
Proprietary Chinese medicine treatment of pharyngitis

author:Little Doctor Gang Lord

Pharyngitis is clinically common.

According to the course of the disease, it is divided into acute pharyngitis and chronic pharyngitis, and chronic pharyngitis is widespread in the population. Some people have symptoms that are not obvious and are usually not treated.

For certain special occupational groups, such as teachers, and company customer service staff, pharyngitis, especially chronic pharyngitis, is a particularly annoying problem.

This article would like to summarize the traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in the clinical treatment of pharyngitis for reference and choice.

Huang's ringing pills. Produced by Jimin Trusted. The main ingredients are peppermint, Zhejiang shellfish, forsythia, cicada metamorphosis, fat sea, wine rhubarb, Sichuan root, catechu, platycodon, kosher meat, licorice, menthol. The main function is to clear the wind and heat, dissolve the sputum and loosen the knots, and improve the throat and open the sound. It is used for acute and chronic laryngeal fistula caused by wind and heat external bundles, sputum fever, hoarseness, sore throat, dry throat burning, pharynx, or cold and hot headache, or constipation and urine redness; acute and chronic laryngitis and vocal cord nodule vocal cord polyps are initially mentioned above symptoms.

Golden fruit drink. Multiple pharmaceutical companies can produce. The main ingredients are ground yellow, yuan ginseng, xiqing fruit, cicada molt, wheat winter, fat sea, nansha ginseng, taizi ginseng, tangerine peel, menthol oil. The main role is to nourish the yin and vitality, clear the heat and throat. It is used for pharyngeal redness and swelling, sore throat, dry mouth and dry throat, acute and chronic pharyngitis caused by lung heat and yin injury. It can also be used for dry throat discomfort caused by radiation therapy.

Compound bifoliary tablets (oral solution). Multiple pharmaceutical companies can produce. The main ingredients are honeysuckle, forsythia, andrographis, and plate blue root. The main role is to clear heat and detoxify, dictate pharynx and reduce swelling. It is used for wind heat external sensation, wind heat milk moth, fever, mild bad wind, headache, nasal congestion, red and painful throat, or dry throat burning pain, swallowing is aggravated, pharyngeal tonsils are red and swollen, the tip of the tongue is red and yellow or the tongue is red and yellow, and the pulse floats or numbers.

Western green fruit granules. Multiple pharmaceutical companies can produce. The main ingredient is xiqingguo. The main effect is to clear heat, sharp pharynx, raw jin. It is used for dry throat, sore throat, pharyngeal congestion, chronic pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis caused by fever injury in the yin deficiency.

Rokushin Maru. Produced by Lei Yun shang pharmaceuticals. The main ingredient is artificial musk and other six flavors. The main effect is cooling detoxification, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving. It is used for rotten throat dansha, sore throat, laryngeal wind throat carbuncle, single and double milk moth, pediatric hot furuncle, carbuncle boils, cradle carbuncle back, nameless swelling poison.

Golden Throat Health Spray. Produced by Guizhou Hongyu Pharmaceutical. The main ingredients are Aina sesame oil, large fruit ginger seed oil, menthol, glycyrrhizinate monoamine salt. The main role is to dispel wind and detoxification, reduce swelling and relieve pain, clear the throat and throat. It is used for sore throat caused by wind fever, dry throat, red and swollen throat, swollen gums, mouth ulcers.

Golden throat larynx. Produced by Guangxi Golden Throat. The main ingredients are menthol, honeysuckle, western green fruit, eucalyptus oil, dendrobium, monk fruit, orange red, star anise oil. The main function is to relieve wind and heat, detoxify and throat, and aromatic to remove impurities. Suitable for improving sore throat, dryness and burning, hoarseness caused by acute pharyngitis.

Throat clear throat granules. Both Guilong Pharmaceutical and Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical can be produced. The main ingredients are skullcap, xiqing fruit, bellflower stem, bamboo ru, fat sea, orange red, citrus shell, mulberry leaf, vinegar incense, perilla seed, perilla stem, agarwood, menthol. The main effect is to clear the heat and throat, and to moisten the throat. It is used for throat dryness, hoarseness, acute and chronic laryngitis, tonsillitis caused by external wind and heat, and often has the effect of protecting the vocal cords.

Clear throat drop pills. Produced by Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical. The main ingredients are menthol, green daisy, ice chips, koji, licorice, artificial bovine yolk. The main role is to relieve wind and heat, detoxify and throat. It is used for wind fever laryngeal paralysis, sore throat and dry thirst, or slight bad wind, fever, pharynx redness and swelling, acute pharyngitis see the above symptoms.

Blue qian oral solution. Produced by Yangtze River Pharmaceutical. The main ingredients are plate blue root, skullcap, gardenia, yellow cedar, fat sea. The main role is to clear heat and detoxify, dictate pharynx and reduce swelling. It is used for acute pharyngitis, sore throat caused by evidence of pulmonary and gastric heat, dry throat, burning of the pharynx.

Double Huanglian oral solution. Multiple pharmaceutical companies can produce. The main ingredients are honeysuckle, skullcap, and forsythia. The main role is to relieve the wind and detoxify the table, clear the heat and detoxify. It is used for colds caused by external wind and fever, and symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat.

Genmai orange granules (tablets). Multiple pharmaceutical companies can produce. The main ingredients are meta-ginseng, wheat winter, platycodon, licorice. The main effect is to clear heat and nourish the yin, expectorant and pharynx. It is used for yin deficiency fire, virtual fire floating, dry mouth and nose, sore throat.

Drugs that are mainly used for acute and chronic pharyngitis are roughly summarized so much.

Some of the drugs used to treat cold medicines can also be used to treat pharyngitis, and some of the antipyretic drugs are also used.

The principle of TCM treatment is to have a symptomatic and to use medicine. There are still many means of treating pharyngitis, especially chronic pharyngitis, that is, it is easier to recur.

Especially if the symptoms are mild at the beginning, most people will feel that the shoulder has passed, and after gradually becoming chronic pharyngitis, the treatment is more difficult.

If the symptoms are obvious, it is still recommended to take oral decoction, and the effect will be better. If the symptoms are mild, you can take a prescription for treatment. It is best to treat the drug thoroughly at one time to avoid frequent relapses and affect the quality of life.

Proprietary Chinese medicine treatment of pharyngitis