
What are the local specialties of Shangrao, Jiangxi?

author:Xiao Nongyin

Shangrao belongs to Jiangxi Province, also known as Xinzhou, Raozhou, Jiangxi Shangrao has beautiful scenery, is an ecological and livable demonstration city, since ancient times there is a "superior rich, ecological capital" reputation, there are many local specialties, then what are the local specialties in Jiangxi Shangrao? Let's take a look.

What are the local specialties of Shangrao, Jiangxi?

1. Wuyuan green tea

Wuyuan green tea is produced in Wuyuan County, has a long history, and was listed as a tribute during the Ming and Qing dynasties. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Wulu was exported, and the British aristocracy regarded it as an indispensable drink. Wulu is famous in the international market for its three characteristics of "blue and natural color, fragrant and rich taste, clear and moist water leaves".

2. Jiangwan Sydney

Jiangwan Sydney pear is one of the specialties of The Shangrao region of Jiangxi, Jiangwan Sydney pear is famous for its large thin skin, thick flesh, small core, crunchy slag, the fruit is wide and scoop-shaped, the peel is green, the bagging is white, jiangwan sydney pear is rich in nutrients, rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, color and flavor, very popular with people.

3. Ten Thousand Years of Gongmi

Wannian Gong rice is produced in the area of Peimei Town, Wannian County. In the seventh year of Ming Zhengde (1512), he paid tribute to the imperial court, and the emperor praised it after eating it, so he passed on the decree of "cultivating food for generations, and paying tribute for years", from which Gongmi got its name. The grains of Wannian Gong rice are slender and long, the appearance is high-quality, smooth and translucent, the fragrance is not greasy, and it is rich in nutrients, which is very high-quality.

What are the local specialties of Shangrao, Jiangxi?

4. White lotus in front of the temple

Temple white lotus is one of the specialties of The Shangrao area of Jiangxi, the main feature of the white lotus in front of the temple is that the lotus fruit shell is thin and large, and the nutrients are rich, rich in starch, protein, fat, sugar and trace elements, as well as a variety of vitamins, the temple before the white lotus cultivation has a long history, the cultivation area is wide and the yield is high, the quality is superior, and the Guangchang white lotus is the same name, very popular.

5. Poached red carp

The red carp is produced in Wuyuan folk, with a golden red color, a small head and a short tail, a high back and a wide body, a thick abdomen, and a shape like a lotus bag, hence the name. Poached red carp is an excellent fish fingerling in China, its flesh is fat, and its nutritional value is high, in addition to medicinal value, very famous.

6. Residual dried chili peppers

Yugan peppers are also known as harvest spicy, Yugan small peppers, is a specialty of Yugan County, Jiangxi, Yugan peppers have more than 600 years of planting history, once was a "tribute to the Middle Kingdom", for people's plate treasures. The fruit of the dried pepper is small, the skin is thin, the flesh is tender, the taste is fresh, fragrant, the spicy taste is moderate, and it is slightly sweet after eating, and the taste is excellent.

What are the local specialties of Shangrao, Jiangxi?

7. Sanqingshan white tea

Sanqingshan white tea is a specialty of Shangrao Yushan County, a geographical indication protection product of Chinese agricultural products. Sanqingshan white tea is a rare tea species that is mutated in green tea, and the polyphenol content of tea is half lower than that of ordinary green tea, which is a precious variety of high-amino acid and low-grade tea polyphenols. After brewing, the leaf flesh is white, the leaf veins are emerald green, and the soup color is clear, which is a treasure in tea.

The above is the introduction of Jiangxi Shangrao specialties, Jiangxi Shangrao is not only beautiful scenery, but also a rich variety of specialties, high-quality specialties are very many, in addition to the above introduction, there are many specialties are very famous, then you know what?

(Material originated from the Internet, invaded and deleted)