
There's a reason Taurus has no object...

There's a reason Taurus has no object...

There's a reason Taurus has no object

1, Taurus in the horoscope circle can be regarded as a single big household!

2, obviously their own conditions to carry, not no one to chase, but TA is single!

3, there are many reasons for this, the first reason is that taurus is too lazy, too lazy to chat, too lazy to date, too lazy to understand.

4, the circle of life is small, and do not like to take the initiative, just too lazy to waste time with people who do not like.

5, in the view of the Taurus, falling in love takes time and money, a person is poor enough, and then - an object, dare not think.

6, Taurus: "So it's not fragrant to be single?" Why do you have to suffer the sin of love!

7, single is simply too cool, you can follow your own heart, according to the rhythm of their own life.

8, Taurus single for a long time will be addicted to it, more and more attention to their own feelings, more and more attention to family and friendship.

9, the love is also more and more picky, for the Taurus, the ultimate heartbeat is limited.

10, if you still have to ask taurus why he is single, he will smile slightly and answer you: Wise people never fall in love.

11, Taurus has a high single rate, in fact, it is not because they do not expect to fall in love, do not expect to meet the person who can spend the rest of their lives with themselves.

12, just because they are not willing to force themselves on the matter of feelings, do not regard feelings as a task that they must complete.

13, the cows themselves are relatively slow and hot, more wooden personality, even if they meet the people they like they are difficult to take the initiative, everything pays attention to natural.

14, they are also very clear that their attitude will often let their original fate sneak away. But they still don't want to force it, because they know that in this matter, only by going with the flow can they reap the simplest, but also the purest happiness. So, instead of being in a hurry, be patient and wait. When you are better, when you are ready, happiness will eventually fall on you.

15, Taurus people are very Buddhist for feelings, slow heat, passive, and it takes a long period of investigation to treat a relationship before deciding whether to accept it. Once the other person is accepted and identified, there is a beginning and an end.

16, as the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. Not to mention the need for a long period of investigation of feelings, it is difficult to encounter a relationship alone. Although taurus is not as homely as Cancer, its personality is too dull and low-key. They don't like to socialize, like to be a little transparent in the crowd, and just want to "wait for the rabbit" and wait for love to come.

17, it is not easy to come to a like, and do not know how to confess, will only put in the heart secretly like. It is often said that the first hand is strong, and the second hand suffers, and some people put it and disappear. If you are lucky enough to wait for love, but also love the cold war, temper is more stubborn than a cow, cold and cold and cold... The Golden Bull who is in love with the Whole Buddhist System has the last stubbornness: What is the love, is the snack not delicious?

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