
A precursor to Leonard's comeback? Clippers officials posted small card training photos, looking like Beverly

On December 25, Beijing time, the Clippers officially posted a set of Leonard training photos, and the Clippers fans' mood of expecting Leonard's comeback was also very strong.

A precursor to Leonard's comeback? Clippers officials posted small card training photos, looking like Beverly

Last season, Leonard underwent surgery for direct season reimbursement due to an injury to the cruciate ligament, and is still in the recuperation stage. The Clippers have a 17-15 record so far this season, ranking fifth in the West, and it is truly remarkable that the Clippers can achieve such an achievement in the absence of Leonard.

A precursor to Leonard's comeback? Clippers officials posted small card training photos, looking like Beverly

This season, the Clippers are also more dependent on Paul George, who has become the new boss of the Clippers and led the Clippers to such a record. But Paul George also desperately needs Leonard's return, and at that time Paul George can also relieve his pressure on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends, and the Clippers' record can be further improved.

A precursor to Leonard's comeback? Clippers officials posted small card training photos, looking like Beverly

Judging from the clippers' official photos, Leonard's recovery is also quite good, only to see Leonard wearing a white T-shirt, wearing blue plaid pattern sweatpants on the lower body, with test instruments tied to his legs, holding sports iron balls and cylindrical sports equipment in his hands, and the whole person's mental state is very good.

A precursor to Leonard's comeback? Clippers officials posted small card training photos, looking like Beverly

However, Leonard with long hair is somewhat similar to Beverley, fans joke that they still think That Beverley has returned to the Clippers, Leonard is sweating and training, it is estimated that it is not far from the comeback, which may be a precursor to Leonard's comeback.

A precursor to Leonard's comeback? Clippers officials posted small card training photos, looking like Beverly

Leonard had also been praised by Jerry West, who said that Leonard had performed great and that he had never seen anyone as hard as Leonard. Judging by Leonard's performance, it is as if he did not have that operation, and it seems that Leonard's recovery is indeed very optimistic.

A precursor to Leonard's comeback? Clippers officials posted small card training photos, looking like Beverly

If the Clippers can move forward steadily, then wait until Leonard returns to the playoffs, the Clippers are still a strong contender for the championship, just hope that Leonard's comeback can come sooner.

A precursor to Leonard's comeback? Clippers officials posted small card training photos, looking like Beverly

Do you think the Clippers are expected to rush out of the West?

【 Some of the pictures come from the network, please contact to delete, the whole network ID: ball-holding attackers, unauthorized plagiarists will be investigated for legal responsibility 】

(Text/Ball-Carrying Attacker)

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