
Little dolls don't want to go to school for various reasons

author:The rain pours down the shores of the West Lake

@ Get up difficult professional households

It was cold and every day I was sealed by the bed. It is impossible to get up at all, and getting up is a tangled and great cause. Not only can adults not get up, but dolls can't afford it.

There is a little doll in kindergarten at home, who can't get up every morning. When his mother got up, he still had to grab it and not let him get up. Every time, mom don't get up, mom sleeps with me. Otherwise, my mother will help me take a leave of absence today. There are many reasons for taking leave.

The other day I got up in the morning and said, "Mom, you can help me take a leave of absence today." I asked him why he was taking time off. He said to me very seriously: Mom, every day in kindergarten at noon, I have to take a nap, and I can't sleep every time. Lying over there playing with my fingers, I kept getting up and asking the teacher, can I get up? Say naps are painful. So he wanted to take a leave of absence from kindergarten, just to not take a nap...

When I got up this morning, I told him: Today is Grandma's birthday. How about we give Grandma a birthday at night? Mom also bought cake. Wa's clever head turned and she immediately said, "Mom, you can help me take a leave of absence today." I asked: Why? Eva said loudly: Because today is Grandma's birthday, I want to stay at home with Grandma and take her out to play. Three crows appeared in the brain in an instant, and these reasons are only possible for you.

Usually, as long as I cough, I start to routine again. Mom, you see I'm coughing and need to rest at home, you help me take time off. Otherwise, Mom, you see it's raining, it's so cold, you help me take a leave of absence. All kinds of reasons, each time his mother rejected, he also became more and more frustrated and courageous. As long as you catch the reason, start mom, today you help me take a leave of absence.

I count as a Buddhist mom, he said his, I do mine. Unless he was really sick, he had to obediently go to kindergarten every day. In fact, she also likes to go to kindergarten, that is, she can't get up when it's cold, and she is afraid of napping. Otherwise, every time I encounter a painting class, an activity class, I look forward to that day every time. Just tell him that he has a class he likes today, and every time he gets up very obediently.

Although kindergarten is just going to play, there is no problem that the curriculum cannot keep up. But going to class on time every day is a matter of habit, and he knows it himself. I only need to promise him a leave of absence, and there will be countless times this situation waiting for me in the future. Instead of making him into this habit, let him get used to going to school every day. Especially in elementary schools and junior high schools, there is no way to take leave like kindergartens, and you can take leave if you want to take leave.

In fact, children's habits are a reflection of the habits of adults. Whatever habits you cultivate him, he gets used to. He is now a blank piece of paper, depending on how his parents go to doodles.

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