
Reflections on Via's ending

author:Happy words come true

Wei Ya was banned by the whole network for tax evasion and tax evasion, years of struggle, dazzling glory, instant collapse, unfortunately, lamentable, as a melon-eating masses, my mood is honest, but also quite complicated.

In this era of Internet heroes, we can completely rely on their own efforts to kill a bloody road, as a person who also aspires to success, I can appreciate their hardships and difficulties. It's really hard, it's hard to get to where they are today!

The times have created the Via, and if they can't keep up with the times, the times will abandon them. Especially when their behavior makes the times intolerable, the higher they rise, the deeper they fall, and sympathy and lamentation will not save anything.

Some people may say that there are more people who evade taxes and evade taxes, why should they target her, and since they have punished her, why should they be banned, smash people's jobs, and not give them the opportunity to reform evil and return to justice. To this end, I would also like to share my views.

Market development and competition in the Internet era is through model innovation, the construction of an online sales platform, the compression of intermediate links, improve the enthusiasm of the whole people to participate, greatly improve the efficiency of commodity circulation and sales, and promote economic prosperity.

This innovation breaks the original offline supply chain model, highlights the importance of sales channels and sales windows, and continuously improves the aggregation effect while its drawbacks are becoming more and more obvious.

First, this model constantly squeezes the profit margins of front-end and back-end trading objects. With the expansion of the Internet platform in depth and breadth, not only gradually grasp the right to speak in commodity circulation, but also further form a comprehensive monopoly on the production, pricing, and sales of social commodities, while the rapid accumulation of their own wealth, resulting in a lose-lose situation between producers and sellers, and the situation in which middlemen obtain huge profits is very unfavorable to the development of the national economy.

Secondly, this platform middleman-led commodity production and sales model will inevitably lead to involution and stifle innovation. Internet platforms occupy the intermediate links of commodity production and circulation, and can be killed through selective commodity push and big data, which not only seizes the lifeblood of the seller, but also allows consumers to have little choice in essence, so that excess profits are obtained from it, and there is no incentive to promote innovation. Since the profits of producers have been squeezed by middlemen, there is no capital and motivation to innovate, and only by constantly compressing costs can meet the requirements of middlemen and maintain survival.

Third, competition among Internet platforms also hinders the innovative development of the economy. In the early days of the development of the Internet, it presented a state of contention among a hundred schools, countless ideas, countless companies, opened people's horizons, greatly promoted the circulation of goods, and promoted economic prosperity. With the intensification of competition, Internet companies are now more and more concentrated in a few head companies, and through the "two to choose one" and other ways to strictly guard their respective spheres of influence, further restricting communication and integration.

Fourth, the transformation of the Internet platform model to the live broadcast model has made the aggregation effect more obvious. While the head anchor obtains huge traffic and scale, other anchors and businesses are in mourning, the living space is further compressed, and the wealth is concentrated on the Internet at the same time, there is a trend of further concentration of individuals such as the head anchor, and the excessive concentration of wealth is not a good thing for the country and the economy.

Fifth, while obtaining excess profits, Internet platforms and related individuals are extremely incompatible with the social responsibilities they assume. The reason why the Internet platform model is favored by capital is that it is essentially an asset-light, high-leverage model, in short, it can achieve a million profits. The basis of the Internet platform is the network, with the three major network operators led by the low-fee network provides the basis for its operation, the seller of the goods is involved in the platform business, the face of the consumer can cover the world, the logistics partners are not their own, the platform itself only needs to build a platform environment, do promotion, attract merchants and consumers to the platform transaction on the line. The Internet is basically an integrator of services, not responsible for the costs, risks, rights and interests of participants, etc., and plays the role of sitting on the ground to collect money, theoretically can infinitely enlarge the leverage, and the profit margin is huge.

The continuous concentration of wealth, taking Wei Ya and other head anchors as an example, is more obvious, the agglomeration scale effect they bring is unprecedented, and their personal sales have exceeded the total amount of the whole company of traditional merchants, which is indeed admirable, but also frightening.

There are thousands of traditional business employees, and the number of anchors is very small, if the traditional business is replaced, what will their employees do? Now it has been revealed that they do not even pay taxes, which is really embarrassing.

All along, the state has encouraged innovation, scientific and technological innovation, model innovation, as long as it is within the rules, not illegal, can be tried. On the other hand, the state also has requirements for enterprises and individuals, that is, they cannot violate the law, and there may be higher moral requirements for the head enterprises and individuals, and if they are violated, the punishment is also very severe.

In the current pursuit of common prosperity, while working more and getting more, we must also shoulder more social responsibilities. As the anchor of the head, Wei Ya still protects her own interests by breaking the law, and it is reasonable to be severely dealt with.

As an individual, only by conforming to the times can we achieve long-term achievements; acting against the times, even if there is brilliance, it is difficult to maintain, and it can also lead to zero.

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