
Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

Author | anonymous

Source | Internet

How terrible is the power of brainwashing?

It enables a person of normal intelligence to crawl in the boundless darkness for a long time.

Indian "sycophant" vulgarity

Since ancient times, india has had an ugly custom called "Shati".

Indians at that time believed that a woman who was martyred could go to heaven. The martyrs are dressed in the full dress they were brides, sit on a pyre, and then light a fire and burn it with their dead husbands.

In other words, when your husband dies, you have to jump into the pit of fire and burn yourself alive.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

It is great and holy to do so. In India, women have burned themselves every day since ancient times.

Since the indian woman was born, the education she received from childhood was that when her husband died, the woman had to burn herself alive, which was a glorious obligation as an Indian woman.

No one doubted the matter until 1829.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

In 1829, the British colonists issued a decree prohibiting the barbaric and ugly old custom of "sauviging".

However, do you know what happened next?

The next scene surprised the British colonists.

A large number of Indian women took to the streets to protest against the British colonists, saying: "We Indian women have burned ourselves and martyred since ancient times, this is our sacred freedom and right!" ”

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

I don't want you to save me, I just like to self-immolate, this is the power of brainwashing.

So, when did the cruel custom of "Shanti" be abolished?

It wasn't until 1987 that India began to wake up.

People of insight have grasped the legislative power, promulgated new laws, and strictly prohibited the evil customs of "mentioning".

(The term "strictly prohibited" here refers to legislation denying the obligation of Indian women to commit suicide and forbade anyone to force a woman to self-immolate her martyrdom.)

As for a woman who voluntarily commits suicide and is martyred on a personal occasion, it is still a personal freedom, and the law does not interfere. )

Chinese foot-binding is a vicious custom

Beginning at the end of the five dynasties in China, every Chinese woman was born and told by her elders:

Foot wrapping is right, not foot wrapping is not right.

It is said that this perverted hobby came from Li Yu, the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, on the grounds that he thought that women's small feet were very sexy, and then it has been passed down and has become a bad habit in the Han tradition.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

After the Rulers of the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, they were surprised to find that Han Women actually had to wrap their feet.

They had just entered the customs and did not learn this perverted bad taste of the Han people, so the Qing court issued a law prohibiting foot binding.

However, it was strongly resisted by the people, so the Qing government also felt that more was better than less, and then this ban was gone, and even the custom of foot binding spread to some Manchu boudoirs.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

It was not until the early years of the Republic of China that the idea that women needed to wrap their feet was gradually widely disseminated. But until the republic of China for more than a thousand years, except for the Qing court, which was killing wildly during the customs entry process, there was no Chinese prohibition of foot binding.

Including mothers who wrapped their daughters in foot-wrapping cloths with their own hands, if you resisted foot-binding, your mother would scold you and beat you.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

For the sake of a false belief, the mother, who endures to hurt her own biological daughter, is the power of brainwashing.

Germany annexed the Czech Republic in order to keep the peace

When Germany annexed the Czech Sudetenland in 1938, the Czech Republic was in a even more bleak situation than in today's Ukraine.

Not only did the Germans not bird him, but even the British and French, who claimed to be "on the side of the Czechs," did not bird him. Czech diplomats didn't even know what was written in the Munich Agreement.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

When China and Britain signed the Treaty of Nanking, the British also let the Qing government know what was ceded, and the Czech representative did not even have this right, and he could not figure out which areas his country specifically wanted to cede.

Fortunately, it is useless to know. In any case, less than a year later, the whole of the Czech Republic was "ceded".

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

After occupying all of Czechoslovakia, Hitler's appetite grew, and on September 1, 1939, he blitzed Poland.

This time the excuse was that the Polish army was "provocative" on the border, so the Germans had to cross the border to stop this "invasion" and "maintain peace on the eastern border".

Such a genius logic, I really don't know how they came up with it.

But there is no voice of doubt in Germany.

Those who dare to question, who can question, who will question, have either already run to other countries or have squatted in concentration camps.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

What about the remaining Germans? They were all chanting "all hail Hitler."

In fact, from the beginning of the annexation of Austria, they shouted for the German trial of the Communist Reichstag for arson, for sending the Jews to make soap, and even went to the front for their German fatherdom, a cry that continued until the Soviets captured the Reichstag.

They were all brainwashed by Hitler, and throughout the history of Nazi Germany, the populace was engulfed in a frenzy, could not hear another voice, and was only delusional about going from one victory to another.

Japan's pretext for invading China

At that time, Japan was similar to Nazi Germany.

Their logic has always been that there are difficulties to go up, and there are no difficulties to create difficulties.

For example, in the "July 7 Incident", the Japanese excuse was that "a Japanese soldier disappeared in Wanping City", but when they occupied Wanping City, they did not spend a minute to find this soldier.

The Japanese people do not care about this at all.

In fact, they don't know anything, they just believe that Japan is surrounded by the "ABCD encirclement", that Japan is the victim, and that Japan is waging a just war.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

If you look at Japanese newspapers from 1937 to 1945, you'll be amazed that what the Japanese printed in their newspapers was that Japan was the victim.

In the past eight years, the most printed words in Japanese newspapers have been "British and American ghost animals, severe punishment of violent branches", and they have blamed all war crimes on China and other countries.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

In Japanese propaganda at that time, "the war was provoked by the Chinese, the resources were snatched away by the British and American ghost animals, Japan's limited resources could not feed 100 million Japanese, And Japan was facing the crisis of national subjugation every day, and if it was not fought, Britain and the United States would invade the Gulf of Tonkin." ”

The Japanese people at that time were also brainwashed, and most of them could only hear the only voice propaganda of the Japanese official.

This is also a review of Japan's World War II history, you will find that after Nanjing was captured by the Japanese army, the people of Tokyo marched with lanterns to celebrate the occupation of Nanjing, and Japanese women even committed suicide, just so that their husbands on the front line did not worry about themselves.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

Isn't there even a man who understands the war of aggression? Not really. But some of those people had better luck and were locked up, and some had bad luck and were assassinated.

Of course, the word "assassination" is not used very accurately.

Many people are actually "killed", and sometimes the murderer kills people in broad daylight, runs to the Metropolitan Police Department to turn himself in, and righteously and sternly says that he is "removing adultery for the country".

When Prime Minister Inuyasha, who advocated a peaceful settlement of the "918 Incident," was assassinated, more than 200,000 Japanese citizens asked for the murderer's life according to blood handprints, shouting that Inuyasha was a traitor and seeks glory on this day, and he should have died a long time ago.

Terrible Brainwashing: Four Classic Stories of India, China, Germany, and Japan

Such a country, you still want to reason with him?

How terrible is the power of brainwashing, it can make a person of normal intelligence crawl in the endless darkness for a long time, but until death, he does not know that the truth of his faith since childhood is nothing more than a deception.

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