
The national hero was executed at the age of 39, leaving behind a son and a daughter, and what happened to them

During the war years, countless martyrs shed their lives for the interests of the motherland and the people. Ji Hongchang is one of the heroes.

The national hero was executed at the age of 39, leaving behind a son and a daughter, and what happened to them

Ji Hongchang was born in 1895 to a poor Family of Ning Mian and lived in Fugou County, Henan Province. My father was in the small teahouse business and had a good life. For Ji Hongchang, it was not easy to survive at that time, and when he grew up, he could share some things with his family. In 1913, Ji Hongchang was already 18 years old.

The national hero was executed at the age of 39, leaving behind a son and a daughter, and what happened to them

When the country was invaded by the enemy and the whole of China was in danger, Ji Hongchang was determined to defend the motherland. "Half of the rivers and mountains have changed color. He is a good boy who sacrifices his life to serve the country. This poem was written by Ji Hongchang when he led the anti-Japanese coalition army to the battlefield at a mobilization meeting. It effectively demonstrates The noble and open mind of General Ji Hongchang in serving and dedicating himself to the country.

The national hero was executed at the age of 39, leaving behind a son and a daughter, and what happened to them

Ji Hongchang has been a tough guy who refuses to be bullied since he was a child, and often fights with others. Whenever trouble arose, Father Ji would pick up a pole and beat him. Therefore, Ji Hongchang in his youth had a nickname called "Bian Dan Leng".

The national hero was executed at the age of 39, leaving behind a son and a daughter, and what happened to them

On November 24, 1934, in Beiping, where heavy snow was falling, he was taken out of the Kuomintang army prison in Beiping. Looking at the snowflakes flying in the sky, he picked up a branch, angrily wrote this magnificent poem in the snow, and then died peacefully on the execution ground at the age of 39.

The national hero was executed at the age of 39, leaving behind a son and a daughter, and what happened to them

At that time, Ji Hongchang already had a son and a daughter. The boy's name is "Gillantai" and the daughter's name is "Girigi". These two descendants have also made great contributions to the country. Ji Lantai engaged in education and became a professor at a university in Tianjin, with excellent literary works. Daughters are no exception. She wrote about her father's life and his book The Biography of Ji Hongchang. The father dedicated his life to the revolution, and his daughter and son, not forgetting their original intentions, fought for the motherland and the people all their lives.

The national hero was executed at the age of 39, leaving behind a son and a daughter, and what happened to them

Since the 1950s, Ji Hongchang's daughter Ji Ruizhi has undertaken the task of educating the revolutionary tradition of young people and has been hired as an out-of-school counselor by some primary and secondary schools. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, China's modernization construction is on the right track, and the construction of socialist spiritual civilization is particularly important. At this time, Ji Ruizhi was transferred to the Tianjin Municipal CPPCC Standing Committee as a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Overseas Friendship Association. Her burden was heavier

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