which only talks about brotherhood.

But who could have imagined that just when Wu Zhuoxi thought that he had established himself in prison and was able to cover the sky with one hand, suddenly there was bad news coming from outside, that is, Wu Zhuoxi might want to increase his sentence.

And Wu Zhuoxi, who did not want to go to jail and did not want to be locked up in prison for the rest of his life, turned his eyes to Tan Yaowen's team, who had just been beaten by him.

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

There is no reason for him, because the three brothers of Tan Yaowen once escaped from prison together, and Wu Zhuoxi could only come together with them in order to avoid sitting in prison for a lifetime.

And the film becomes quite interesting when the two teams work together to plan the "prison escape".

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

For example, in such a scene, I feel full of laughter.

That's when they planned to drug the doctor, and just so coincidentally, the doctor just happened to bring a bottle of red wine and was ready to celebrate with them.

Just when the four brothers who escaped from prison thought that the big thing had been accomplished, who knew that this doctor suddenly made a moth, that is, the horse racing had to win money to drink, otherwise it would drink obscure gas in advance.

So one night, the four brothers who escaped from prison accompanied the doctor to see if they won or not, until the last second, the doctor was losing money, and he was ready to push the door and leave.

But who could have imagined that at the moment when he pushed the door out, the news suddenly came out on the radio that the person who had just won the horse had cheated, and then the result was changed, and it was actually the doctor who won.

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

In an instant, everyone in the infirmary was hi, especially the four brothers who escaped from prison, and they quickly picked up the wine glass to toast with the doctor.

But at this time, the strange thing appeared again, that is, several of them took a sip of the medicated red wine, but after the stomach, everyone did not react at all.

Just when everyone thought that this escape plan had failed, the doctor suddenly killed another rifle and asked them: "Do you feel a little pain in your stomach?" ”

Hahaha, seriously, I can laugh all day about this infirmary escape scene, it's really funny, it's really interesting.

The most important point is that the charm of Hong Kong-style comedy is vividly displayed in this scene.

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

3. "Escape" universe!

In fact, "Prison Escape Brothers 2" is already the second movie in tan yaowen and Zhang Jicong's "escape" series.

Compared with the first "Prison Escape Brothers", this "Prison Escape Brothers 2", whether from the cast or from the design of the script, is more content and more in-depth than before.

But the most absolute thing about this "Prison Escape Brothers 2" seems to have left a big tail ready to make "Prison Escape Brothers 3".

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

This tail is the warden in the film, and in the first part, because Ofan Yaowen escaped from prison, he could not be promoted.

At the time of this part, because of Tan Yaowen's escape from prison, plus he accepted bribes, he was directly sentenced to ten years in prison.

And coincidentally, the prison where the warden was staying was Tan Yaowen's prison.

New hatred plus old hatred, I think the third "Prison Escape Brothers" may be better than this one, but also explosive.

Number two on the movie hit charts! This Hong Kong version of "Prison Break" deserves full marks

After all, the space available for play is really too big, there are big brothers, there are high-IQ celebrities, and there are former prison directors, these three groups of people get together to escape from prison, it is simply a golden combination of no disadvantage.

So at a glance, although Tan Yaowen and Zhang Jicong do not carry the box office in the cinema movies, in the world of the Internet, they have indeed broken out of a world, especially this "Prison Escape Brothers" series, which has simply become a "prison escape universe".

I don't know if anyone is watching this movie, welcome to communicate with me about this movie!

Text/Qingqing's entertainment diary

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