
Zodiac people with career development and financial fortune double harvest

Author/Numerologist Sunshine

Zodiac people with career development and financial fortune double harvest

Female, born at nearly 4:00 p.m. on November 22, 1996, currently engaged in accounting work, unmarried, understanding career development and financial fortune.

Four-pillar plate: Kunzao, Nianzhu Chengzi, Moon Pillar Hehai, Sun Pillar 癸海, Shizhu Gengshen. Dayun: Peng Shu, Ding You, Bing Shen, Yi Wei, Jia Wu, 癸巳.

Decanter aquatic sea moon to help the great, Gengshen Jin and Hai, Hai, sub-aquatic to help decoction water, their own soil and C fire drain the power of decanting water, decanter water is strong. Love fire and earth, avoid gold and water, wood has joy and sorrow, and time is not conducive to marriage and career.

The power of the Japanese lord is more prosperous, with the financial star official star as the god, it will make the future personality of the japanese lord slowly calm and old, as he grows older, he lacks verbal communication with his parents, and his troubles do not go well with himself, and he will not let his parents worry, and he will become more and more responsible.

The official star can play a role in restraining and restraining, so that the Lord of the Day has good thoughts, is good at transferring and sharing pressure, and generally does not have a direct conflict with people. Strong, slightly strong personality, everything is positive, the right things will have a beginning and an end, and the results will be good. However, sometimes the personality is more stubborn, the work is extreme, and it is easy to offend people, which will inevitably affect the career work.

Zodiac people with career development and financial fortune double harvest

Career fortune analysis: C fire is the financial star, the own soil is the official star, gengjin is the printing star, the financial officer in the bureau is printed three times, plus the body is prosperous to use the financial star and the official star as the god, indicating that there will be fixed work, using technology or personal work ability to earn money. This pattern, in the future life of the work seriously and actively, for the world is sleek enough, do not do their duty, can be trusted and reused by the superiors.

In the year of the ugly year of 2021, the Japanese lord took the propylade, and the water bureau of the flowing year was jealous of the god for the japanese lord to hang the fortune and burn the star, dragging down the foundation of the development of the japanese lord's cause. This year, the relationship between the Japanese lord and his superiors is not close enough, the work is not smooth and there are many obstacles, the performance is mediocre, and we must pay attention to the matter of breaking the money during the year.

In 2022, the year of Nong Yin and the year of 2023, the year of Yin Yin Mu Sheng helped the two fire and wealth stars to use the gods, attracting the heavenly yi nobles and increasing the strength of the development of the cause of the Lord. In the past two years, the Owner of Japan will re-harmonize communication with leaders and colleagues, be able to work stably and perform well, increase income, and get some bonuses.

In 2024, the year of Jia Chen, the year of 2025, the year of C Noon in 2026, and the year of Ding Wei in 2027, the year of Jiayi Musheng helped Ding Wei to help Ding Wei Noon Fire Fortune Star, attracting Fortune Star nobles and increasing the power of Fortune Star and Japanese Lord. In these four years, the Owner of Japan can get the support of nobles, will exert his potential, do his job well, and successfully obtain income.

The year of PengShen in 2028, the year of hexability in 2029, the year of Gengshu in 2030, the year of Shen youhem and the year of pentahexyl, neither help nor produce destructive power. In recent years, the career development has been relatively normal, and it will work normally in the original position.

Zodiac people with career development and financial fortune double harvest

In 2031, the Great Luck of the Great Fortune, the Great Luck of the Earth Official Star, brought the Lord of the Day into the land of good fortune. In this luck, the Japanese main job is stable, and the title will be obtained in a good flow year, and the income will slowly increase with development. Good years of business fortune: 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, bad years: 2031, 2032, other years of normal years.

In 2041, the Great Luck of the First And the Great Luck of the First And the Great Luck of the United Earth Bureau competed with the Noon Fire Official Star, which attracted taiji nobles to stabilize the money and income of the Japanese lord. This luck is hard work, and the income of money such as salary and bonus is better, so that the Japanese lord can accumulate a lot of money. Good years: 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, bad years: 2041, 2042, other years of normal years.

In 2051, this luck has entered the old age life after the age of 60, the Japanese lord retired from work, and the twilight stage of life is happy.

In summary, from 2022 to 2027 and from 2036 to 2039, the career will be smooth and financial. Conditioning methods: Mostly cooperate with people who belong to cattle, monkeys, dragons and pigs, and are not suitable for development in the west and north of the place of birth. Usually wear as little gold and silver jewelry as possible, fish farming and planting flowers and grass Yaxing should also be eliminated as soon as possible, wear more yellow, earth, brown, coffee, red, purple clothes.

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