
Xinjiang Party Committee Secretary Ma Xingrui Urumqi City Investigation: Make every effort to do a good job in Xinjiang

author:New Observations on the Silk Road

On December 27, Ma Xingrui, secretary of the regional party committee, stressed during his investigation in Urumqi that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on Xinjiang work, conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Economic Work Conference and the Third Central Xinjiang Work Forum, make every effort to do a good job in Xinjiang, promote new results in all work, and greet the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results. Erken Tunyaz, deputy secretary of the regional party committee and acting chairman of the autonomous region, investigated together.

Xinjiang Party Committee Secretary Ma Xingrui Urumqi City Investigation: Make every effort to do a good job in Xinjiang

On December 27, Ma Xingrui, secretary of the regional party committee, conducted research in Urumqi. This is Ma Xingrui coming to the one-stop service hall of the Guyuan Lane community in Tianshan District, talking with grass-roots cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups, and inquiring in detail about the education and management of party members in the community, the creation of national unity and progress, the living standards of the masses, and the help of difficult groups. Photo by Cui Zhijian

In the community of Guyuan Lane in Tianshan District, Ma Xingrui walked into the one-stop service hall to talk with grass-roots cadres and people of all ethnic groups, emphasizing the need to actively comply with the expectations of the masses, strengthen the construction of digital government, actively develop "Internet + government services", let "data run" instead of "the masses run errands", and do the community work in place. Ma Xingrui inquired in detail about the education and management of party members in the community, the creation of ethnic unity and progress, the living standards of the masses, and the help of difficult groups, and walked into the community day care center for the elderly to listen to the voices of the masses. Ma Xingrui said: It is necessary to take forging a solid sense of the Chinese national community as the main line, give play to the exemplary vanguard role of party members and cadres in the community, constantly consolidate the great unity of all nationalities, promote exchanges, exchanges, and blending of various nationalities, and hug each other tightly like pomegranate seeds. It is necessary to implement the policy of benefiting the people, introduce service convenience measures such as old-age care and medical insurance, and continuously enhance the sense of happiness and security of the people of all ethnic groups.

Ma Xingrui visited the government service center of Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District) to gain an in-depth understanding of the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, regional economic development, industrial layout and production and operation of enterprises in the jurisdiction. He said that it is necessary to actively serve and integrate into the "Belt and Road", driven by promoting the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, combined with the actual conditions of Xinjiang, optimize the industrial layout according to local conditions, and improve the modernization level of the industrial chain supply chain. It is necessary to deepen the reform of "decentralization and management of services", promote tax reduction and fee reduction, create a good market-oriented, rule-of-law, and international business environment, and promote the flow of people, logistics, funds, and information to facilitate circulation. It is necessary to increase the intensity of investment promotion, promote the implementation of projects to achieve results, implement detailed policies and measures to support enterprises, continue to stimulate the vitality of enterprise innovation and development momentum, and promote enterprises to become stronger and bigger.

The Beiyuan Spring Market in Urumqi is bustling and busy. Ma Xingrui walked into the vegetable, dried fruit, and specialty product stores and asked about the product types, sales prices, merchant income, and market environment. He said: It is necessary to earnestly keep the people's warmth and cold in mind, comprehensively implement the responsibilities of "vegetable baskets," "rice bags," and "fruit plates," strengthen the allocation of materials and market supply, make overall arrangements for the transportation of coal, electricity, oil, and gas during the "two festivals" period to ensure supply, and do a good job in ensuring stable supply of grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits, and vegetables.

At the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar, Ma Xingrui listened to a briefing on the operation of the scenic spot. He said that it is necessary to vigorously implement the cultural enrichment project and the strategy of rejuvenating Xinjiang through tourism, and promote the in-depth integration and development of culture and tourism. It is necessary to strengthen demand-side management, improve the level of consumption, and promote consumption prosperity.

Ma Xingrui stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", make overall plans for development and security, coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, completely and accurately implement the party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, firmly grasp the overall goal of social stability and long-term peace and stability, govern Xinjiang according to law, unite and stabilize Xinjiang, run Xinjiang culturally, enrich the people and rejuvenate Xinjiang, and build Xinjiang for a long time, and do a solid job in all aspects of building a socialist Xinjiang with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

It is necessary to make greater efforts to govern Xinjiang according to law, focus on the overall goal of Xinjiang's work, hold high the banner of socialist rule of law, carry forward the spirit of rule of law, implement the requirements of governing the country according to law in all fields of Xinjiang's work, comprehensively form a social governance system with party committee leadership, government responsibility, social coordination, public participation, and rule of law guarantees, create a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and maintain sustained stability and long-term stability of the overall social situation.

It is necessary to promote high-quality economic development with the people as the center, earnestly strengthen the party's centralized and unified leadership over economic work, base ourselves on the new development stage, adhere to high-quality development, actively serve and integrate into the new development pattern, combine the location advantages of the core areas of the Silk Road Economic Belt with the overall layout of the country's opening up to the west, innovate and open the economic system, cultivate and expand Xinjiang's characteristic advantageous industries, do a solid job in employment, housing, medical care and other people's livelihood matters, resolutely adhere to the red line of ecological protection, and continue to exert efforts in promoting common prosperity. Let the lives of the masses of all ethnic groups be better and better every year.

It is necessary to persist in seeking truth and being pragmatic and grasp implementation, proceed from reality in everything, persist in being problem-oriented, dare to face problems head-on, vigorously guard against formalism and bureaucracy, vigorously promote the trend of investigation and study, examine the facts, do practical things, seek practical results, take the lead in overcoming difficulties, gnawing "hard bones," and share worries for the party, fulfill responsibilities for the country, and dedicate themselves to the people with practical actions.

Leaders of the autonomous region Li Yifei, He Zhongyou, Chen Weijun, Wang Mingshan, Yang Fasen, Hadan Kabin, and Chen Mingguo participated in the investigation. ( Yao Tong, Wang Xingrui)

Source: Xinjiang Daily

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