
What are the odds of a twelve-sign female compound?

What are the odds of a twelve-sign female compound?

Aries women: 5%

Aries is a simple person, emotionally the same, once broken up, will be completely broken, there will never be any entanglement, there will be no thought of turning back, after all, they are not willing to plant twice on the same person.

Pisces Woman: 100%

For pisces women who are supreme in love, the ex is always an unforgettable existence in their hearts, even if it has been a long time, they will still think of each other occasionally, if there is a chance to get back together, they will not hesitate to run to each other's arms!

Twins: 40%

Gemini is a very jumpy person, even if they break up, they can generously drink tea and chat with their ex, but if they want them to turn back, they may not necessarily accept it all, after all, they are also famous for liking the new and tired of the old.

Cancer Woman: 90%

Cancer women are very nostalgic people, so the ex is often a existence for them that cannot be completely forgotten, and even for a long time after separation, they will think of the ex from time to time, so the chance of turning back is often very large.

Leo Woman: 10%

Lion women are somewhat arrogant, and some good face, after the breakup, for them this is a failed relationship, which makes the competitive people feel very frustrated, naturally will not have the idea of turning back and reconciling.

Virgins: 50%

Seemingly rational virgins, in fact, have a very emotional side in terms of feelings, if the other party is getting closer and closer to their mate selection standards, becoming more and more excellent, they are also willing to turn back and run again with each other on the road of love.

Libra Woman: 30%

The temperamental and generous Libra woman is a well-known old and good person, and it seems that it is easy to approach, but in fact, they are typical of external heat and internal cold, and once the relationship becomes a past, they will never easily turn back.

Scorpio Woman: 20%

Scorpio women tend to have a strong sense of revenge, and once they break up, they will treat their exs as enemies, so their chances of turning back are actually very small, and in general, they are not willing to have anything to do with people who have hurt them.

Sagittarius women: 70%

Sagittarius women's minds are relatively simple, even if they break up, see each other again after many years, they will not think about the past, let alone mention those right and wrong, if the current atmosphere is good, it is not impossible for them to turn back emotionally.

Capricorn women: 60%

Capricorn women with introverted personalities and not good at words are actually a very long-term lover, and if they fall in love with a person, they will not easily change their hearts, and even if they break up, it is difficult to get out, so the probability of them turning back is often relatively large.

Aquarius woman: 20%

Many water bottle women are more rational, emotionally the same, they can also afford to put down the breakup, without dragging mud and water, saying that the break is broken clean, so the probability of them turning back is often relatively small.

Taurus: 0%

Taurus women have always been very serious about feelings, after the breakup they are often difficult to get out easily, for the person who gave themselves deep harm, they naturally do not want to see again, and it is mostly impossible to turn back.

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